405th Halo 3 tournament

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I still don't get it. Is it "Team Slayer", or is it "Slayer"? If it's team slayer, then why did you say plain slayer, and if it's plain slayer, why are there teams?

Any way, I can haz watever? Doesn't really matter what maps to me. It's just Valhalla is my map, Snipers is my game :D.

Sorry I didn't clarify that. It's Team Slayer. Two teams battle each other at a time. There will be brackets. I'll be posting this as we go along. You guys can request the info whenever. Just ask.

I think he means team slayer matches vs. a bunch of slayer matches. Though either would be cool.

I'm game for a couple rounds. GT- Sigma LS

I swear though, you and squirrel on Valhalla with snipes= TOTAL PWNAGE. I can has Guardian PLZ?

Of course you can, Sigma. Even though you're on my team and I hate Guardian, I never said that you couldn't has it.

*EDIT* dang I'm gonna have to go against robogenisis

Nah, nothing to worry about there. We played today, and I betrayed him more than he betrayed me! :lol:
He's not bad. I would go so far as to say that we have about the same skill... judging by what I saw tonight. It's me you're gonna have to worry about.
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Sigma-LS said:
I swear though, you and squirrel on Valhalla with snipes= TOTAL PWNAGE. I can has Guardian PLZ? :D
lol, thanks. im tempted to join but i think the likelihood of me lagging out is too high. or even worse ide probably end up shooting walls and adding to the enemy kill count.
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Friendly said:
He's not bad. I would go so far as to say that we have about the same skill... judging by what I saw tonight. It's me you're gonna have to worry about.
Yeah, do note that I haven't really played Halo for a while. I've been playing Call of Duty 4, so I'm still working on getting my skills back :D.

flying_squirl said:
lol, thanks. im tempted to join but i think the likelihood of me lagging out is too high. or even worse ide probably end up shooting walls and adding to the enemy kill count.
Sadly, this is quite true... :(
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Robogenisis said:
Yeah, do note that I haven't really played Halo for a while. I've been playing Call of Duty 4, so I'm still working on getting my skills back :D.
Yeah, I know, I was just giving you a rough time. We did pwn that night, though. Especially that master pwner or whatever... Good times, good times...

spartan 300 said:
I know. Lagging is probably my main reason of dying in halo 3.
Same here. That and making stupid decisions like running at the dude with the shotgun to get just one more stick.
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Friendly said:
Yeah, I know, I was just giving you a rough time. We did pwn that night, though. Especially that master pwner or whatever... Good times, good times...

DUDE the pwnmaster guy was funny because we're just pwning him!!! LOL
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I'm thinking about having the tournament on Saturday at about 3:00-6:00 PM my time (GMT -06:00). Please tell me if this will work for you. If not, we'll have to work something out.
Sorry for the double post, but I'm not going to be able to do it tomorrow. I have plans. Maybe on Sunday, same time. Plus, we need more players. If we don't have enough players by Sunday, we'll move it back a week. Sorry, guys.

Oh, Panton6 and... BLUE MAG1C I think, why won't you accept my friend request?
Panton6 and darthturkey, I'm reading reports that you haven't been on Xbox Live since November and January. That either means that you've got some explaining to do (you're not in trouble ;) ), or I'm going to have to find two more players for the tournament.
Im in.

Gamertag: MavrkHunterZerO (the "O" is a capitol "o" by the way)
Name: Spartan-270

Time Zone: California (GMT -08:00)
Okay, boyos! Players are set, unless you want to wait for 5 more. Game will be this Saturday at 3:00 PM my time (GMT -6:00). Please tell me if you will not be able to join at the appointed time or date. Again, it is Saturday, March 8, at 3:00 (GMT -6:00).

And one more thing... Maybe we should have team names just for kicks. I'm thinking... Team Break Stuff for my team? What do ya'll think? Got any better ideas?
Ok, sweet. Just one question, if my time zone is Eastern Time then would that mean that it starts at 2:00 or 4:00 because I have to get off around 4:30. Sorry but I'm just not good with timezones.
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