3D Modeling For Pepakura (Basic 3D Knowledge Required)

good information Rundown just one correction Daz Studio isnt a modeling program

DAZ does own modeling software,. such as Carrara and Hexagon, but DAZ Studio

is there Free and Pay program for thier Poser Assets
Awesome!^^ This helps alot:D I can't thank you enought for the lates good and bad picture since it helped me out with my m24 sniper rifle model^^ Thank you! :D
There are (at least) two other things that cause open edges that you haven't mentioned. I do a lot of fixing of open edges for people, and these are just as common as the faces being flipped.

I have demonstrated this on the following model:


The line on the left is caused by two vertices not lining up in the middle of the line. As the vertices don't line up, the faces on either side of the line are not connected.

The lines on the right are caused what I like to call a "hidden face", a face that sits fully inside the model (technically it can be on the outside, but it will be a lot more obvious). Pepakura designer can only work with one continuous surface, meaning that any line that is connected to more than two faces will be causing open edges.

Same model viewed in Blender:


The solution to the problem on the left is to make the two vertices in the middle match up, and remove doubles. The solution to the problem to the right is to delete the edge underlined in green. This will effectively remove the inside face (seen as a darker surface while in wireframe mode) and no open edges will occur.

AceHigh said:
There are (at least) two other things that cause open edges that you haven't mentioned. I do a lot of fixing of open edges for people, and these are just as common as the faces being flipped.


Its in first post ;) updating as it goes!
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Great tutorial, I've been trying to get the red lines out of my model for a while, thanks. Also, have you considered doing a timelapse of your modeling, or going over changing the background/materials on the mesh for rendering? Just a few things it took me a while to learn.
Spartan 051 said:
Does any one know how to save the uv unwraps in blender? Every time i try an save them there either all black

(you might want to change your screen to 2 screens)

Open a new uv map in the uv view.

go into edit view and select all verts

hit U and choose unwrap first.

then after thats done just deselect everything and select the lines where it should be cut.

To seam them hit ctrl E and choose mark seam. After all that is done just select everything again and hit U and choose unwrap again. If you can see its mutch more organized now and easy to export to photoshop.

(to save for photoshop go to uv in the uv menu and choose scripts. Then choose save UV face layout)
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Jason02 said:
Great tutorial, I've been trying to get the red lines out of my model for a while, thanks. Also, have you considered doing a timelapse of your modeling, or going over changing the background/materials on the mesh for rendering? Just a few things it took me a while to learn.

well i was planning on doing a new model soon :) so i might download a new screenrecorder!
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rundown said:
(you might want to change your screen to 2 screens)

Open a new uv map in the uv view.

go into edit view and select all verts

hit U and choose unwrap first.

then after thats done just deselect everything and select the lines where it should be cut.

To seam them hit ctrl E and choose mark seam. After all that is done just select everything again and hit U and choose unwrap again. If you can see its mutch more organized now and easy to export to photoshop.

(to save for photoshop go to uv in the uv menu and choose scripts. Then choose save UV face layout)

choose scripts? Don't you just click save after yo finish unwrapping
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Spartan 051 said:
choose scripts? Don't you just click save after yo finish unwrapping

Don't you wanto export your UV to photoshop to paint it? then open it back in blender to ad it to the model?
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rundown said:
Don't you wanto export your UV to photoshop to paint it? then open it back in blender to ad it to the model?

Yeah I'm trying to open it in gimp to do the texture an SSS maps
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I got a question. Hopefully I can get an answer.

I have a Halo Reach forearm that I believe was modeled by SJSUSPARTAN. I noticed a small detail that was missing that I wanted in the file so I went to edit it and got everything done. I went to try and open it in pepakura and the file apparently crashes the program. :( How do I fix it in blender so that I can open it in pepakura? What exactly is my problem?
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