Zat German's Halo: Reach - Foam Armor Build WIP

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looking quite excellent Zat! for some tips, tape large flat surfaces together from the pep, then cut it our on the foam, and for some angles and such, use a piece for the full length and on the bottom, cut a notch out so you can just bend it together to glue rather than having exposed seams if you get what i mean
Thanks. Your build thread looks great!

I am probably going to start over on this one. It is a bit too big for me and I have learned a lot of new methods and have new tools since the last time I worked on it. My foam layout file in Pepakura actually has a number of parts set up in the fashion you describe. The next time I am going to lay out as much flat stuff as I can and then plot the templates out on our big 36" plotter at work. Right now I am limited to 8.5" x 14", which is still a lot nicer than 8.5" x 11" but still quite limited in what I can do.
ah, excellent, i really need to make templates, darnit. guess ill just have to build a new chest and go from there.
kinda there not really, but i mean my detailed work and undersuit parts and such, gonna take a lot of time
Oh, I see. I was kind of confused about why you would be starting over on stuff like your chest when it already looks good! :D

I spent a few minutes and re-pepped my foam layout template for a 36"x24" sheet. This is the front and back of the chest, only thing missing is the side parts and the top "turtle neck":



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