3D Printable Halo 4 Files (WIP)

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Yeah, I know... This wasn't really a professional service though it was at his school + he said they said it barely paid for materials.

I also don't think he was talking about the cost of the printer, utilities etc... He was solely talking about the abs. Of course, from a professional stand point you have to take those into account for charging for your service but I think we were assuming just the cost of raw material in this context.

Plus, most places have a local hackerspace you can go to and use their printer free of charge, though they may ask you to bring your own filament or make a donation to help buy what you use.


Stratasys is reeeeeeally proud of their products. Also, physical DRM, these things have a little chip in 'em.
Jesus that is insane. Seems like the only reason you'd need that is if you're in some sort of industry where quality control is absolutely essential, or else you're getting ripped off. There can't be that much of a difference in the material itself, of any.

MicroCenter is on the lower end of the price spectrum at $20, I see most 1kg spools go for somewhere around 30, but still... That's not much more.
I'm just sitting here laughing and making my own filament for 8-10 bucks a kilo >:D
Although the shipping from the states is kinda super annoying.
making my own filament for 8-10 bucks a kilo

That's possible? I've seen information from Makerbot that states their filament is recyclable, but I never thought that users would be able to make their own - or even the mechanics of recycling one's printed products, for that matter. I simply assumed you'd have to ship the item back to be re-used.

Keep in mind that we weren't just printing out the model itself either, we were printing out support material for the model as well, using a 2nd print head for it.
ABS Filament for the model and what was probably HIPS filament for the support material which is made to dissolve in a chemical bath.

Here's a pic of the model with the support material:

Now, follow this link and you'll see what it ended up looking like without it:

In short, it adds A LOT more material, but as a result, your model doesn't become deformed while it prints, and our printer had issues with that.
If you build something above nothing, there is a possibility of it simply just falling over.

Oh, and it was a Dimension SST1200 Printer.

Sorry to further derail harican89, just trying to put the subject to rest.


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That's possible? I've seen information from Makerbot that states their filament is recyclable, but I never thought that users would be able to make their own - or even the mechanics of recycling one's printed products, for that matter. I simply assumed you'd have to ship the item back to be re-used.

Tis not recycled comrade, just made from the pellets or powder all filament is made from via a device called the Filastruder. The consistency in diameter has been great so far even without much stuffing around.
Tis not recycled comrade, just made from the pellets or powder all filament is made from via a device called the Filastruder. The consistency in diameter has been great so far even without much stuffing around.

That is really cool!

I didn't know there was such a thing for home use! Definitely a must have if I get a 3D printer.
I take it, it does PLA just as well as ABS?

About how long does it take to make a spool?
ahhh... i dont know what you mean :-D
could you draw me a picture xD

here is a picture you can edit like you wish.

View attachment 2216

i want to improve my ability with blender, so iam glad that you can help me to improve my files.
what ive done to get the screws:

blender plugin "bolt maker" or something like that. the thread in the slide is a nut with a height of nearly 15cm reduced to the inner side.
the screw is a normal screw with the same settings but with 0.15mm less inner and outer diameter. its working, but the printer has some problems with the screw indead.

so how is this project comming along havent seen an update in a while?
Hey ho, sry for the late response.
sadly the connector of my headbed got damaged, so i started to work on an improvement for the whole process.
i changed the aluminium plate and prepared a 6 mm aluminium plate to avoid warping while the heating process or bending with the leveling screws. sadly by printer was the worst quality ever :-D
now i invest another 100€ into some replacement parts and electronics to get this done by next week.

this is the plate i made by myself:

i will restart the printing next week ;-)


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Its a clone of the original replicator. The z axis is pretty stable, so i dont have to worry about the weight until i Start to rebuld the whole brinting bed . :)

And i will Start to work on the magnum again for casting purpose. After that comes the helmet.
I just picked up a robo 3d printer and i am eager to start putting it to good use. Hope to see the magnum model going well and cant wait to see it printed out.
did a really low infill and shell so about 35 hours printing.
the right hand is on the printer as we speak.

it was just under 300 grams of filament.

the second pair im setting the infill a bit higher so it will weigh a bit more.
those gauntlets looks amazing ;-) im glad that your print came out that nice. btw... today is a special day. i nearly fixed all of my problems and installed a new LED ring for the nozzles, the 6mm aluminium plate and a new fan for the cooldown of the abs after the first layers. the fan hasnt a mount until yet, but i will restart with the printing process of the m6h. i also replace the thermistor of the heating bed which cause several heating plate issues like bending and warping...

iam interesed in the size settings for the gauntlet? did you change anything in the scale?

my 3d printer:

sadly the led ring is installed pretty narrow to the plate... but i can live with that ;-)


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Oooh i love the led ring idea. adafruit?
is the yellow capton?

yeah i measured my inner arm while I held my arm a bit up and my hand a bit closed so i have a bit more motion.
at first i thought the thing was way to wide for my arm, but when I added my glove it was almost perfect.

its about 27,5 cm long.

adding some extra notches for the magnets as well.

as you can see i cut it in half.
I changed a few things to make it a bit mor printer friendly it had a lot of hard overhangs. now it can be printed almost without support, you still have to fix a few little overhangs but nothing that serious, so my right arm is much better then the original
Oooh i love the led ring idea. adafruit?
I changed a few things to make it a bit mor printer friendly it had a lot of hard overhangs. now it can be printed almost without support, you still have to fix a few little overhangs but nothing that serious, so my right arm is much better then the original

the led ring is a cheap chinese product. the yellow on top of the aluminium plate is a additional printing plate which is bendable and covered with capton tape.

would you like to share your edits? iam still in the learning process and i dont want to waste material on unnecessary overhangs ^^
Ill upload them in the weekend. I have them on my main pc.
printing the edited one right now so I will tweak it after i finish that one so i have all the kinks out of it.
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