405th ID Badges

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Got an update from the fast sign people they got the clear I'd badge material in. So we are going fourth in making one to see how its going to come out. I will post a picture of the finished design. Yes I hope so that this will become official, once design is complete.
Got an update from the fast sign people they got the clear I'd badge material in. So we are going fourth in making one to see how its going to come out. I will post a picture of the finished design. Yes I hope so that this will become official, once design is complete.
I'm on stand-by with paypal money. =D
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Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I like both ideas and am looking at doing something a little similar for myself. Just going to add it to my list of I.D. cards I carry when not in costume. I have everything from Mando Mercs to Federated Suns Mercenary MechWarrior IdentiCard to my S.H.I.E.L.D. badge and I.D.

shield badage are you talking about the one they had on the show or in the moives?
shield badage are you talking about the one they had on the show or in the moives?
The TV show badge, I.D., and leather badge case.

Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I threw together something, too. Feel free to use it if you like.



The card measures 2-3/8” × 3-3/8”. If you ignore the “index tab” portion, the card is the size of a standard credit card, driver’s license, or military *** card (2-1/8”).

The blue area is transparent and has a thin black border and is tinted blue. My idea is to print a picture of your face and shoulders superimposed in front of a symbol (405th, Regimental, UEG, etc.). Because it’s clear, it will show up when viewed from either side.

The tab is the full Spartan ID and the UNSC Service number. For the 5-digit Spartan ID and the first 5 digits of the SN, I used the date of birth written in Julian Date and then wrote it backwards. For me, 10/30/78, the Julian is 30378. The second number of the SN is todays date written the same way.

The name block can be your full name and board ID (i.e. callsign) or just your board name.

The lower area is general information over a “watermark” of the UNSC symbol and then whatever symbol you want on the back. The information is fully customizable, too.

The border area, light blue tint, is transparent. On the top, denoted by a dark gray color, is a hole cut through for the lanyard.


  • ID%20ODST_zpsoirxsucs.png
    62.1 KB · Views: 392
  • ID%20Spartan_zpscbmhbgqg.png
    51 KB · Views: 393
One other way for the serial number to work could be a combination of a 7-digit Julian date (i.e. you DOB), followed by your age and initials.

For example, mine would be 24502-33019-JW. 2450233 is the Julian date of birth, followed by 019 (age), then my initials.

I got the Julian date from here - http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/JulianDate.php
The TV show badge, I.D., and leather badge case.

Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I threw together something, too. Feel free to use it if you like.

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t571/Jason_Ellenburg/ID ODST_zpsoirxsucs.png

http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t571/Jason_Ellenburg/ID Spartan_zpscbmhbgqg.png

The card measures 2-3/8” × 3-3/8”. If you ignore the “index tab” portion, the card is the size of a standard credit card, driver’s license, or military *** card (2-1/8”).

The blue area is transparent and has a thin black border and is tinted blue. My idea is to print a picture of your face and shoulders superimposed in front of a symbol (405th, Regimental, UEG, etc.). Because it’s clear, it will show up when viewed from either side.

The tab is the full Spartan ID and the UNSC Service number. For the 5-digit Spartan ID and the first 5 digits of the SN, I used the date of birth written in Julian Date and then wrote it backwards. For me, 10/30/78, the Julian is 30378. The second number of the SN is todays date written the same way.

The name block can be your full name and board ID (i.e. callsign) or just your board name.

The lower area is general information over a “watermark” of the UNSC symbol and then whatever symbol you want on the back. The information is fully customizable, too.

The border area, light blue tint, is transparent. On the top, denoted by a dark gray color, is a hole cut through for the lanyard.

Awesome job on the designs. I just got word from the guy that is going to be doing the badge is going to reproduce the ones from Halo Reach to the letter but with the twist for our use for them as ID Badges. As for Jason here I think those could work as like a Trading Card or Card to give out at cons. Just wanted to let you all know that we are going to do the runs in either 50 to 100 for the first order. When I get the all clear from the Fast Signs rep I will let you know just have Pay pal ready. I will then get from you, your real name or user name which ever you like. Each Photo ID Badge can have you with your helmet on or off but you must be in armor. Back drop must be white or neon green. I will keep you all up to date.
Quick update, Sorry for not posting sooner but this badge thing is on hold until more have interest in one. Until then please do not send any money. For those who have sent money it is still in my papal account so if you want your $10 back just let me know if not i will keep it on there for your order. Eventually we will have enough people to make the first order then the second and so fourth.
I'll order once I make some armor. I'm in the process of creating similar ID tags but it's for the Admins of the cosplay event group I'm with. Our events are currently on hold though due to intergroup politics and issues so I have plenty of time to work on the rebrand of the group.
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