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  • Maybe... It depends on how big of a project it ends up being. But I want to unfold the helmet either way!
    I need some good pics of the Elite Officer armor, concussion rifle, and Type-51 Directed Energy Rifle/ Improved. I already sent pics to Rhinoc, but it would be good to know where some more are in case the ones I got aren't good enough.
    I really want some Sangheili Officer armor, so I asked rhinoc if he could make some (3d models) for me. He said he'll start soon! :D
    I'm gonna polish up some of my articles on Halo Fanon. If you need me, you can contact me by posting on my User Talk Page there.
    Why poor them? Cardboard is pure fiber!
    The internet connection on my dad's Ipad crashed, so I couldn't come on here late last night. Any way It's fine if you make mine after yours, I don't mind.
    Good luck!
    My pepakura AR turned out like s***. But maybe that's because of my hands. Or the fact that I didn't use cardstock...
    No, it's no problem. My work isn't the best anyway. Probably because my ADHD causes an eternal tremor in both my hands.
    I can build the basis of of the gun using my wood and cardboard technique, send it to you, and you can modify it from there however you like. The only problem is that I'm out of dowels and I still need to add on the barrel, and my family is currently completely dead broke right now, so I have no idea where I'm gonna get some more. But I'll figure it out.
    Scratch-builds are easier... If you can find parts. I'm nearly finished with my scratch-built MA5B, it just needs a barrel and some paint. It's not at all very detailed though. But I don't mind. I started it before I joined this site. I could see if I could make a weapon for you, free of charge! I just enjoy making things.
    Always a pleasure!
    I'll keep working on that HAZOPs helm for now, maybe start unfolding some of SJSUSPARTAN's other models. Speaking of that, did he make a Jun helm? No one seems to have gotten that helmet quite right. I'll go check.
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