0235's ODST

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Well, Helm 2 is on the way, and i know it will fit this time (even if it is a tad too big)

turns out that it was the correct scale, my printer just had one of its monets and decided to shrink it my 15%, so that will be exiting my bedroom window, better maky sure my mums car is out of the way first though XD
ok. here is the second one, and this time it fits, maybey a tad big, but ODST's came i nall shapes and sizes and their gera was standardised, thats my excure

here is is, looking lovely



and the current state of the inside, i dare not put it on, as it is like a medeavil torture device, and it is likely to not come off


all in all, that is everythig done pep wise, and as it appears to be getting hot, real hot, it looks like i could start doing some resin work. unfortunately im being dragged to my grandparents house tomorrow, so wont get started til later in the week, a shame as tommorrow is said to be the best day. joy, trapped in a small, uncomfortable room, which is stuffy, and filled with even stuffier people.


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Its all glued, and it fits. now to work out what to do with 100 mini bulldog clips...

All glued (those are just for "padding" so it fits on my head)




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unfortunately, i think that it is a bit big. first i make a helm to small, scale it up only by a bit, then its to big. probarbly didnt help that i changed my printer between the two

actually after doing a bit of pking around, the helm isnt too big. it is the same width and depth of my EOD, which was a tad small, its just quite a bit higher, but the ODST hel was always higher. besides, most people have it about that side, otherwise you wouldnt be able to fit your head inside it.

and as always, somthing else needs to be changed, the chest core is a bit big (well, very big) so im going to buld another one, but i min no rush. that can wait til winter XD
It don't look to big once you add the rest of the armor it will all go together and no one will notice, but the pep turned really nice
as i feared, yesterday was the hottest day so far. i could have probarbly got most of the chest assets resined, and maybey some things fibreglassed, but no i was stuck at my grandparents, ands its too "cold" to do t now, and its only going to get "colder"
That sucks... Oh well, you'll get it done. I have no doubts that the suit will look great!

Keep up the great work. :D
well i spoke too soon, and the good ol british weather forecast was completely wrong, and i have been up to my arms in resin (litteraly) though, as always, is a sank holiday monday, and i run out of paint brushes, but look what i got resined!!!

- big ches armour.
small round plug thingy that goes under it
- hip plates
- kidney protector thingys
- bum bag / fannypack
- crotch plate
- half a shoulder piece
- both knees
- belt buckle
- other chest armour thingys.

so all in all, an absolutely excelent day, waaaaay ahead of my non existent schedule, and just cant wait for some brushes
You're helmet looks great, And I can't wait to see how the other parts came out. Keep us posted.
well, i have a target date to get my armour ready. this time next year.
every year my little town holds a walk. for some reason people fly in from all over the world (mainly military groups) and join in, to see who is the best. why on earth anyone would want to come here in the first place is crazy, let alone want to come here all the way from China, America, Australia to got for a small walk
anyway, my task is to do the 25K walk in my ODST armour, maybey even get some friends involved (unlikely)
this means that i may need a small - medium ODST flag that i can carry around, or maybey even a 405th flag to show support to this community.
its a bit of a longshot, but i think that it would be great fun, as i have regularly done the walk with a large pack on my back, i would just need to work about overheating. at least i wouldnt get any sunburn XD
your helmet looks great. ive been thinking about making an ODST armor after my current project is done.
urgh. yet another day that is so borderline on being able to resin pieces. not hot enough, and too widy and cloudy. this is getting really frustrating having to wait for good weather
urgh. this is starting to become ahorrible re-run of last year

i decided that i was going to make the torso using Nightshades solid torso back and neck, and it was going very well, until it turned out it was too small :( looks like ill have to start that again, though the soft torso foam piece turned out wonderful, and sirprised it fits so well, seeming as its only 2 pieces of foam.
people love pictures

it looks like i will be stealing a few ideas from Rino626 in terms of the gauntlets, and from another ODST who i forget the name (well, the person who is also using nightshades back piece, and for the straps covered some eva foam in cloth)
And a big shout out to spartan-005 for giving me a big copy of his avatar, hopefuly i can use that somewhere on my armour

in more bad news, today was lovely, not quite warm enough, but there was plenty of sun to bake that lovely resin, well, thats if i got a chance to do any resining. unfortunately, as i still live with my mum, i was stuck in the garden, doing chorse, and at the time of writing this, it has just clouded over, and got a tad cooler. too cold for resin. i hate this place.
not that anyone really cares, but i have just (well, almost) finished step 2 of armour making, i have resined all of my pepped pieces (thoug i still have the thighs and the torso back to do) but i have also sucessfuly applies a single tiny square of fibreglass to one of the pieces, so step 3 is already under way.
Needs moar pictures! :) hehe Great work so far, well done on the helmet, looks to be perfectly scaled.

I feel you about the weather. It took me 4 months to make my suit, and I'm fairly sure it could have taken much less than that were it not for all the days wasted due to bad weather. :rolleyes
urgh. im not sure what to do with this project. whie i would really love ODTS armour, im just getting no time. when the weather is good im stuck out in the garden or off doing somthing else, and when im stuck ndoors i just dont have the willpower to get on with the few items i have left to pep. while i have fibreglass half of one of the shoulders and both of the kidney protector thinges, those took a long time, and im just too sensative with the hot weather and the sun outside. while i will finish this it may take along time to get done.i really should start experimenting with some rondo, but all i have is a tiny alley down the side of my house to work in, and no where that is more sheltered to work.

in other news i did get a second neck piece pepped, though i did have to suffer the horror of accidently dropping my dremel tool box on it. thankfully it wasnt damaged much, and i wont post any pictures beucase everone here knows what fibreglass looks like, horrible horrible stuff.
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