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  • OMG!!! haha We weight about the same too! lol Well, since we are close to the same height and weight, hopefully whatever measurements you got for your chestplate should be good for me too. :D
    so now ive comleted the fore arm i think its like 1in small but i can get away wiith that i just need to buy resin and need a trick to keep it from warping any tips?
    haha i know the feeling! it is very overwhelming but everyone here is very helpful and theres TONS of info EVERYWHERE so i definitely feel better about being a beginner :)

    im really excited to see how your kat robo arm turns out! i was thinking of doing a kat build myself (in the future of course hehe one thing at a time) and it'll be great to see how you put it altogether.
    nah ive started plain paper fore arm gana be hard to keep shape if i resin but ill try do you know how to keep paper from warping like plain paper?
    Hey I saw your Topic on Halo waypoint today. Thats so awesome. I hope I do Somthing Epic enough to get on a site or somthing. But congrats! haha
    Hey, I noticed you said that you were 175cm tall right? That comes out to be 68.9 inches so pretty much 69 inches. I am 64 inches so you're not much taller than me. :p

    I wanted to know what you scaled that chestplate at. You can just give me one of the measurements. :) Since we are close in height and that chestplate seems to fit you well, it might make it easier for me to work off the size that you used so that I don't have to make it about 3-5 times to get the right size! XD Also, if you could tell me about how much you weigh, that would help too. We actually look to be about the same size though.

    However, us girls have a little "extra" that the guys don't have and that makes the chestplate sometimes difficult to work with. XD lol I know I had an issue with my MK VI chestplate since I was having issues trying to get my "girls" into place. LOL
    WEEWWWWTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 ENGLAND!!!!! lol.... and yes, I am correcting your grammar. I can wish to be from a better place, but.... *sigh*.... lol... well, anyways, RECON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol... I don't really know what to say so buh bye ! lol
    Oh, also, my buddyz birthday is September 16, so in honour of his Unggoy obsession, I am making him an awesome gift:

    GRUNT ARMOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hey acenat i was looking through your mc thread and it looks AWESOME! just wanted to let you know you're an inspiration to the rest of us. keep up the great work and ill definitely be keeping track of your kat build
    Yeah. Well. You hope my Recon goes *well*. Sorry. Had to do it. And anyway, I JUST JUST JUST finished my Recon shoulder!!!! wewt wewt!!!!!!!!! As I speak (or type, lol) my pics are being uploaded to Photobucket. I hate photo bucket. It takes forever, and it sucks anyways. Anyway, it's fine that you posted what you did. I honestly meant it as a joke, but.... I guess you can't read sarcasm, huh? lol. And, I didn't realize that's why he liked them. In my opinion, there's nothing better than a Spartan. But that's cool....
    you are doing an awesome job with your armors, Im impressed.. I think that better than mee jaja, see ya
    This link has quite a few good shots. Especially of the robo arm. It contains ALL the robo arm shots that I got. It also has some pretty good elbow shots of it, underside and just a lot of good shots overall. :)


    There is 2 pages worth of reference shots and those should help quite a bit. :)
    yeah, THE ARMOR LOOKING GREAT! sad part is i can't go on live for a while after i get it which puts a damper on my machinimating :(
    You don't have any reference pics? I have TONS of reference pics for her robo arm! :O I'm surprised you didn't ask me to see if I had any. After the beta, I went CRAZY on getting reference pics for the female armor! XD haha

    I think on your robo arm, something needs to be added to it and I can't really model so I don't think I would be able to do it. I can get you the reference pics I have and then maybe you can try modeling it again. :p haha
    For that Kat's robo arm you got, where can I find that file to DL? :p Also, I was looking at your thread and it appears that you have put the robo arm on your left arm..............you DO know that robo arm is her right arm, right? lol
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always learning.. everyday.. thanks to the 405th

anything artistic, oh and xbox gaming..
Jan 20, 1990 (Age: 35)
Western Australia. Perth
Game Store Assistant


my kat thread!:http://www.405th.com/showthread.php...ander-Catherine-B320-AceNat-s-build-PIC-HEAVY
it is a continued project! just having a break..