3D Printable Halo 4 Files (WIP)

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how is it going,
I would like to print it as wel have a pretty big ultimaker v1 with a 20x20x20cm print area.
Any chance of you publishing the 3d files?
Especially the armor looks great man!
The armor is no problem. The Shifting arm is nearly complete (interlocking is missing for the undersuit but this is optional).

i can provide you the files. thats the reason why i created this thread.
send me a PM for the files you want to get and we can talk about how to get this finished (time and further work)

And here is the final update of the M6H:




between the frame and the slide is enough space to install a spring. the magazin will be attached with a simple magnet (neodym) but any further changes for a real magazin lock is possible.

the grip part is printed. the visor part is currently in progress and the magazin / slide will be finished by tomorrow evening.


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Sounds like you are really cooking that pistol and that armor. We're using an Afinia (yeah, it's one of the ever breaking desktop machines) but so far so good. I managed to learn enough various CAD programs to do a CE pistol and got a few of those printed. I'll start my own thread, though, not hijack yours.

Great work from where I am sitting!
Yep would be neat to give any and all of these a shot on my Lulzbot! Great work so far sir can't wait to see what comes next!
The armor is no problem. The Shifting arm is nearly complete (interlocking is missing for the undersuit but this is optional).

i can provide you the files. thats the reason why i created this thread.
send me a PM for the files you want to get and we can talk about how to get this finished (time and further work)

I would love it and I think it would be great if you posted links to the files in this thread. (Assuming you are willing to share them all)

FYI, I've seen someone do a 3D Printed M6G before, I thought it might interest you, here is what it looks like disassembled:
from what I can tell, it looks like they set it up so it snaps together pretty easily by means of inserting pins into holes, like Gundam model kits use.

Unfortunately, they aren't sharing their files, but if you did it would be awesome!

I've done some 3D printing back when I was in school, I actually designed a transforming Transformers toy for a class and man that was a pain haha. Got to print out a $200 statuette of the model for free thanks to my professor.

Personally, I'm waiting to see some larger 3D printers before I throw down on one. I've seen the Glacier Summit which is exactly what I want, but it just has absolutely terrible reviews. Plus for a $4000 pricetag, not having a return policy makes me not want to buy from them. :(
What I'm really interested in is a desktop 3d-printer that is large enough to do helmets.
since i got the time for 3d editing and the replacement parts for the printer have arrived, ive managed to work on the 3d m6h again.
its now nearly complete. maybe i will edit some spots in the future but this will work.

ive edited the slide to get it moveable and the slot for the magazin is now working.


i will now get this ready for print (slicing)

Any chance of sharing an STL of it when your finished?. I'd to have a go printing it.


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sorry to say that, but i wont share the m6h until time goes by.
i want to 3d print this gun by myself and create a mold. but stay tuned: I WILL SHARE THIS FILE within 2014 or the next few month. i promise.
Out of curiosity, have you designed it so that the slide moves or that the attachments can come off?
the frame is a complete build. but the mag and slide is removeable and can be hold in place with a spring or magnet.
i will add a dropbox folder for every file in blend and stl format (current status).


watch the first post for the files.
Ahhhh finaly :-D i managed to solve the damn issue with the visor part of the frame while printing.
the overhang was kinda complicated (rotated for less support structure needed).

now everything works just fine and i can start to print the real deal :p

the sliced visor part in the first picture was the first attempt for printing. it solved the overhang problem but i dont want to spend much time on connecting the two pieces together. so i remanged the sliced parts.

Shown from left to right:
- newest printed part with re-edited slicing cut (removed and redesigend in the handle cover).
- the grip was one of the "bad" pieces which was affected by missing oil for the moving printer parts.
- the mag is perfect and will be the quality iam gona create.


the new parts are currently on the printer (first of all the first try for the visor - 50% done). but here are my plans on re-creating it for friends and the german part of the 405th community.





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Okay, here is an update for the printing process of the M6H. btw... ive edited the slide again to get a single printing part and add a breakpoint for any kind of spring in the inside of the slide.

one part is still missing:


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Looking good!

So how many cubic inches of material is necessary for printing the entire model out?
Hard to guess, but i will try to calculate this:

surface: 1418,95cm² (netfab stats)
capacity: 619,29cm³

i use 10% for infill and 2 shells for the outer perimeter (0,4 nozzle)
so 61,93cm³ of ABS is used with a density of 1,01g/cm² = 170,45g for the infill.
the surface * 0,04cm * 1,01 (abs density) for the outer perimter = 56,76g for the wall thickness

so the whole weapon needs 227g ABS Material plus additional material for the supports.
Okay, so about 13.31 cubic inches, and if you are getting your plastic at $10/in3, then that would put the full model at costing around $133, right?
wtf? 10$/in³? thats way to expensive. the abs i used costs about 30€/1000g which equals 30€ / 990cm³ (40,39$ / 60,41 in³).

the weapon itself costs nearly 7€ in production for the material. +electricity, +working time (3d & set-up time), +depreciation
iam gona sell these weapons for about 40€ + shipping
wtf? 10$/in³? thats way to expensive. the abs i used costs about 30€/1000g which equals 30€ / 990cm³ (40,39$ / 60,41 in³).

the weapon itself costs nearly 7€ in production for the material. +electricity, +working time (3d & set-up time), +depreciation
iam gona sell these weapons for about 40€ + shipping

Companies near me, at least a year and a half ago use to charge more than that. A lot more if you wanted it in more than one color.

It was $10/in3 to print at my local university and I was told that it pretty much only covered the price of the materials.
A lot more if you wanted it in more than one color.

Yeah...what kind of printer was that? my is a home printer with the FFD method. its cheaper and without a dual extruder its impossible to get more than one color :) there is another method which used ABS powder which costs way more. maybe they used a printer like that.
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