Reaction score

  • hey, ive made an update, hope you like it.
    how is your work going? did you repair the forearm?
    It went great. My first time using 320. I can't wait to get it done! This whole life thing takes up to much time to where I can't work on it as much as i would like.
    Yeah, I am going to pretty much scratch buildit around my arm so that it is a nice, custom fit and fits pretty tight to keep my arm looking small. I am going to try and get my husband to bring me home some actual metal pieces to really add to the effect. :p I'm also thinking about MAYBE using some very strong velcro so that I can wrap it around my arm and strap it on using the velcro. That is my plan anyway, not sure what is going to work or how it's gonna look when and IF I get done. :(
    meh, I'm good... just got done running a 5K and feel like my legs are falling off lol

    I'm trying to think what I'm gonna do for Halloween this year seeing as I wont have a suit ready in time... Thinking I might go with Dr. Horrible :D Already working on a rough version of the freeze ray... lol
    No, that was just Ruze's original forearm model. If you want the one I edited, here it is:


    As for my build, it is going VERY SLOOOOOWWWWW. I started to build the forearm already and I'm just glad I only need to build one! XD haha I plan on doing the prosthetic arm. Most likely going to build it from scratch using the awesome reference pics I have of the arm. :p

    Also if I'm lucky Charlieiscool is HOPEFULLY cutting out the torso pieces for me with his craftrobo. I sent him the file the other day. I just need to check my e-mail to see if he has an update for me. :)
    I don't know how you got the forearm I edited because I haven't posted it yet. o_O

    I want to make sure it's okay with Ruze before I do that. XD
    Yo! I got some more news for ya! haha

    Ruze789 recently released a VERY nice forearm model. Looks A LOT like the live action version, I tweaked it a bit to make it match a little more like the live action and it's a very nice model. I also changed the width of it since us chics don't have such large forearms like the guys do. :p haha

    Not sure if you made the forearms yet, but if not, I got these for ya! Just let me know. :)
    thanks abunch :D
    I will do the security shoulders to go with it. But unfortunately there is not a security armor permutation :( But I really like the busa armor, o that what I will make to go with it. Your suit really looks awesome though.
    The chest has been unfolded and I placed a link for it in TheDigitalFix's thread.

    As for the shins, they have been edited again, I have yet to build one though. I have attempted 2 builds of the shins and both times the width was too small. The height is perfect, but since it was so tight on my leg and there would be no way for me to wear something under it! D: I have been editing it to be wider, but not too wide to wear it looked goofy. I haven't unfolded it yet, but I will be getting to it since I just did a left and right thigh last night. :p
    OMG!!! Guess what!??!?!! I have a new, edited version of Kat's torso. I just edited the file by my friend, TheDigitalFix and I have TWO versions..........one without the added neck collar thing and one with it. :) I still need to add support brackets to the one without, but I am also still working on adding the neck collar to the one. It should be done soon. :p
    Even though I lost all that work I did, I just went ahead and redid it. I think it came out better this time anyway. :p I used both in game and the live action as reference to edit it. I have already tried to build the thing TWICE and the height was always perfect, but the width was way too small. It was so tight that there would be no way to wear something under it.
    Its going great! About to hop out into the garage to fiberglass the mother mold. I'm sure you will get looks of lookers when walking around in the suit. Probably some picture requests as well :D

    Thanks by the way. I also have never seen one. So naturally, it being my favorite helmet and all and no one else ever attempting to make it. That's exactly what i did. :)
    Btw you need to stop trying to bulk up your dog with bondo :p jk. Nice work on the suit though, it looks awesome. Are you going wear it to the midnight Reach release?
    I was leaving for work and since I didn't want to leave Blender open, I just quickly saved the shin I was editing, but after I closed it, I realized that I saved it wrong and I just lost ALL my work!!!! :( It won't load in Blender anymore!!! D: :(
    Hey whats up. Man you up late. I though I was the only one on right now. Lol Hows your build coming along?
    Of course I have reference shots of the back of the female shin. :D I took TONS of pictures from the beta and was able to get all my female references. TheDigitalFix was able to model that shin the way he did because I got him all the reference shots. :p
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always learning.. everyday.. thanks to the 405th

anything artistic, oh and xbox gaming..
Jan 20, 1990 (Age: 35)
Western Australia. Perth
Game Store Assistant


my kat thread!:http://www.405th.com/showthread.php...ander-Catherine-B320-AceNat-s-build-PIC-HEAVY
it is a continued project! just having a break..