405th Logo Update

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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
As with so many other things within this community, we are bringing a fresh approach to the look of the core logo.

Logo History

Now... I won't claim to know the entire history of the community's identity, but this is one of the earliest versions of the logo I could find from around August of 2007.


Which eventually appeared on the website around Oct of 2007.


I am not sure exactly when the current logo was first created (roughly ~2008) but Adam shared some of the very earliest versions of it with me:



This triskelion-styled design with three hexagons and the (Halo) ring eventually gave way to our current logo:


Updated Logo

In approaching the new logo, we hired Ever and Oak to help us. Douglas is a friend (and long time RPFer) and understands these type of communities, where a typical design company probably wouldn't truly get the nature of what we do. In talking with him I told him that I did not want a NEW logo as much as I wanted a new take on the existing logo as so many within the community identify with it. I asked him to keep the core elements of the logo:

  • The ring - representing Earth.
  • The three stars - representing the core values of our community: honor, armor and unity
  • The three hexagons - represent you, the building blocks of our community, who hold our values at your core
  • The eagle - which has long represented a fighting force, most notably in history, the Roman Legion, but more currently, the US Marine Corps
  • The wreath - from the UN and UEG insignia, a symbol of the peace the UNSC are striving toward

I also asked that Douglas give us a design that didn't exactly mimic any specific Halo design, but had a feel that would fit into the Halo universe. I also asked him to limit the color palette to two, subdued colors (in addition to black and white) and make the logo something that we could easily break down into more simple forms for various uses. For anyone who knows anything about design, it is much harder to recreate something than to create something from scratch and my list of needs was no small task.

With that being said, Douglas brought back to me a stunning update to our logo that addressed EVERY concern I had and did so in a fantastic way!

I hate to start on a bad note, but before you scroll further (stop scrolling... stop!), PLEASE DO NOT USE THE NEW LOGO FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

Here is our new full logo for the 405th Division:


Here is a horizontal variation:


And very importantly, the logo can be broken down into smaller components... such as ranks:


... or it could also be used to represent the progression that so many of us make from small and simply things to complex and difficult things:


And here is just an example of me playing around in Photoshop...

No matter how you look at it, this is a strong update to the community's identity, paying homage to what has come before, while giving us something more versatile and usable for what is ahead!

Here is a chance to see the evolution of the community identity, side by side:


I know I said it before, but I want to remind you again - DON'T SKIP THIS!
While I am confident you are excited about the new logo, PLEASE DO NOT USE IT FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

So, where do we go from here? As we continue to update the site and social media venues, we will be adding in the new logo (as well as offering swag with the new logo). We will also be setting new guidelines so you too can use the logo in support of your community!


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That would be wicked, realistically I can see posters, hats, tee's, stickers, buttons, Dog tags, cards....... its kind of endless .....PUT THE LOGO ON EVERYTHING I guess it would be things you can get from evens like PAX booths merchandize and what not

This is exactly what we have in mind.
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Ill be waiting to see some cool pic's, really have liked what you have posted already there WandererTJ

Since this pertains to everyone, and since I did mention it in my last post, I'm still going to post it here and be done with it. I don't mean to derail, give me a warning if you must since I assume comments will occur in relation to this post. I will take the blame for those posts.
I asked several pages ago for Art to start a thread for us to discuss ranks and whatnot, but as far as I know, he doesn't want to have a thread meant formally for that topic at this time.

Anyways, here are some graphics that will hopefully make things more fair for those who have been talking about practically everything we have discussed so far.
Do you see a rank listed anywhere? No.
Of course, there will be certain things that you will have to earn, which includes having a Service Number recognized by the 405th. I'm currently discussing this with Art, and how we will approach giving members service numbers if we do. This does not mean that the information could actually make it to our posting details profile snippet, but that is something that I want to push for. This idea might also be dropped completely, the discussion has just started.

These are purely conceptual images. They are NOT official by any means, instead they are meant to show off a solution to some of the thoughts that were presented throughout this thread.


Details: [Expand the Image]

Profile Page Additions: [Expand the Image]
Profile Accolades.png
The actual implementation of this would look better, but this works as a proof of concept.
If you hovered over the accolade tile, a popup would appear giving you information about each one.

What are Accolades?
Rather than having ranks, it would be better to be awarded medals or "accolades" that track some of the things that you have done.

Ever play Halo Reach? If you haven't GO PLAY IT.
In Halo Reach, accolades/"Commendations" were awarded for making progress doing a random number of certain tasks in the game and they had levels that upgraded
If I remember correctly, it was: N/A - Tin - Bronze - Silver - Gold - Onyx - Onyx on Fire

First is your Build Status Icon.
There will be 3 main icons for this. You will get one of the following:
1) Build Icon, this will have tiers to it. The image that I have shown is the example of what you would see for someone with a "Legendary/Elite" build
2) Helper Icon, this is someone who has not made any builds and chooses not to because their interest is in other things relating to Halo costuming, like working with designs. This icon will also have tiers / be upgradeable.
3) Legend Icon, this is ONLY obtainable from winning majority vote for the month (or year or whatever) after being nominated. Votes will be cast based on the users Build Quality and/or Service to the 405th Community. Just because you have a Legendary Build does not make you a legend. Legends are to be known for being outstanding Members of the community. Part of this is from being helpful and part of this is from making outright awesome armor. If all you do is post pics of your armor in your own thread and never post elsewhere, it will be hard for you to get nominated for this honor.

If you want to see a particular accolade, I suggest you mention it

Then there are 3 types of Accolade groups.
1) Forum Related
- # of Posts
- # of Tutorials/Guides that have been given the "Official" status
- # of times your posts have been :thumbsup
- # of years you have been a member
- # of models/files you have contributed work to

2) Build Related
(See above)
- Accolades could be awarded for # of builds, or making a build for a certain game, the accolades of which are upgraded by the quality of the build
- Accolades could also be awarded for making props to go with your armor

3) Convention Related
- # of Cons attended
- # of photobombs
- # of times you have been teabagged
- # of times you teabagged someone else

With this, you could simply show off your top 4 (this could be automatic or maybe we could be allowed to choose).

Also, I've just simply used the Halo Reach icons, though I'm sure that we could easily go with something else.

Also, I stole the Pacific Insignia just for use to show in the example. There is no Southwest Regiment, nor does it have its own crest.

Anyways, by using images as the primary source of details rather than giving out actual "Titles" or anything, it will definitely alleviate the issues caused by people getting titles, but at the same time, it still gives us something to drive for without hating eachother.


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That would be wicked, realistically I can see posters, hats, tee's, stickers, buttons, Dog tags, cards....... its kind of endless .....PUT THE LOGO ON EVERYTHING I guess it would be things you can get from evens like PAX booths merchandize and what not

You forgot about tattoos!!!
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I asked several pages ago for Art to start a thread for us to discuss ranks and whatnot, but as far as I know, he doesn't want to have a thread meant formally for that topic at this time.

Pretty sure I covered that when I said this...
There will be other opportunities in the future to do so I'm sure.

My meaning, if it wasn't clear, was to say that there will be discussions on the topic when the time is appropriate. For the time being, the site and its infrastructure our the main concern as Art has said on numerous occasions. I know people are excited about all the changes but tackling too many things at the same time is never good for organizing or progressing on anything. As Sean has always told me when concerning costume building, only take on one small part at a time and before you know it you're done.
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I tried. I really did. *sigh*

WandererTJ said:
Of course, there will be certain things that you will have to earn, which includes having a Service Number recognized by the 405th. I'm currently discussing this with Art, and how we will approach giving members service numbers if we do. This does not mean that the information could actually make it to our posting details profile snippet, but that is something that I want to push for. This idea might also be dropped completely, the discussion has just started.

So the service numbers, something two entire threads have been dedicated to conceptualizing and organizing, OUR numbers chosen BY US for OUR characters and OUR fiction...would become someone else's to decide whether we "deserve" OUR own creation? No. Just no.

As for an accolade/commendation system, I can get behind that because while it is a "nominal reward," it recognizes progress even in small steps and isn't limited just to how many completed builds someone has done. So long as there is equal consideration between those who make suits, and those who are more prop-focused when it comes to physical builds, I don't see a problem with that, as some people are more focused on props, and some focus on creating kits for purchase by community members who might not be as deft at prop making themselves while not being particularly motivated to make a suit.


- # of times you have been teabagged
- # of times you teabagged someone else

No. Just no. I will go a step further and say HELL no. Now I know some people look at this sort of thing as just having a bit of fun, a little "in joke" within the Halo gaming community. It irritates me when this happens in the game, and not simply because it is all too often accompanied not by light-hearted cajoling, but by mean-spirited taunting and vulgar trash talking, nor because it's becoming all too common for people to bust this stupidity out for no other reason than "hey, I found a dead body." But there's an even deeper, far more personal reason why this disgusts me. I've alluded to it before, I was bullied frequently as a kid. Could never do anything about it. I graduated at a gangly 6'1" and 145 lbs. I was never in any way "athletic" and certainly could never have been considered "popular."In middle school (which for my school was 5th-8th) wrestling was part of the required gym class curriculum. No exceptions. So where does the gangly, unpopular kid end up? Under the crotch of a 135 lb. 12 year old screaming "taste it, faggot!" while the coach "conveniently" doesn't notice a spectacle that has the entire class staring, chanting, and jeering.

I'll leave it at that and let you piece together why I'm not too keen on the proliferation of "t-bagging" as something to be encouraged in what should be a friendly and above all respectful community. particularly as some sort of "achievement" to strive for.

Anyways, by using images as the primary source of details rather than giving out actual "Titles" or anything, it will definitely alleviate the issues caused by people getting titles, but at the same time, it still gives us something to drive for without hating each other.

That certainly is a more efficient method for than having to look up a person's post history and skimming through dozens of threads and possibly hundreds of posts to determine how many builds they've made or how many models they've contributed to the community. And it gives the individual a more personalized sense of pride by effectively chronicling their progress rather than just slapping on a generic title.

Oh, and because I was called out even after saying I was done, it would be rude not to at least address Fireryne. I'm not talking about the Facebook pages. I know those were born of a necessity because a significant number of 405th members could not access the main site, nor do I have any issue with their continued existence now that the site itself seems to be "fixed" for those members, as Facebook by design is better for networking and setting up event announcements and making sure all pertinent members get the announcement without having to track down each one and message them individually to make sure they saw the post. My problem is that certain groups, as members other than me have pointed out, have set themselves apart as separate entities from the 405th, by which they identify themselves by their branch group first and the 405th second, they set up their own charter with their own membership requirements and restrictions that do not align with those of the 405th community and have operated without any consideration for any members of the community outside of their branch despite there being ample interest from ALL corners of the 405th in participating in such events as a part of a group rather than just being a straggler on the outskirts. That is what I have been referring to, that is what I take issue with, and that is what I want to see end, and yet I look over the discussion here and somehow someone got the idea that that sort of exclusion is something the average member has come to desire, so that is why I've been more irritable than a stirred up hornet's nest over this whole mess and why I have become increasingly frustrated by people throwing in their two cents on tangents which have nothing to do with what I am saying. Now IF there ever is designated a discussion thread dedicated to delving back into this quagmire, perhaps I will renew this discussion. Until then, I am trying to let it go because I don't need this kind of aggravation in my life right now and its continuation is only causing more of a problem and aggravating everyone else on top of it. Art says he'd rather not even get into it right now until enough time and attention can be dedicated to giving it proper consideration regarding the many aspects and potential pitfalls of club implementation beyond what had already begun to take root before this changing of the guard, so to speak, so let's leave it at that.
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As 23Magnum stated earlier, please keep this thread on topic. If you wish to continue this conversation, please use a different thread or take it to PMs so this can stay focused on the logo.
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So, in Adam's introduction video, we all see the buetiful 405th banner. As someone trying to put a panel together, could something like that also be added into the picture? its so...professional looking :)
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So, in Adam's introduction video, we all see the buetiful 405th banner. As someone trying to put a panel together, could something like that also be added into the picture? its so...professional looking :)

Yup. We can get banners no problem. Here are examples we have had printed for the RPF and TDH. I would probably be looking to @Ever & Oak to have these developed. What we really need are some super high res, super high quality shots of some of the best of the best we have to offer (don't want to hear it naysayers...) that could be featured on a banner. With Comic Con literally days away, we might get that opportunity!


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Art Andrews said:
What we really need are some super high res, super high quality shots of some of the best of the best we have to offer (don't want to hear it naysayers...) that could be featured on a banner.

So like a group shot banner to hang at conventions? I like it.

Not to say there aren't others, I'm just going by ones that I can recall and ones that for me, personally, have stood out as being among the best of the best. Sort of my own personal top ten fave builders I guess you could call it, but might I suggest LilTyrant, EVAkura, Longshot-X, Timecon, Sarlume, RoxyRoo, TheBradinator, NZ-Ethan, Hyperballistik, and kitnip for consideration? From what I have seen these are builders (and again, please nobody be offended if I didn't list your name, I do not mean any form of personal slight or insult) who have consistently gone that extra mile for fine detail and craftsmanship. And more to the point, they all have completed suits. There's another I didn't mention only because I don't know the status of her build and haven't seen an update since last year, but Zercon was working on an amazing Skirmisher suit and I know there are at least a few other members showing Covie love that it might be good to track down so they can be included and show that the 405th doesn't just build Spartans or even just UNSC-themed suits.

As an aside and completely unrelated to the above, I would just like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to each and every person here for being so hard-headed and quick to jump down the throat of anyone presenting ideas I couldn't get behind. For all my ranting about preserving the unity of this community, in my actions I have not been practicing what I've been preaching. I am sorry for that as well. Change is uncomfortable. Change can be unsettling. Change can also be hell on the nerves. But that is no excuse for the increasingly hostile tone I have been taking with people who have as much right to be heard as I do, some I would say even more so by right of seniority not only in forum rank/standing (staff, administrators, etc) but those who got their boots wet long before I even knew this site existed. My passion for what I feel is the spirit and purpose of this community is likewise no excuse for treating any form of non-aesthetic change as some kind of threat to its well-being. Again, I'm sorry. I have spoken of division and strife only to cause it myself and thus rob my words of all meaning. I can no longer ignorantly put the blame on anyone else for my feeling of not being heard, I did that to myself.
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Why not contact the people with a topic in the elite showcase section?
The work in that section is top notch, and mostly chosen by people from the community that keep asking these topics to be elite.
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A banner would be SO Cool.

I know the biggest part of why my husband and I joined this site was to finally make a costume for him. I have been doing cosplay for myself for over 8 years. After that amount of time I have finnaly gotten him to agree to cosplay with me, and he wanted Halo armor. When he finally decided was after the last con I went to which is a small, but quickly growing, con named the SCI FI Valley Con of Pennsylvania. Our first goal was and is to have his armor finished beofre that con comes around next year.

I then brought up to him that they had done renewal of vows for marriges, as well as full weddings. I had tossed out to him as a possibility of us doing a renewal of our vows at SciFi Valley. It would be our 17th anniversary, as well as being we never had a full cerimony, we only went to the courthouse and had a civil wedding, this would be fun, enjoyable, and our family could finally come to a wedding for us. *Smiles* It would be so cooll to do this with him and I in armor, and well, anyone else who wanted to show up as well would just make it so much neater.

**Edit*(Forgot this line in my excitement, and just realized it when I reread my post)

Having a 405th Banner as a backdrop for our wedding/ wedding pics would just be that added touch.
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Yup. We can get banners no problem. Here are examples we have had printed for the RPF and TDH. I would probably be looking to @Ever & Oak to have these developed. What we really need are some super high res, super high quality shots of some of the best of the best we have to offer (don't want to hear it naysayers...) that could be featured on a banner. With Comic Con literally days away, we might get that opportunity!

If you need super high quality I think these guys might be the ticket (they already have some amazing shots that you might be able to get permission for);
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So liek a group shot banner to hang at conventions? I like it.

Probably not a group shot as it is not easy to identify from a distance. A single character shot is often much more effective.

Not to say there aren't others, I'm just going by ones that I can recall and ones that for me, personally, have stood out as being among the best of the best. Sort of my own personal top ten fave builders I guess you could call it, but might I suggest LilTyrant, EVAkura, Longshot-X, Timecon, Sarlume, RoxyRoo, TheBradinator, NZ-Ethan, Hyperballistik, and kitnip for consideration? From what I have seen these are builders (and again, please nobody be offended if I didn't list your name, I do not mean any form of personal slight or insult) who have consistently gone that extra mile for fine detail and craftsmanship. And more to the point, they all have completed suits. There's another I didn't mention only because I don't know the status of her build and haven't seen an update since last year, but Zercon was working on an amazing Skirmisher suit and I know there are at least a few other members showing Covie love that it might be good to track down so they can be included and show that the 405th doesn't just build Spartans or even just UNSC-themed suits.

Thanks for the suggestions. When we get ready to start working on banners, we will definitely keep those names in mind. Also, keep in mind that while it is important that the costume be good quality, the photo and pose are just as important. Even the best costume, taken in poor lighting conditions, or with a poor pose is going to represent poorly.

As an aside and completely unrelated to the above, I would just like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to each and every person here for being so hard-headed and quick to jump down the throat of anyone presenting ideas I couldn't get behind. For all my ranting about preserving the unity of this community, in my actions I have not been practicing what I've been preaching. I am sorry for that as well. Change is uncomfortable. Change can be unsettling. Change can also be hell on the nerves. But that is no excuse for the increasingly hostile tone I have been taking with people who have as much right to be heard as I do, some I would say even more so by right of seniority not only in forum rank/standing (staff, administrators, etc) but those who got their boots wet long before I even knew this site existed. My passion for what I feel is the spirit and purpose of this community is likewise no excuse for treating any form of non-aesthetic change as some kind of threat to its well-being. Again, I'm sorry. I have spoken of division and strife only to cause it myself and thus rob my words of all meaning. I can no longer ignorantly put the blame on anyone else for my feeling of not being heard, I did that to myself.

I appreciate that very much. Change IS definitely always uncomfortable. :(
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