0235's ODST

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pep progress.
i got both shoulderss / upper arms done and the left lower arm, so here are sme pics. the shoulders and the lower arrm was really fun and easy to pep. nice and simple.


in other news, i also added a bit more detail into the torso bit, so it looks alot nicer now


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hyper space update, i have both gauntlets done, and just printed of the left thigh. uni work is bogging me down (which also involves alot of pepping) no point in pics, becasue just look at the previous pic, and imagen that but with another gantlet mirrored in.
well, somthing to update

the pepped right thigh and both gauntlets. the thigh was a very very nice and easy pep to do


as you can see, i have only done a part of it because the inside bit i am going to EVA foam (like on my Spartan EOD build (link below (in my signature)))

lol. i brought it (and it came from the states AND there was tax) so it was EXPENSIVE!!!!!! i didnt buy a magnum withit because im a cheap and stingy git.
odly enough, it is now illegal to buy lasers in the UK, and i have none, though i was never planning to make the laser work in the first place
i think it is made from smoothcast300, and has picked up every detail.
not much has changed since last time, i have cut out everything for the other thigh, and i decided to get a dremel out on my lovely SMG which, thank whoever, turned out very well



as you can see, it turned out ok, and i did it all from eye (well, the dots that i drew earlier).

also i did a bit more sanding on it, and have glued some pieces in place, though some are still loose.

i have also been pouring over images of ODST's and SMG's to see what can be done, and there is a great variety out there.
on a side note, i think that i have made the under "soft" chest piece a bit too big, or wide, so i might have to mod that a bit, but ill se how everything else goes first


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well. the summer is almost here, so I need to get down and finish my pepping, and hopefuly this time i will get it done in time, not wait for winter to start making it.
in other news i have got my friend hooked on foam armour makin, unfortunately he is going to make an ME2 M8 and a nice set of N7 armour, so i may post some pics of him (yay! a friend to make armour with, no more boredom!)
the oddest thing happened to me today, someone aproached me at uni and said "your the guy with the armour, how would you like to make a robot costume for a short film im making".
i said yess, and still wondering if it was a good or bad choice
ok, well how about an update!
after realising that summer was close, (such as having to dring excessive amounts of water becuase it was too hot) i realised that i still had some pep work to do so i could get on with the resin when it gets really hot.
so i got the shins and knee caps done, which i have to say, i dont think i have ever speont so long on a pep, each one took me 3 days, though they went together beautifuly, with ony a few odd adjustments.

i also made a rarther revolutionary chice t ogive rondo a try. i hated fibreglass, it made be itch, and took forever, and i belive that i have enough vids and turorials nder my belt to give it a try, so i brough a 4.5L tub of car body filler, for a stupidly low price. to my amazement, i looked on the back of it and it said "made in Wellingborough" which is where i live. so not only do i live about 5 miles away from a resin and fibrglass factory, i live less tha na mile away from a car body filler factory.
I wonder if they do free top ups like at all you can eat resturaunts XD.

next step is the helm. i have been thingking alot about this, as previously Hughs helm was a it of a problem, because fibreglassing it would have been a nightmare, but in the end i decided to pick it becasue it would work well with the rondo.

hopefuly i can get a pic with me wearing it all next, hopefully...


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Yay, 80% ODST helm, wooo.

but, there are problems.
1) i have run out of mini clip thingys
2) i may have made the helm the same size of my head, therefore it is too small.

here it is, looking very nice, and the clips




this is a bit of photoshop (duh) to overlay it over my head. as you can see, its practicaly the same size. any hints on how much bigger i should make it? or do you think that that is realistic?


the other problem is that, because of the clips, i cant put it on to see if it does fit well enough, not to menting RONDO for the inside

oh, and PS, i dont care if i have to re-do it again, hell, i had to redo 3-5 Mkvi torsos at one point.

and i may be selling this for maybey a kids costume, or someone with a small mellon (even though my head is pretty small anyway)


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:( unfortunately it would appear that the helm is to small to get around my head, not that small, but i wouldnt be able to get my head inside it, without splitting it in half, which would ruin it, which is a shame. oh well, im going to have the fun of building it again XD
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