3D Modeling For Pepakura (Basic 3D Knowledge Required)

Ok, 405th, I've got a question pertaining to smoothing the models IN PD3.
Is there a way to smooth the models without having said model come out in a twisted way? I ask because I'm trying to give the models an easier unfold, but with the intricaties of the models, it's a tad bit difficult...
So, PD3 Pros, could you lend a beginning modeler a tip or two? Thanks, Community!
Hey Folks,
Dumb Question

I read the 1st page of this thread about open edges because that is what I am having issues with fixing. It all seemed pretty self explanatory from the information Rundown provided, but I must be doing something wrong PD3.

I click the edit model buttion then hit "A" but none of the vertices get selected. What am I doing wrong?
Ok so I'm assuming that some people who have posted know how to do this. I'm looking for someone who can make me a Gears of war Onyx guard armour pep and Myrrahs battle armour. I don't expect anyone to do this for me for free but if anyone is willing, let me know, we can talk prices. I'd like to build these for my fiancee and I for halloween, but I can't find them anywhere. Likewise, if anyone knows of these files existing, could you please direct me to them. Thanks.
Ok, 405th, I've got a question pertaining to smoothing the models IN PD3.
Is there a way to smooth the models without having said model come out in a twisted way? I ask because I'm trying to give the models an easier unfold, but with the intricaties of the models, it's a tad bit difficult...
So, PD3 Pros, could you lend a beginning modeler a tip or two? Thanks, Community!

I think that function is a bit limited in Pepakura Designer. If you select a string of edges the smooth function will add vertices along that string which can smooth it out but I don't know that the added vertices will lead to simpler unfolds. In any case I think it'd be easier to modify a model in a drafting program instead of Pepakura Designer (obviously with the consent of the original modeler).

I find that it takes practice but making straight-forward unfolds (even with complex models) is possible.

Hey Folks,
Dumb Question

I read the 1st page of this thread about open edges because that is what I am having issues with fixing. It all seemed pretty self explanatory from the information Rundown provided, but I must be doing something wrong PD3.

I click the edit model buttion then hit "A" but none of the vertices get selected. What am I doing wrong?

Often times red-lines in Pepakura Viewer/Designer is an indication of duplicated lines (AKA edges) in the model. rundown's instructions for removing duplicated vertices and edges were not intended to be used in the Pepakura Viewer/Designer program (it sounds like you were trying to use them there). The drafting software for which the instructions apply is called Blender...it is shareware (free) that can be downloaded from Blender's website (http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/).

Ok so I'm assuming that some people who have posted know how to do this. I'm looking for someone who can make me a Gears of war Onyx guard armour pep and Myrrahs battle armour. I don't expect anyone to do this for me for free but if anyone is willing, let me know, we can talk prices. I'd like to build these for my fiancee and I for halloween, but I can't find them anywhere. Likewise, if anyone knows of these files existing, could you please direct me to them. Thanks.

You have already posted this request in the proper thread (http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/13671-Pepakura-Requests?p=585609#post585609). Please do not multi-post.

If you are looking to learn how to model, review the beginning of this thread, which will give you a very brief overview. If you are serious about learning how to model you will be required to do a decent amount of online research (essentially everything you need to know is available if the time is taken to look for it) or find an outside learning resource.
Hey there, I had a question!
I've been using 3D programs for a while and I specifically work in topology flow. I had a shot at modelling for pepakura and I noticed that a lot of the poly's are merged into one face after you import the models. So is it the case that if you have a more smooth surface that it will translate into less faces in pepakura?

Also! I know tri's are very much a No-no, I live by quads, but in some cases will the use of tri's translate into better and smoother results for pep?
Sorry guys I know it's kind of vague,

Hey there, I had a question!
I've been using 3D programs for a while and I specifically work in topology flow. I had a shot at modelling for pepakura and I noticed that a lot of the poly's are merged into one face after you import the models. So is it the case that if you have a more smooth surface that it will translate into less faces in pepakura?

Also! I know tri's are very much a No-no, I live by quads, but in some cases will the use of tri's translate into better and smoother results for pep?
Sorry guys I know it's kind of vague,


Well you can use tri's for pep, since it's low poly and not used for further development. Polyflow doesn't seem to be a matter in pepakura, although it just looks better.
May I add some tutorials too?

Well, my tut called "How to create a decent SWCW weapon pepakura file just in a few touches with some CAD application in 10 minutes"

I decided to take for example mandalorian blaster from SWCW S2E12:

It have simple boxy form, and still impressive

Ok, simplies way to do less work on this model is to draw it's side contour on some plane and then

extrude particular silhouettes to different thickness. Let's begin

First of all, we choose a plane:

(press on pictures to enlarge)


Than for easier reference, we put ref pic directly on this plane and slightly turn it to get blaster's top line parallel to horisontal:


Than, we need to copy the approximate contour of our blaster to choosen plane. I used there only lines:


Now we can remove the picture from background and do a little cleanup:

Now we choose the contour for first extrude (seen as darkest black on sketch picture :

And doing extrude of it to one side direction...


And then to other direction for the same thickness:


Ok, we repeat this operation for each particular contour for it's own thickness...




Then we need to draw a sketch for making the barrel. I choose for this sketch the front face of blaster:


And then - extrude that sketch to both sides:


Draw a sketch on front of the barrel - to make cut to make barrel hollow


That's IT! The END!


Well, now we need to save the file in format that PepDesigner might read. My SolidWorks doesn't save OBJ format, but fortunately

SW can export models in STL format, and PD also understand that format without any problem.


Now open it in Pepakura designer...


...And unfold it!


That's really this easy. Try and you will succeed.

Good luck!

When you said "we need to copy the approximate contour of our blaster to choosen plane. I used there only lines," what does that mean and what did you do in a little more detail? I hope you don't have to trace the whole thing.
OK after endless hours of tutorials and failure and frustration Ive gotta ask for help.

Ive been trying to model a Phase II Clone Trooper Helmet in blender. I used front and right side views with reference photos from the master replica images that show excellent front right left and back views. In blender I am using a mesh with a mirror modifier and everything goes great for a while, I have no problem working the mesh into the shape going back and forth front and side and it works great.... until....

I can get, for example, the whole frown and chin don't then work my way up to the visor and brim then all hell breaks loose. No matter how I resize and angle it I cant get the visor to line up right between the two views while maintaining the proportions of everything else.... I dont know if its some sort of issue with proportions or what but I am thoroughly confused and fed up at this point.

Please help! I am at a loss...
OK after endless hours of tutorials and failure and frustration Ive gotta ask for help.

Ive been trying to model a Phase II Clone Trooper Helmet in blender. I used front and right side views with reference photos from the master replica images that show excellent front right left and back views. In blender I am using a mesh with a mirror modifier and everything goes great for a while, I have no problem working the mesh into the shape going back and forth front and side and it works great.... until....

I can get, for example, the whole frown and chin don't then work my way up to the visor and brim then all hell breaks loose. No matter how I resize and angle it I cant get the visor to line up right between the two views while maintaining the proportions of everything else.... I dont know if its some sort of issue with proportions or what but I am thoroughly confused and fed up at this point.

Please help! I am at a loss...

Try changing the ortographic perspctive to normal perspective. Things tend to look more bended in real life.
I cant tell if thats works because i can only see my reference material in orthoscopic. is there a way to attach my reference material to a mesh so i can see it out of orthoscopic mode?
I learned Blender through youtube. I found the lesson that you want to go by for you.


Now I started learning 3d with Maya so I use the Maya presets. On youtube you have to take the instructions with a grain of salt. Each modeler uses either Blender controls or Maya controls. If it's not working because they say press "r" for example, and it doesn't work, then they are probably using different presets.
Hello guys, a have a question. I have this iron man .pdo file but I would like to add some support faces inside the model to keep the proportions. Is there any easy way to do it? OH, nvm. It was easier than I thought xD. Hairyman - check this out
. What you really need to know is how to import .nif to obj, not .nif to .pdo :)
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I recently found out about sunglass.io it is a free HTML5 colaborating 3D modeling tool. It allows multiple user to be able to work on a single project. I am not sure if it would work well for this sort of modeling but it look like a nice way for 3D modeling groups can work together.
very useful info. One thing i dont think you guys have considered(and i've only just tried it to make sure it works) is openscad. Its an open source text based modeller that is commonly used to make 3d models to print on a 3d printer. E.g. i've machined a berlingo sliding door pin out of steel but i used 8mm stock steel and i wanted to add a plastic piece on the end that holds it in place just like the real pin is held in place(its an interference fit). So i loaded up openscad, created 2 cylinders for the part and then booleaned the middle out to complete the model. Once printed in plastic i'll tap it to m8 and then CA glue the part onto the pin. Now your probably wondering what this has to do anything. I took the same model(exported as stl) and imported it into the shareware version of pepakura designer and hit unwrap to find the part unwraps exactly the same as the real thing(although it seems to lose the dimensions during importing the STL as it unwrapped it with a diameter of ~60mm on a part that prints with a diameter of 18mm.) I'll see about putting together a quick tutorial once i've worked out the kinks in the workflow but for those happy to play, openscad offers a lot of control that can lend itself to pepakura. i'll be using this workflow for my own creations :>
3d modelling help

Hi guys, I'm building a custom armour from scratch by 3d modelling, I just need some advice, when modelling off blueprints, how do you ensure (lets say you're doing a gundam helmet from images) that the helmet dimensions will actually allow for head room?
im currently in college for computer animation with a concentration in video game design. i use maya for all my class work. once i learned enough to do good models, ive been making my own files for halo and star wars. im currently working on some storm trooper armor. how do i go about posting the files here?

P.S. to all other modelers, please stop making your armors in triangles. there made for games cause of the low resolution but not for normal animation and ive come across several files on here that have double faces and hanging edges that create problems with pepping. other than that, great job on helping out hundreds of true fans make their dreams come true.
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