There's many methods people use for removing layer lines and unfortunately, all of them will involve sanding, but some methods can require less passes of sanding. The current method I use is to print at .1mm, brush on a coat of UV art resin, cured with a UV light, sand at 320, wash with rubbing alcohol, Rustoleum filler/primer, then wet sand at 600. Sometimes I'm lucky and just need to do those 2 passes of sanding, other times bondo spot putty needs to be applied to imperfections, then wet sanded again at 600. While less time is spent sanding, you do trade that for more time printing and having to work with UV art resin. (Use a respirator when dry sanding and when using resin. Use disposeable gloves for alcohol wash)
Dremel will dig too much and can melt and sling molten plastic if it's spinning too fast/being pressed too hard. A dremel is viable if you want to make cuts or add 3d battle damage, but definitely be careful even when doing that.