405th Logo Update

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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
As with so many other things within this community, we are bringing a fresh approach to the look of the core logo.

Logo History

Now... I won't claim to know the entire history of the community's identity, but this is one of the earliest versions of the logo I could find from around August of 2007.


Which eventually appeared on the website around Oct of 2007.


I am not sure exactly when the current logo was first created (roughly ~2008) but Adam shared some of the very earliest versions of it with me:



This triskelion-styled design with three hexagons and the (Halo) ring eventually gave way to our current logo:


Updated Logo

In approaching the new logo, we hired Ever and Oak to help us. Douglas is a friend (and long time RPFer) and understands these type of communities, where a typical design company probably wouldn't truly get the nature of what we do. In talking with him I told him that I did not want a NEW logo as much as I wanted a new take on the existing logo as so many within the community identify with it. I asked him to keep the core elements of the logo:

  • The ring - representing Earth.
  • The three stars - representing the core values of our community: honor, armor and unity
  • The three hexagons - represent you, the building blocks of our community, who hold our values at your core
  • The eagle - which has long represented a fighting force, most notably in history, the Roman Legion, but more currently, the US Marine Corps
  • The wreath - from the UN and UEG insignia, a symbol of the peace the UNSC are striving toward

I also asked that Douglas give us a design that didn't exactly mimic any specific Halo design, but had a feel that would fit into the Halo universe. I also asked him to limit the color palette to two, subdued colors (in addition to black and white) and make the logo something that we could easily break down into more simple forms for various uses. For anyone who knows anything about design, it is much harder to recreate something than to create something from scratch and my list of needs was no small task.

With that being said, Douglas brought back to me a stunning update to our logo that addressed EVERY concern I had and did so in a fantastic way!

I hate to start on a bad note, but before you scroll further (stop scrolling... stop!), PLEASE DO NOT USE THE NEW LOGO FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

Here is our new full logo for the 405th Division:


Here is a horizontal variation:


And very importantly, the logo can be broken down into smaller components... such as ranks:


... or it could also be used to represent the progression that so many of us make from small and simply things to complex and difficult things:


And here is just an example of me playing around in Photoshop...

No matter how you look at it, this is a strong update to the community's identity, paying homage to what has come before, while giving us something more versatile and usable for what is ahead!

Here is a chance to see the evolution of the community identity, side by side:


I know I said it before, but I want to remind you again - DON'T SKIP THIS!
While I am confident you are excited about the new logo, PLEASE DO NOT USE IT FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

So, where do we go from here? As we continue to update the site and social media venues, we will be adding in the new logo (as well as offering swag with the new logo). We will also be setting new guidelines so you too can use the logo in support of your community!


  • 405th-offical-full-logo-vertical.png
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As this is off-topic i am putting it into the spoiler.
Trooper, in your requirements at the very top, it specifies that someone must have a completed costume.
I guess those that are interested and could use some help from members because they don't own a heat gun have the means to buy one (as an example) are left on the fence, SOL.
Need some help building armor from the Pacific Regiment? Good Luck. It seems like you need to already be done with it before you can join, and at that point, why bother asking for help? So I either need to receive zero aid in building a set of armor, or possibly just give up on the build because I couldn't receive any aid.

Seems smart. (Sarcasm)

Just to interject here - The threads in the Pacific Regiment area that are labeled as 'Membership Requirements' have the words 'currently under revision' or 'I want to specify that all of these requirements are old and void. They are posted for reference ONLY. Once the official Division reqs are posted, we will rewrite ours to align properly with them. This is for discussion purposes only.' I believe that Trooper and the Pacific Regiment have made it quite clear that the current membership requirements will not remain as they are written, and that they are looking for feedback regarding what changes to the requirements should be made. I have also noted Trooper mention that there are some members of the regiment that do not have costumes but are able to participate in regiment events in some capacity. I think that steps are being made to ensure that the regiment system is more of an inclusive group bound by some geographic area, as opposed to a exclusive members only club where VIPS get fanned and free drinks and new members have to do the fanning and make the drinks, and if you aren't hot stuff you aren't cool enough to be a member and fan the VIPS. But, this system takes time and discussion and as Art has mentioned repeatedly it is VERY LOW on his priority list. I think we need to focus on building our community as a whole before we worry too much. When we have so many people and things happening that we need to get regiments in place we will be able to take the time to finalize the requirements.

I gotta be honest for a second, and I mean absolutely no offense by it, but Trooper, when I read your responses on this topic, it really seems like you are responding from outside the 405th. It seems to me that the Pacific Regiment Club split off to do their own thing a long while back, unassociated with the 405th Community. So to me, your opinions are coming from someone who is more involved with a Club rather than a Community.
While I understand why it is good to operate on an official capacity, it seems to me that your perspective has lost some of the ideals of being part of a Community.
I get that you try to involve your members without completed builds (although your Regiments Rules seem to be inconsistent with this), but the way you talk about it just seems off. Yes, some people are very content with what they do and have zero intentions of working on a build because that doesn't interest them. There work probably does belong more within the Community rather than within a club; but its hard for me to say, because I'm not one of those individuals. Instead, I'm someone that wants to make a build but I literally have zero of the supplies or tools to do so.

I will let Trooper speak for themself to this, but I do want to say that because the forum, and the 405th community, has been a bit 'broken' for the last couple of years the Pacific Regiment has taken the initiative to form itself on Facebook, stay connected, and continue to hold events and participate in the world with their Halo duds. Why wouldn't they have their own ideas about what has worked (or not worked) for their group over that time span. And why wouldn't we want to welcome them back to our community, learn about all the neat things they have been up to, and garner our own wisdom from their experiences? I look forward to making forays down into the pacific region in future years and seeing if I can capture their flag and force them to come up to the cold, cold north to get it back. That's building community! But I couldn't do that if there wasn't a regiment to steal the flag from.

Maybe we should collect donations to provide starter kits to long time members who have always wanted to make a build but don't have the money to purchase all the supplies and tools. I think that someone should try and stop buy to help them every so often as well.
I don't want us to consider certain members as charity cases or anything, but as a community here that values all of its members, sometimes some of us need that extra push.

Maybe we should! Here I was thinking I would do workshops for the youth groups around here, but why not offer those workshops to fellow 405th members in the area too? Perhaps while I work on the fiberglassing stages I will post some times that I will be working and let members stop by and use the space/equipment while I am there. We used to organize sewing and armoring days when we participated in the SCA, that seems totally applicable to this type of work too. One person hosts and provides the space and basic equipment, each participant brings their project and whatever equipment they would like to share and some snacks for everyone to enjoy while they work. The hosting can be done by multiple people on a rotation, or by one person if they are comfortable with that.

Personally, I'm such a damned perfectionist that I've lost 35 pounds and I am still working on my build plan.
I expect perfection from myself.
Its gotten to the point where it is quite daunting and even if I had everything at my fingertips, I'm not sure where I would start.
So really, having someone locally near me might really be all I need to get a jump start on my build, especially if they have tools I need or know of the best places locally to buy them. If a Southwest Regiment required me to have a finished suit to join, it would be a disservice to the Community of the 405th that I believe that any Local "Club" or Regiment would be under the umbrella of. If you don't want to be part of the community, remove "405th" from your Regiment's title/name, be something else if all you want to be is a club, because we are a community here.

WandererTJ, as my husband and I are really just at the starting stages ourselves I would really enjoy working together on our builds. We both seem to share the perfectionist trait, and I think your mechanical engineering would help me with some of the more advanced systems features I will be implementing into our builds. If you are feeling a bit lost I could let you know where we are with our build and we can all work together. Of course we are REALLY far from each other geographically, so I don't think we' will be able to work together in person, but I have some kick-ass webcams and a skype account. Hell, we could just have regular pep sessions over skype to come up with crazy suit features while we mark our valleys and mountains.

I would also really like to see some more tutorials on the forums. Not just for building armor through various methods. It would be nice to see some 3D modeling tutorials, unfolding tutorials, etc. I'm sure that some exist, but I don't want any members to make excuses for themselves in terms of not contributing some of your work to the forums. Sure, 3D-modeling might not be for some people, but I feel like everyone here has the ability to contribute in some way and should.
Some people, like Carpathia, Liltyrant, and GeekGuardianDee (of whom I'm expecting to see some amazing work from) contribute by having very detailed build threads that almost serve as tutorials themselves, and the contribute in that sense, while other build threads are more for just showing off to get cheered on so they can be encouraged to make further progress on their builds.
If someone only wants to unfold things, because they don't have the patience for 3D-Modeling, then let them do so. It lets them contribute and saves the modelers some time.

The 405th Infantry Division, a Halo Costuming Community
The 405th is a community, while it might have official organizations associated with it, it is a place of learning, building, and ultimately having fun together.

I am working on the tutorial for the exo suit, and I could do an un-folding tutorial but I would like a bit more practice with it under my belt before putting anything out to others. I agree that the more disorganized tutorials that are around here could use a bit of a do-over (just to spruce them up a bit) and I figured I would do ones as I go through my build (like with the exo-suit). I like to figure things out for myself and then share my techniques with others, but it's not for everyone. If I stop enjoying it I take a break and come back to it later when I am excited about things again.

So maybe if we want to see some awesome things come to the 405th, we need to find ways to make the 405th exciting again. Maybe we should hold a tutorial submission challenge, whoever submits the best tutorial over the next 3 months will get bragging rights and a prize. I'd be willing to chisel out a new plaque on one of my old square dance trophies and mail them to the winner.
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I too want to make that happen here in New England. We don't get too many big conventions so we need to try and make it count. Although, I think a notification to everybody about an opurtunity, not so much requesting, but saying "Hey we have this coming up if anyone is interested in joining in" as sort of a way to include everyone.
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I agree that the more disorganized tutorials that are around here could use a bit of a do-over (just to spruce them up a bit) and I figured I would do ones as I go through my build (like with the exo-suit). I like to figure things out for myself and then share my techniques with others, but it's not for everyone. If I stop enjoying it I take a break and come back to it later when I am excited about things again.

So maybe if we want to see some awesome things come to the 405th, we need to find ways to make the 405th exciting again. Maybe we should hold a tutorial submission challenge, whoever submits the best tutorial over the next 3 months will get bragging rights and a prize. I'd be willing to chisel out a new plaque on one of my old square dance trophies and mail them to the winner.

A video tutorial I'm finishing up on automated scoring and cutting of Pepakura parts includes a 10-minute segment on Pepakura covering how to modify unfolds and arrange parts on a page (necessary for automation compatibility with some of the unfolds that are out there). I'm not doing this for any prize - just to share the knowledge in a format that's understandable to both veterans and first-time users who have never used Pepakura before.
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If there were any logo-related questions or requests, perhaps it'd be best if you guys were to shoot me a private message about them. I thought it might have been good to post them publicly in case one person needed to execute something similar to another's, but there's too much organizational discussion here now to sift through to dig the requests out.
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All I want to know is where can we download it from, and when can we use it. I suppose that's what other people are waiting for as well.
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A video tutorial I'm finishing up on automated scoring and cutting of Pepakura parts includes a 10-minute segment on Pepakura covering how to modify unfolds and arrange parts on a page (necessary for automation compatibility with some of the unfolds that are out there). I'm not doing this for any prize - just to share the knowledge in a format that's understandable to both veterans and first-time users who have never used Pepakura before.

That sounds pretty cool, maybe I should start a thread for people to post the tutorials they are currently working on and for others to post ideas for tutorials they would like to see. Then we know who's working on what, and get those teasers out that some members have eluded to.

As for prizes - I was definitely suggesting a booby prize, something that someone gets so they actually receive some physical recognition for their efforts (for some people that's what will motivate them, not necessarily you or I) but the prize is not something you would necessarily hang onto and display. More likely you would take a selfie with it to post on the forum, then as quick as possible you host your own competition so you can send the tacky thing off to the next 'Winner'. Then people get the recognition and it can foster more activity through different challenges and provides motivation for creative thought through competition and a deadline. It might not be for everyone, but no one would be forced to participate either.
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First of all, something that is On-Topic!!! :D
So way back in the beginning of this thread, I spoke of making Templates that would allow you to essentially layer the levels of the logo as you progressed here as a member. Whether or not you can use these yet is NOT the point of me bringing this up, we will get permission from Art at a later date based on whatever regulations or lack of he includes for using the Logo.

So... Here is a layered Template cut-out:
The white is the template, the black is what needs to be cut out. The recruit insignia might be a little hard to do since it will be in 5 pieces, but other than that, once you get it on, it should be pretty self-explanatory as to how you upgrade it.

Now then..
Okay, I'm ALMOST finally caught up with the entire thread. I thank you all with your patience with me, I'm sure there were a few things I probably should not have brought back up from the earlier pages of this thread. But believe me when I say I had about 15 tabs open with posts I was ready to quote.
If there was a clear person to contact this could have been avoided. I have the contact info for our Oregon battalion as well as a lot of scattered folks in WA, many who would have jumped at this opportunity.
You can talk about how in theory random forum posts can organize everything, but I have 5 years of organizing the 405th in addition to 7 years military experience showing that in practice you need one person to take charge and take responsibility.

You have been talking about how organizing is good, and I agree that organization is fantastic, but I don't think that you necessarily stated anywhere as to how to get things organized other than by just having 1 individual in charge of it.

I would personally appreciate it if you would share with Art and us, and let us know what the forum needs to do and what features need to be added in order to best organize conventions, meet ups, and most importantly, the occurrences in which someone asks us (the 405th) to attend. Your knowledge could be very beneficial to new leaders of the new regiments that will eventually be added.

How do we allow "Officials" to come in and contact us?
I know that registering an account on a forum just to post that I'm looking to make a film is kind've tedious and annoying.

So, do we provide contact information for those who are trying to work on a filming project and then proceed to have the person who is the designated contact share that with the rest of us?

And not to be the negative nancy, what's to say that there is money involved and they are only interested in having 1 individual for the film? While I would hope that the individual would share the opportunity with the rest of us, what's to say that they never make it known and take the opportunity for themselves?

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this is out of line.
I did not have the intentions to say anything that was out of line, and for this, I must apologize.
I am sorry if I have offended anyone, especially Trooper. I really do appreciate the time you have spent and taken in trying to make connections for Halo cosplayers, whether it be for the 405th Pacific Regiment, or the 405th as a whole.

I hope that you would still consider sharing opportunities with the rest of us even though I've been an a-hole.

On my part, I pledge to post any and all opportunities like this in a public section so members such as WandererTJ can get the opportunity if they so choose. Anything that can feasibly made available to the public will be.

There are also other opportunities where I am required to only offer it to certain members. Sadly, we have had situations where people have gone to events and left a less than positive impression in the way they carried themselves. 343i has essentially requested we police our own members behavior, so the limited scope of invitations has partially been to deal with that. with a more formalized set of guidelines for member behavior, it will be easier to open opportunities to more members. Dealing with this however, is far ahead of here.

Should we consider having a top level forum specifically for events under the Regiments section? You know, keep it separate from the specific regiment forums, as one place to find all the events or opportunities. That way we don't have to look through each of the Regiments one by one to try and find their events. Maybe start each event thread with a title like: "[Pacific] Comic-Con 2014, MM, DD-DD" or something like that, idk. Just something to consider :)

While I COMPLETELY understand why with certain projects, you only want to be able to address certain people with certain builds. If you want to make a Halo 4 specific video, you don't want Halo Reach spartans in the middle of it (though maybe specific exceptions could apply (I mean, Jun is still alive)).

I also understand that it should be our goal to want to be asked to come back once the day is over, and that we should not try to overstep our bounds or cause those that generated contacts and opportunities for us to need to have to take the time to have to mend a relationship because an individual was out of line.
We are all nerds here, so I'm sure that some of us might lack some social standards or abilities, I mean no offense by this, but it is something that simply needs to be recognized.
But given if we had something to refer to in terms of behavior, something we should know to withhold, I think it would be a good start.
I would rather be left out of something because I didn't have the proper attire rather than being left out because someone else F*d up.
While we could share full psychological self-evaluations of ourselves, which might have some good merit to it, it would sound a bit strange to ask that of the members...

Hmm... Idk, I'm just trying to think of what to do if a 405th member is or seems out of line at an event. I certainly don't want to ruin relationships and I don't want to have anyone angry at me at the end of the day. I mean, we all say dumb things some times. I'd rather be taken aside and hit with a switch than I would want to lose my opportunity to participate again.
Then there is the question, if the situation is REALLY bad, does the Regiment handle it or does it go above the Regiment to more on the forum side of things where the admins deal with it?

Maybe these are not the things that should be talked about TODAY, but they will need to be at a certain point.

I would say more, but the Boss says its time to go, I still need to read page 9.

EDIT: It seems like attachments might time-out before you post. Maybe I copied and pasted from multiple tabs though.
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Here is a thing that everyone must remember, each regiment will have a list of contacts that deal primarily with there area that they are involved with. 343i and Bunge are both located in the Pacific Coast, yes they do events all over the country and world for that matter but there "Big" events are here. But then you have E3, and PAX East and every other Con along the way that each "regiment" will have rules dealing with the Companies that they primarily deal with. And notice for said events can be last minute.

Take me for an example, Bunge is no joke an hour away from where i live. IF and i do say IF i make a Destiny costume and they like they way that i interacted with them and we had a few other folks from the 405th that also had destiny costumes in and around the Seattle Area the rules that would be established would be more for my local level then the majority of the 405th, and like i said IF they called up and said hey be here tomorrow at such and such time and i was available to do it i would. But to be fair and try to invite the whole 405th to that event would be just about impossible, due to the time frame. But lets say it was a weeks notice sure i would then contact my regiment leader, and who ever is in-charge of the 405th in that aspect and would have them send out a mass invite. But this whole thing is a hypothetical situation.

At the same point lets say i was going to be on the East Coast around PAX East time frame, i would know who was in charge of that regiment and would be able to say "hey ill be there from x to x date and what are ya'll plan's for said event." I would also be able to find out if there were "special" events that will be held and could get the rule set for who they deal with in there covered states.
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Ok, so voicing concerns is "trolling" and seeing those concerns repeated and shared by others with such observations as these "clubs" becoming entities entirely separate from and unassociated with the 405th as a community is not in any way validation of these concerns. Good to know that seeing the community at large being ignored and excluded because Didact knows nobody outside of a specific area would EVER be interested in helping out in any way, since, you know, any one single area only has just so much manpower but hey, who cares, right? So long as they have their "club." Unsubscribed, and out. I'll just have to observe and hope for some improvement to crawl forth from the ashes of this rather inauspicious misfire.

Oh, and one last note finally "on topic" so my presence here isn't a complete "troll-fest," good work on revamping the logo. Here's hoping there will eventually be good reason to make use of it.
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Giant wall of text not related to logo stuff at all is under teh spoiler.

You have been talking about how organizing is good, and I agree that organization is fantastic, but I don't think that you necessarily stated anywhere as to how to get things organized other than by just having 1 individual in charge of it.

One individual in charge doesn't work actually. You do generally want a single or limited group of individuals who can make the final call (e.g. our regiment argued for 2 days about where to get dinner at SDCC until someone finally called it. The same goes for gatering organization times. Unless someone actually says "This is the time and place" people keep trying to find the perfect meeting time which never comes up. Someone needs to make some hard calls and pick a time that, while excluding a few, benefits the group overall rather than nothing happening. See also what's Art is doing for the 405th. Not everyone will be happy, but hopefully the group as a whole will be happier than they were before)

But, as regiments grow it gets harder and harder to manage as many people. I was able to somewhat be the go-to person during 2009 and 2010. By the time I came back from a deployment in 2012, the group had grown much larger, and additionally I moved away from the LA area (where most events were) to the San Francisco Bay Area. I ended up relying on various volunteers from the LA group to take charge, and at this point @Spacemeat is the de facto "Battalion CO" for the southern California 405th folks. Likewise, in order to help ensure that people in Oregon and WA were able to take advantage of our growing relationship with 343i, especially considering many of them attend PAX, we decided to include "Hood's Hellions", a Portland, OR Halo group, into our fold. For all intents and purposes, the Hellions handle their own affairs with little to no involvement to me. My primary job is to ensure any requests or events 343i contacts me about in that area are met. EXample then-community manager Jessica Shea contacted me about getting our members VIP seating for the Halo global championships. Less than 24 hour turnaround. As I had a roster of contact info for all 405th members in attendance, including out of state visitors (again, we include people not specifically "Paciic Regiment" in our activities) , I was able to quickly pass the word around to everyone and the majority of our members were able to show up, providing a great experience not only for themselves but for the Halo fans in attendance.

But I'm going off topic. In actuality, 405th Pacific is split up into 3 groups. The overarching Regiment, the Los Angeles Bn, and the Oregon Bn (Hellions). LA and Hellions handle a lot of smaller local events on their own, and I now pretty much serve as either a primary point of contact, forwarding opportunities as necessary, and step in for larger events that tend to attract out of state 405th folks, such as San Diego Comic Con. Also, if there are any members that have shown an interest in taking charge an also tend to show up at major events, I try and make a point of helping them establish contacts so that in my absence they are able to continue forward..

I would personally appreciate it if you would share with Art and us, and let us know what the forum needs to do and what features need to be added in order to best organize conventions, meet ups, and most importantly, the occurrences in which someone asks us (the 405th) to attend. Your knowledge could be very beneficial to new leaders of the new regiments that will eventually be added.

I have actually spoken to Art extensively about the regiment system. However, as he stated before this is actually something that was not an initial priority for him, and really has only been pushed to the front due to community interest. (those of you who think he swooped in just to create a "costume club" take note.

I've already jumped the shark on him quite a bit.:p Unless he wants me to, I want to refrain from starting any specific threads about how to handle regiments until he has a draft of the division charter ready, as that will drive a lot of how we approach things. For now, I'd prefer to limit myself to addressing member concerns rather than making public proposals.

How do we allow "Officials" to come in and contact us?
I know that registering an account on a forum just to post that I'm looking to make a film is kind've tedious and annoying.

Easiest way? E-mail. Everyone already has an e-mail, but the 405th does not. If busy event coordinators and community managers could just e-mail something (e.g. Deployments@405th.com, etc.) say what they want, and entrust us to come back to them with what we can bring to the table, it would make it a lot easier for them. The more work we do for them, the more they'll be willing to work with us. e.g. Waypoint doesn't have time to hunt down 405th costumes to share, but if we regularly collect them up ourselves and send them photos we have the right to publish (hence why most submitted photos are taken by myself or Adam) then sharing 405th work is as easy as hitting Upload, vs them trying to hunt down everything on their own.

For a film project example: A film company is wondering about Halo armor. They're directed to the 405th and told to contact us to make it happen. Once the film company tells me what they need in an e-mail, I translate that to a post stating what we need and by what deadline in our FB group (which we were using then. Hopefully now we would post it in our forums). No Halo 4 chief suits are available, so I coordinate with everyone to get one made in 2 weeks. Some 405th members fabricate parts and mail them to me. Some sell me helmet casts at discounted price. Another film production agrees to loan all their marine suits. A propmaker sends over their unique Halo 4 BR, then the only one in existence. Others simply help design foam templates that save me time.

Please note how many people are involved who don't actually own a suit of armor.

Then I then take time off of my own schedule and dedicate two weeks to rush build a suit, as our other members are all preoccupied (this was around Halloween I believe). I drive the suit down to LA for delivery and spend two days on set ensuring that the project goes smoothly, basically working as a costume technician. (full disclosure: the film company ended up paying me $400 to cover construction expenses and travel costs).

And that's the amount of work it took to make the crouch-dancing gif that graces my signature.

That's the amount of work it takes to get one suit to a film. Imagine how ridiculous it would have been to ask a film company, unfamiliar with the 405th community, to individually contact the dozen or so members that made this happen. Nevermind having the knowledge of which 405th members had already created Halo 4 costumes or that there was a Halo fan film with a plethora of costumes for loan. It's a lot of extra work for them, so if we want them to contact us about events, we need to make it easier.

Now instead of doing all that organization, they just e-mail one organizer, and that organizer can say "we can do that" or "we can't, sorry", taking on the responsibility.

A bit rambly, but hopefully that makes sense.

So, do we provide contact information for those who are trying to work on a filming project and then proceed to have the person who is the designated contact share that with the rest of us?

Correct. Many of these projects require a lot of moving parts, and ultimately someone needs to take responsibility for whether the 405th succeeds, and looks like the go-to-source for Halo costumes, or fails and looks like a disorganized mess.

This also means that more people can be involved. If someones job is more or less to network, they spend a lot of time getting to know everyone. I literally chase down Halo costumers at conventions. I no **** will end conversations midway and run across traffic to flag down a random ODST and ask them if they're part of the 405th, exchange contact info, and direct them to the site. If people show an interest in participating in events outside of the forums, I make it my business to contact them (as some of you have already been pestered by my e-mails) and try and keep tabs of everyone who wants to get involved. Ex: If there's any film events in Cali, WandererTJ will definitely be getting tagged in a post asking if he's interested in flying out to participate. The Bn COs do the same. They know everyone in their respective region, meaning even if I don't know someone, they will, hopefully giving everyone a chance to participate.

It's far more efficient than hoping everyone reads a forum post. Because while some people check the forums every day, not all of us do.

That's why the club aspect would help. Theoretically the 405th event coordinator gets a request. They make sure a clear forum post is written up outlining all the info needed for members to participate. Then they also push it to the regimental COs who make sure everyone in their region gets word of the event. For larger areas, such as Pacific, the Bn COs would make sure their groups also hear about it. Now instead of the requestor getting just whoever happens to be online at that time, they get the word out to everyone, with little headache. The 405th is handling finding out who's interested in participating, making sure word gets out, avoiding redundancies, etc. and the requestor can go back to tackling other issues.

Again, rambly, but hopefuly make sense.

And not to be the negative nancy, what's to say that there is money involved and they are only interested in having 1 individual for the film? While I would hope that the individual would share the opportunity with the rest of us, what's to say that they never make it known and take the opportunity for themselves?

These are excellent questions, and things that a more formalized and standardized system will help alleviate.

Money and figuring out how to best distribute one person jobs amongst the division will need reworking, and I leave it to Art to figure that out when the time comes. The 405th Pacific had its own ways of handling it that mostly took advantage of the fact that we were small enough to discuss the equitable way to solve these issues. Easy when you're around 100 members, harder when you're in the thousands.

The same goes for dealing with people who might exploit the system. Again, what works on a small scale regiment will need tweaking to form a division standard. For the Pacific, I'm lucky enough that I've formed a good reputation, that everyone trusted me to be in charge. We've never had any official selection process at the Pacific, it was basically someone kept continually volunteering to organize stuff, and eventually everyone looked to them.

Again, this is something that we'd need to develop, and it's being developed slowly right now, but it takes far more thought than I want to put in to this supposed-to-be-quick reply which is already novel length (I sitll have to finish my SDCC costumes...)

I did not have the intentions to say anything that was out of line, and for this, I must apologize.
I am sorry if I have offended anyone, especially Trooper. I really do appreciate the time you have spent and taken in trying to make connections for Halo cosplayers, whether it be for the 405th Pacific Regiment, or the 405th as a whole.

I hope that you would still consider sharing opportunities with the rest of us even though I've been an a-hole.

I do appreciate the apology. One of the ways I've tried to keep any sort of corruption from the leadership of the 405th Pacific is to make it a relatively thankless task. There are no perks. In the Marines, they have a practice where the highest ranking individuals eat last, and the lower ranks eat first. After all, they're doing all the work, so they deserve it.

Bad leaders I find never follow this rule. Good leaders tend to. I know the idea of an "elitist club" has gotten tossed around a lot, but the 405th Pacific was formed for the same reason the 405th was: To hang out with other Halo costumers and help new ones succeed. The members are always first and foremost, and when I mean members I mean everyone, costume or no costume. Hell, even people who are just tagging along to carry bags are part of our 405th family. When we sit down to eat dinner at Denny's no one wears armor and everyone is equal. (Except @Traghatti who insisted on showing off his flexibility in his foam suit *fistshake*) I'm just here to try an make sure everyone has a fun, positive, and memorable experience.

Should we consider having a top level forum specifically for events under the Regiments section? You know, keep it separate from the specific regiment forums, as one place to find all the events or opportunities. That way we don't have to look through each of the Regiments one by one to try and find their events. Maybe start each event thread with a title like: "[Pacific] Comic-Con 2014, MM, DD-DD" or something like that, idk. Just something to consider :)

While I COMPLETELY understand why with certain projects, you only want to be able to address certain people with certain builds. If you want to make a Halo 4 specific video, you don't want Halo Reach spartans in the middle of it (though maybe specific exceptions could apply (I mean, Jun is still alive)).

Already doing that in the "conventions & prop parties" subforum! =) We originally posted our SDCC organizing thread in our regiment forum, but that one's still locked to most users as it's still being developed, and I realized this meant that general forum members couldn't participate, which is silly because inviting people to gatherings is the best way to meet new people.

I think a central "Events" subforum with a standardized suggested format (listing POC, locations, times, what the even coordinator needs, etc.) is a great idea and essential to ensuring everyone, not just regiment members, can participate. Regiments should be here to supplement, not supplant, the division.

I also understand that it should be our goal to want to be asked to come back once the day is over, and that we should not try to overstep our bounds or cause those that generated contacts and opportunities for us to need to have to take the time to have to mend a relationship because an individual was out of line.
We are all nerds here, so I'm sure that some of us might lack some social standards or abilities, I mean no offense by this, but it is something that simply needs to be recognized.
But given if we had something to refer to in terms of behavior, something we should know to withhold, I think it would be a good start.
I would rather be left out of something because I didn't have the proper attire rather than being left out because someone else F*d up.
While we could share full psychological self-evaluations of ourselves, which might have some good merit to it, it would sound a bit strange to ask that of the members...

Hmm... Idk, I'm just trying to think of what to do if a 405th member is or seems out of line at an event. I certainly don't want to ruin relationships and I don't want to have anyone angry at me at the end of the day. I mean, we all say dumb things some times. I'd rather be taken aside and hit with a switch than I would want to lose my opportunity to participate again.
Then there is the question, if the situation is REALLY bad, does the Regiment handle it or does it go above the Regiment to more on the forum side of things where the admins deal with it?

Maybe these are not the things that should be talked about TODAY, but they will need to be at a certain point.

Agreed. This is something that will need to be driven at the division level as the Pacific is once again not able to provide the best example.

For us, it's part of the reason we required all members to be 'vetted' by a current member prior to being invited to high exposure events. Because we really did not have any way of redress if something went wrong, so we erred on the side of caution. I couldn't exactly revoke one's 405th membership because well, we don't have 405th membership. So in the past we've basically had to just cut them off from the membership 'benenfits' which was basically invitations to special events. They were still welcome to 405th member events and gatherings, but certain members who had previously badgered 343i about getting free swag would not be invited to future events until we had an opportunity to talk to them again.

I personally would like to see something that was a little more lax now that we're becoming more 'official'. I definitely want an official way to make up for missteps, some sort of warning system, because like you said, we all make mistakes. But it'd require a lot more thought and I've already written war and peace here, and not one word about logo design.

If anyone ever feels that I am pushing the Pacific before the 405th as a whole, please feel free to PM me and I will do what I can to address your concerns. I just want to say there is a reason as soon as the 405th forums got reactivated we started moving back in. The 405th Division is our home, and we want to come back to it.
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Zaff no the reason they were created was because of the old leadership, they became there own thing because there was no structure or organization. Ive been following these forums for 3-4 years now and only made an account 1.5 years ago. for almost 9-12 months of that i was never able to even see the website because of the spam blockers or DDoS attacks or what ever reason it was. And i know for a fact that i was not the only person that had that issue, that is the main reason that all the Facebook groups were set up last time i searcher there were 5-6 of them. what Art Andrews is trying to do is bring those "groups" back here to the 405th. The community had already split when all the above happened. From what i have seen since Art took over is that there are folks that are already visiting the forum that probably hadn't been here in ages because of everything.
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Oh man, thank you for taking all that time to give me such a thorough response.
I really don't have anything else to respond with because you answered in such a thorough way.

Your post has really redeemed my faith in the idea of Regiments so much so that I think that I'm ready to get signed up for the Southwest (maybe?) regiment.

It's extremely badass that you were able to get passes for all your 405th members.
I really want to avoid situations like Cadet was talking about where a bunch of members show up and there is a lack of coordination, and someone has access to get free passes for all the 405th costumers in attendance, but none of them no about it.

Now that I've finished reading through this, I plan on working on making some visuals to support the ideas that I have regarding ranks, medals, and whatnot.

GeekGuardianDee, I read your post, don't worry, I didn't miss it and I plan on getting to a response, but my ideas are trying to bleed their way onto paper right now, I can't say no to them, I am excited!
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Oh man, thank you for taking all that time to give me such a thorough response.
I really don't have anything else to respond with because you answered in such a thorough way.

Your post has really redeemed my faith in the idea of Regiments so much so that I think that I'm ready to get signed up for the Southwest (maybe?) regiment.

It's extremely badass that you were able to get passes for all your 405th members.
I really want to avoid situations like Cadet was talking about where a bunch of members show up and there is a lack of coordination, and someone has access to get free passes for all the 405th costumers in attendance, but none of them no about it.

Now that I've finished reading through this, I plan on working on making some visuals to support the ideas that I have regarding ranks, medals, and whatnot.

GeekGuardianDee, I read your post, don't worry, I didn't miss it and I plan on getting to a response, but my ideas are trying to bleed their way onto paper right now, I can't say no to them, I am excited!

Ill be waiting to see some cool pic's, really have liked what you have posted already there WandererTJ
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Ok, looks like a I need to bring out the old Moderator voice because this is getting out of hand. I'm sorry to those of you that really think this needs to be hashed out here and now but I'm quickly starting to hear more "what's in it for me here" than what's best for the community. Well, I'm really just done with sitting here to the side trying to be cordial and respectful of your feelings. Now I'm going to tell you to be more respectful of Art's efforts and intentions. We have NO idea how they will turn out yet and NO way of knowing how they will impact every single person using this site. So let's all just back off a bit and let him do what he feels needs to be done right now.

As far as the club goes, it will happen because many want it. In fact, I think it would be safe to say that the majority want it. I myself am not huge on it but that's only because I know I can't commit the time that I know someone will eventually ask me to put into it. Still, I will help where I can. I don't give a crap what label they give me when I do, either. I know for a fact that if I hadn't gotten help from someone on this forum that I would be without a finished costume. One that I did help put together but only with their help. I know how frustrating it is to have to sit on the sidelines and watch the fun instead of being a part of it. The club WILL help more people fulfill this desire to be included than the way things currently operate on their own now. The only people it WILL exclude are those not willing to help others in ANY way. Whether it's at a convention, next door, across the country, or on this site, anyone can be apart of this group but only if they choose to put forth the effort to help in any way they can.

Now that's the end of it until there are more formal outlines of the Club Covenant put on the table for EVERYONE to read. So now, no more discussion of the club in this thread. There will be other opportunities in the future to do so I'm sure. Just no more here. I have been apart of this site for almost 8 years now. I will not see this opportunity that Art has given us be wasted over squabbling for fictitious accolades. :angry

Now, back to the logo. Which is awesome. :D
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So Art Andrews do we have any update on how its going with the logo? If im not mistaken about the logo that you did show us that its not the "finished" product or are we still wanting for the paperwork side of the whole thing?
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Hey 23Magnum/Trooper0621 This is a little outside the box, and I know you said that there may be shirts made "dont quote me on that " But has there been any thought into making a Dog tag with the new logo? / or any other merchandise?
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Ok, I finally got a shirt painted with the logo.

Please note that this project was only done to improve my shirt painting skills. I did NOT make this to wear around in public (I don't know if it's even allowed).

It didn't turn out as good as I hope it to. I am happy with the stencil work, but as you can tell the blue colors are off, especially the earth/eagle. When I mixed the colors they looked right but as soon as I sprayed them, they darkened. Also if you look closly you can see the area where I got some over spray under my masking (which I was very unhappy about), but I managed to some what cover it with white. If you are interested, the color ratios are 20:1:1 for the earth/eagle (blue, black, white), and 3:4 for the hexagons (blue, white). I guess it's ok for only being the third shirt I have ever painted.

I'm really going to put this shirt through a lot to see how it holds up, especially washing (I don't have a heat press).




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Hey 23Magnum/Trooper0621 This is a little outside the box, and I know you said that there may be shirts made "dont quote me on that " But has there been any thought into making a Dog tag with the new logo? / or any other merchandise?

Possibly. It's all early planning now, but I know having 405t hats, shirts, swag, etc. is something that we seem to all agree is a great fun way to build a sense of community (while also allowing those out-of-armor to be recognized at events).

Aside from dog tags, T-shirts, and hats are there other things people were interested in?

I'd love to get some vinyl decals for my car window. :)
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Possibly. It's all early planning now, but I know having 405t hats, shirts, swag, etc. is something that we seem to all agree is a great fun way to build a sense of community (while also allowing those out-of-armor to be recognized at events).

Aside from dog tags, T-shirts, and hats are there other things people were interested in?

I'd love to get some vinyl decals for my car window. :)

That would be wicked, realistically I can see posters, hats, tee's, stickers, buttons, Dog tags, cards....... its kind of endless .....PUT THE LOGO ON EVERYTHING I guess it would be things you can get from evens like PAX booths merchandize and what not
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