3D Modeling For Pepakura (Basic 3D Knowledge Required)

try exporting it with a diffrent extension. I'm asuming you exported .obj
Try 3ds if its not working. The newer version of blender is still somewhat buggy over exporting.
I was working on a model in blender and when the model is selected, I know you can hit "W" to bring up another menu with some options. I noticed the "set smooth" option and when I selected it, areas of the model looked nice, but at the same time, a few areas got messed up.

I wanted to know, is using the "set smooth" option something good to use or is it something that should never be selected when creating the models? I just don't know if anyone ever uses it for the models or not.
When you hit set smooth did some parts of your model get black marks on them? If so hit ctrl + N that should fix the black spots. Set smooth is good for modeling but I don't like to use it when modeling for pepakura.

One thing you could add to the front page is the fix to a problem that I just ran into when modeling a gun in blender. I finished the model in blender and brought it into pepakura and I got these red lines on my model and couldn't mark them for cutting when unfolding it. What I did to fix this was open the model in blender and hit Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M. This selects all open edges and allows you to find problems that would be hard to find otherwise, especially in complex meshes.
i used TrueSpace to design my own help and now when i send it to Pepakura the design take out parts for my helmet and makes it flat and someone plz tell me what im doing wrong.
that blender tutorial link didn't help me at all, i went to check it out and it was all different and the person that put that on the wikia thing said this is only for mac so that didn't help me at all and does anyone else know how to use blender because i am really confused with it :(
Thanks to this sticky and DungBeetle I have learn how to use Blender and made a awesome helmet for my Steel costume I am making. Now i have to start modeling the rest of the armor. I was just going to mix and match parts from the halo armornbut I can have a fully custome suit wish I could post pictures on here to show you guys.
I don't hear much talk about people using Lightwave 3D, so I was wondering what people's opinion on it was.
As an engineering student, I could probably get Autodesk 3DsMax for free, so I was wondering if you guys would suggest me going ahead and getting Autodesk 3D, or just sticking with lightwave(which I havent used in like 5 years anyways so no matter what I'm going to have to re-learn things)
Long time modeler for miniature gaming here, used mostly for RP, my question is, can i use rhino for modeling halo equipment for pep?
thx in advance, checked the whole thread saw nothing for Rhino.
Apolagize in advance if this already has been asked, but Im really busy at this moment with other stuff as well, but Id just like to know, if youre going to model out your model, lets say, helmet; Do you immidiatly need to model it in real-life scale? or can you get in later in pepakura and scale it to the size of your head?

Thanks in advance.
Scale can always be adjusted, be it in pepakura or the program you modeled it in.

In my work-flow, I model the object without worrying about scale in maya. Then I have a scene with a properly scaled human mesh based off of my measurements which I import the model into. I scale the model until I'm happy with how it looks then export to Pepakura. When I get the model into pepakura the scale is already set.

You don't even have to do it the way I do. You could just model the part then figure the scale out within Pepakura. Though I feel like my approach takes out all of the guesswork.
I've found, especially in Blender, that it's sometimes good to count one 'square' on the grid as one real-life centimetre, then scale from there as you see fit. It's always handy for me to keep a tape measure and a ruler on my desk just in case.

For example:


This screen shows that my NxRA model is 5.9000 along the (z) axis, and 2.9000 along the (x) axis. Assume that makes your model 59cm tall and 29cm wide. If you model against a properly-designed human mesh, as Hugh pointed out, or against an object you already have a scale value for (for example, modelling on top of a forearm you've scaled in Pepakura), then you can always get the scale proportionate and then resize in Pepakura as you want to.

So, to answer the question directly: no. You don't need to scale it exactly as you want to in your preferred modelling program, Pepakura has that option. The only thing you need to worry about is proportion (no stretching along an axis).
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I'm new in this forum and in the 3d designing universe XD...
I hope we could enjoy this.

I have a few questions.
I've made a 3d model in 3dmax for pep,but when I unfold it y see some little pieces, what can i do reduce the number of pieces?¿


I have made this helm but i don't know what I did wrong,can you help me?
You can re-attach them and un-attach them the way you want. Its a manual unfold. On the lower tool menu, its the third button from the left side. Near where you have an icon selected in the posted picture. Look at rhe status bar on the bottom of pepakura and it will you learn how to use it.
If you just click the button "UNFOLD," it's just gonna unfold it randomly. But before clicking that button, you can select edges where you want the model to unfold along.

This video can explain better than I can. There's also a part two.
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