Reach Noble-6 armor

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ok cool i am going with the green =D thanks for the help guys, btw i just started the Emile right shoulder and i was going to post pics 2 days ago but i kept forgetting and plus today i didn't get any progress, but hopefully i will post pics of what i have so far tomorrow :)
here is that update =D


that is currently all i have but i will have more done next week =D
Definitely awesome work dude, and definitely go with the green!! lol same color I'm usin for my Hazop build! lol
kind of a small update but i think i have a new color scheme and maybe a new scheme for armor, check it out

Hahaha you've changed your mind on the color scheme like, 4 times! But out of all of them the blue and the red are my favorites.-And red always looks really good :)
Hahaha you've changed your mind on the color scheme like, 4 times! But out of all of them the blue and the red are my favorites.-And red always looks really good :)
aha, I wasn't gonna mention that one. lol still looks good though dude! keep it up!!
The color schemes look good, i am not sure how it would look, but how bout mixing all the cool color schemes you have come up with and make it a custom paint job to your suit?? :)
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