Emile Build

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Well I decided to redo the shoulder piece and I think it came out much better. Seam is nearly invisible. Just needs a bit of sanding to clean up a spot or two.

I also started on the biceps.


I hope I can get this done. I’ve seen some really nice versions out if foam.
Ok had a few minutes to myself last night and assembled the last of the bicep pieces. I knew from the start that the sizing was a bit off and I would have to do this over. At least I didn't waste too much time and material on this but it was a definitely a learning experience and a bit of a wake up call. I haven't done small foam cutting in a while and I need practice if I want this to come out even better than this but I will say one thing: The templates by EVAkura are pretty dam accurate and w/ the slightest bit of adjustment, probably due to my rusty cutting skills, everything fit like it was so posed to. So KUDOS for these excellent templates EVAkura. I just wish they weren't on 4shared.......I hate that sight. Too much spywear garbage on there.


So back to the cutting board I go.
WOW it's been a while.......I have a ton of things on my plate right now but I promised my son that his suit would take precedence. That being said, I have just a few details to put on to the bicep pieces, but the main thing I need to do is cut out an inch or so. Its a bit roomy on his arms but the length is correct??? I guess that blender would have helped but I'm clueless on how to work the program.....not that I really gave it a try, but it's on the bucket list.

Any way, in the mean time, I was working on the shins while I was working on 4 other projects, (minimally).....and made a total mess out of it. I couldn't focus on this many projects and RL at the same time....so I had to drop some items and refocus. Lets take a look boys and girls:

So here is my test piece.......the fit is good w/ a little room to grow. I like to build the piece first so I can see what should go where when I foam it.

Now this is the disastrous result of my first attempt: Nothing fit......angels were all wrong, nothing lined up correctly, massive gaps in my seams, and my straight lines are all over the place. Yeah I might have been drinking at the time of that last point.....I don't remember.


So I had to do a lot of thinking and re-planing of how to go about this piece. Instead of multiple pieces.....I templated out 1 large piece and a lot of under-cuts to shape the piece.....


So the main upper portion of the shin is only 2 pieces, the lower is 2 pieces and the sides are 2 pieces. And now the new piece looks like this:


Much happier w/ the way this came out!!!! A little sanding needed here and there, but overall, 100% improvement over attempt #1. Still have a few issues w/ this, but will be corrected on the 2nd shin. After these, I'l make a go at the boots. And I made the decision to redo the helmet....If I held the helmet in place, my son could turn his head all the way around. So again, I prove my inability to size a helmet correctly. God I suck at helmets!!!
So a few months later and a new helmet peped........I have the first coat of resin on it:



A much improved size. Enough room for padding and fan. Looking forward to getting this beast done!!!! The plan remains the same w/ the visor. Once hardened, I plan on back-filling it w/ cement or dental stone so I can literally "melt" the plexi glass down into the crevasse. I watched a YouTube video by Punished Props about a plastic that is pretty thin, like 1/8 of an inch, but doesn't form bubbles. Got to get me some of this as it should work nicely w/ a heat gun. I really should build myself a vacuum form table. It would be so much easier....but time consuming to build. I just don't have that "duplication stick" like Bill Doran does........I would duplicate my paycheck!!!! Again thank you to Satchmo III for the unfold! This has been a great pain in the buttocks!!!!
Ok, fast forward a few months and several home projects taking up all my free time, I finally got back to this build. Finished up with the shin and it’s twin, the left one!!!

Next up will be the boots. I have the template already done and I made my reference model


And if you’re thinking to yourself “ hey Dirtdives, (which is a funny thing to be thinking to yourself) that boot looks awfully big”. Well it is. You can see by the cutting board’s measurements that it is nearly 14 inches long. Well since I started this little project, my son has grown a bit. He is now a whopping 6’4” with a few more inches to go and is size 14 sneakers. His big toes have their own postal zip code. As as he is unwilling to ruin any of his precious footwear, this will just be an overlay over one of his gigantic pairs of sneakers.

But the biggest boost to the build was provided by TurboCharizard


A 3D printed HALO Reach M45 Tactical Shotgun!!! He sent it to me a while back and I finally got around to assembling it. It took me a while to sand down certain areas and cut away the excess but what took the most time.....finding the right adhesive. I tried a few things but they kept on popping apart when put under a bit of pressure. Till I finally found one that really fit the bill.


JB Weld Plastic Bonder. This stuff is awesome. It mixes well, there is no heavy odor, has a 3770 psi strength and the best of all......a re-sealable cap!!!! I have not seen this with any other 2 part adhesive. I opened one a few days ago and used it 2 times since then on separate occasions and no issues. This stuff is really good. I’m not ready to do any drop testing but it’s held up nicely to accidental drops.

As soon as the con season is over, I’ll be able to invest more time to this. God help me if he grows any taller. Nothing will fit him then!!!!
Well first of all great work so far. Really don't know how I missed this thread. Second of all...let him grow... Real size Spartan!
Thanks.......but please.......enough w/ the growing.......he is almost at the limit to the doorway of his room......my house is so weird, 9+ foot ceilings and a few inches shy of 7 feet doorways? Another 3-4 inches of growth and I'll have to break the doorways open so he can walk around w/o hitting his head.

For some people it's not a problem.....right PaiganBoi?
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Hey guys it’s update time from that dirt guy!!!
Finally started on the chest piece....I’m kind of nervous about this as I know that this piece is visually distinctive and if I mess it up.....it’s just going to be blaring. So far it looks good. Had the boy try it on and at least the neck width is good as well as chest. so I continued.

So at this point I’m a bit confused. There is still another piece that attaches to the bottom that continues that run, but I don’t have a corresponding piece that attaches to the back of the shoulder section.
I believe that it is 1 of 3 things:
1) it’s part of the “over the shoulder” section
2) it’s part of the side vent section (it’s just too small to fill the gap)
3) I miss labeled the templates and corresponding foam cut sections and glued stuff where it didn’t belong.

and just thinking about it now there is always the possibility that I either didn’t cut the template out yet or accidentally threw it out. But regardless of that, it fits my son perfectly!!!! So I’m going to continue as if things are going to work out.

There are parts that need some heating up and putting in to place since I didn’t do so prior to assembly but most things fell into place relatively easy. I will have to go back and check who did the unfold and foam aspects to give them credit. This is a beautiful set of templates. I have a deadline I want to make for late September ...and since its leap year, I have an extra day!!!! That is going to make all the difference!!!! Got a lot of work cut out for me....I’m insane! Only 1/2 his armor is done and I still have to finish the helmet....but somehow I will get it done!!!!
You're holding that piece in about the right place, Dirtdives. I'm not sure what's causing the problem, though. When I get home I'll snag a picture of my reach suit and send it to ya.
It’s not that it’s causing a problem.... I just can’t find the corresponding piece that would attach to right above it.

Yeah this is off my old suit from like 2 years ago, believe its these
View attachment 284284

ok so the piece I’m holding is that piece on the lower right hand. The piece I can’t find is the lighter shades piece right above it. That is my problem. I’m just hoping that I didn’t mislabel my templates.
Ohhhh, I see, how the heck did you do that? I can get a side pic of mine to see how much is missing for ya.

That's what I'm saying!!!! I just don't know.....I'll have to connect everything and then splice in a filler piece......Thought I was going mad!!

Leave it to dirt to keep dabbing long enough that a 3 year old thread is still alive.

I would hate to see the rings in your bathtub.

The fact that I DON'T have rings in my bathtub is indicative of why the thread is 3 years old......I keep my house in order.....my builds are like Heinz Ketchup......anticipation.

View attachment 284253
I believe that it is 1 of 3 things:
1) it’s part of the “over the shoulder” section
2) it’s part of the side vent section (it’s just too small to fill the gap)
3) I miss labeled the templates and corresponding foam cut sections and glued stuff where it didn’t belong.

and just thinking about it now there is always the possibility that I either didn’t cut the template out yet or accidentally threw it out. But regardless of that, it fits my son perfectly!!!! So I’m going to continue as if things are going to work out.
I'm pretty sure that's the panel with the white lights that's between the backpack and the big clips of the underarm.
Also, you can see a bit of the spine underneath the Armour Ability which connects to the lower panel of the back.
I'm pretty sure that's the panel with the white lights that's between the backpack and the big clips of the underarm.
View attachment 284314
Also, you can see a bit of the spine underneath the Armour Ability which connects to the lower panel of the back.
I never noticed on your build you put the ability pack in. Noice.
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