3D Modeling For Pepakura (Basic 3D Knowledge Required)

I downloaded Sketchup 3D the other day and watched some tutorials and messed around for a bit, but now I've just started modeling the Halo 4 Pathfinder Shoulder, I just wanted to know if I am doing this right and any tikps on how to do better.

After I get done with my model and I used mirror in blender how will the finished model appear when I export it? Will it be in half or will it be complete? Any help or point in the right direction would be great. I have watched many videos online and I don't remember seeing or reading about it. Thank you.

Edit: figured it out
Just a quick question guys, I have Autedesk Inventor Suite, not the Autodesk 3ds . Can I do the same modelling and transfer from the Inventor right to PD? Or is it going to be a PITA. Thanks,

I use Inventor for modeling for pep because... I guess because I had it after an engineering class!

Anyways, it's very easy to go from inventor to pep, just choose export -> cad format. In the menu, choose STL, and then in the advance menu options I always set it to millimeters (I am not sure it's dire for pepakura, but other 3d stuff like printers can be picky on that and I just do it as a force of habit.

The real trouble is... inventor doesn't always make clean polygons, so you may end up with some stray lines and weird geometry when you unfold the file.
Issues with blender

Hi is there anyone who can help with blender.

I am having real issues with inserting a background in the latest version I have watched multiple videos on YouTube but to no avail they spear on the rendered image but on int the workspace.
Hi is there anyone who can help with blender.

I am having real issues with inserting a background in the latest version I have watched multiple videos on YouTube but to no avail they spear on the rendered image but on int the workspace.

There are 3 ways that I know of:
1. Click User preferences
Click the "addons" tab
Make sure import-export: Import images as planes is "checked"
Now you can import an image as a plane
2. Click "Add"
Click "Plane"
Drag and drop image from folder onto plane.
3. On the right side of any view pane, you have a menu or a little plus sign. (The plus sign opens said menu.)
Scroll down until you see "Background Images"
Check mark this then click the black triangle to find the add image tab.

Warning: Using image planes - You will not be able to see image on plane when you go into "skeleton mode". (When you can see through your object.)
Thankyou for quick response I will give it a go once the kids are in bed

Will keep you posted

Still struggling I go to the load screens but it does not want to even insert the images no matter what scale they are. I can insert it the the background in render but that is only as a texture

I did have the same images on the screen the other day but pc restarted and lost the data arghhhhh losi g the will with this program.

I use autocad but transferring o we is hard work
I forgot to mention. When using the add image selection, you need to be in orthographic view (number 5 on the number pad). And you can only see the images in straight views such as front ortho, side ortho, top ortho, etc...
I was wondering if someone could explain the process of making a sliced weapon file using blender or sketchup and then xfering it to pepakura. From Obj. file to pdo file.
Is there a way to measure and scale in blender? I I remember reading it some where but can't seem to find it in my notes. Thank you.
I have a stupid question.. I was hitting a model with the pepakura stick and saw the red lines of death in it. I dropped it into 3ds max and found the thing had a mess of overlapping polygons and internal geometry that can't be seen. Is there a way to turn the entire thing into a... more uniform model without the sloppily overlapping parts?

I'm not sure what it's called in 3ds these days, but there used to be an 'intersect edges' option.
I know it's in the current version of sketchup, and probably somewhere in Blender.
That way you can intersect all the edges then go in a delete all the excess without having to manually draw in things.

Actually, if you convert the model to a .stl and run it through NetFabb's online service, it should automatically delete all the internal crap you don't need.
Still learning the rope for this whole modeling nonsence,but I was wondering if there was a way to use a photo of myself to make the 3d model fit my proportions.
I know how to do the whole reference photo import but moste of these models where not intended for musclular bodies.Anyway I hope I put this in the right thread,
I realy don't want to make such anice community angery.Thanks in advanced.
I have a stupid question.. I was hitting a model with the pepakura stick and saw the red lines of death in it. I dropped it into 3ds max and found the thing had a mess of overlapping polygons and internal geometry that can't be seen. Is there a way to turn the entire thing into a... more uniform model without the sloppily overlapping parts?
In Blender and 3DS Max, if you make the offending mesh a separate object, then you should be able to do a boolean cut on one of the parts.

Still learning the rope for this whole modelling nonsense,but I was wondering if there was a way to use a photo of myself to make the 3d model fit my proportions.
I know how to do the whole reference photo import but most of these models where not intended for muscular bodies.Anyway I hope I put this in the right thread.
Do you mean pep scaling, or 3D model scaling? If it's pep, see HaloGodess's "How To Scale" tutorial. For the photo, you should have someone take a picture of you, and measure your height and armspan, then apply that to the image in the modelling program. Then scale the model to suit.
Could you go further into the 3d model photo scaling haveing trouble understanding,sorry for not being smert I just started a couple of days ago.

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