405th Veteran Chat Discussion - IMPORTANT

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@Gaming Geek-

I'll start off by saying thank-you for your compliments throughout your post.

Now, onto the explanation part of my post...

The original post was probably the worst post I have ever posted. If you had seen my many other posts, you would see I am always willing to help a member out. However, that has changed because of my buttons being pushed the wrong way by certain members who I had attempted to help. I typically give respect to earn respect, but if you come to me for help, that’s a whole different ball game.

I don't think newbs suck. They mostly remind me of myself when I first joined. I was scared and completely clueless. However, unlike some newer members today, I took initiative and have done my best to give back to the community. I am not saying that all newbs are like these "bad examples", I am trying to say that every new member needs a push in the right direction, but some need a larger push then others.

I believe with some small changes to the forums (I will post the results from our discussion later) will better equip members with the knowledge they need to start their costumes, and insure that everybody is happier in the end. Veterans having to answer less questions, and newbs being able to start their armour and not have to “waist” their time asking questions in the first place. While the Moderators and Administrators take a break for once.

Finally, yes, I did tone down my original post. I figured it sent the wrong message, but I was kind of heated up when I wrote it in the first place. Anyway, its been changed for the better, so lets see how everything turns out. I hope to see some changes in the best interest of all members, both new and old.
You're welcome. I'm sorry for going off on you when you had a bad day.

Can I make a recommendation for your talk, from the 'noob' view?

Someone needs to fix the newbie help threads. All of the links are dead due to the reset of your forums here. That would really slow down some of the worst of the new questions.

I left a bug report on it, but with everything that the moderators are doing with trying to nail down the code on the new system here I think it's low priority. Hell, I hope they've had time to install the security patches.
When I first joined the 405th, I read the stickys, did searches, and kept up with the forum chatter. I don't post much, but I try to help when I can. I believe that knowledge EVERYBODY deserves, and should have access to. New members can make a huge difference, and show great talent. Sure part of it is their lack of experience, but the WHOLE POINT of the 405th is so they can LEARN. Not everybody knows how a forum works, its up to us to show them how. It seems that here its post count that determines how some members decide to include the others. Merely because somebody has few posts DOES NOT IN ANY WAY indicate how much they have to contribute.

Back to sharing information, What you contribute should be there for the betterment of the 405thand to help the armor building process of the new members, and SHOULD NOT be used for the sole purpose of personal gain or prestige. Some of the top contributors on these forums NEVER EVER bring up what they have done for the 405th. They do it without any gain, and they expect no thanks for what they have given, they do what they do because they believe in what the 405th is and what it can be.
The moderators are some of these people, they are reasonable, competent, and polite. They know their limits and they don't draw attention to themselves.

Xtreme Tactics, yes I am sure you have contributed lots, but you needn't use it as a status symbol. There are people here who have contributed FAR more then you and have NEVER asked for recognition, they are the people who make the 405th great. If we want change we need to be more like them. As for having buttons pushed, DON'T let it bother you. If you don't like how people use you information, don't withhold it to prove a point. It just makes you look self absorbed and makes you seem that you think you are right and everybody is wrong.

I respect you want for change, but I believe that it can be found in a far more wholesome manner. ALL levels, Noobs, Veterans, And Mods, need to work together to make the 405th a better place. after all the 405th motto is "Honor, Armor, UNITY". Unity is what we need, not sporadic efforts for change.

I understand your points, however I must disagree (in a way) with a few of them.

I spend 4-5 hours per day on my computer (This time could be used for FAR better purposes mind you) just to answer E-mails and help members on MSN and Skype. I don’t expect a thank-you or credit, but I do expect for the person who I am helping to not call me an idiot, to not complain on-and-on about how terrible I am, and to not harass me. I get more people every day who are the rudest people I have ever dealt with. I am withholding my tutorials and information because it is a privilege, not a right for others to use and have them.

I draw the line at things being stolen, and rest assured I have had my own tutorials stolen and credit taken for them by people who did not write them. I also draw the line when I am being disrespected. I don’t care if these people think I’m a bit of a dick for no longer posting my tutorials. Blame the people who ruined it for everyone.

I don’t withhold my information to prove a point. I withhold it because if you didn’t earn it, you don’t get it.

I don’t use my contributions as a status symbol, I continue to make contributions out of the good In my heart. Because of those who exploit my information, I no longer hand it out. When this problem slows, I will return my information to the 405th.

Now, back on topic.
If you don't want it stolen don't post it. But PLEASE, don't make topics saying that you have info but won't let people use it anymore cause yu don't like what they did. Fix the problem (Delete your topic) and then let it be forgotten. Don't bring it up, you don't need to.

I understand, fully that plagiarism sucks, and being a victim of it is no fun.

Another thing, we don't need to blame anybody for anything. BLAMING IS BAD.
I had to inform people about me taking down the topic anyway. I didn't want any question threads asking where it went. Besides, I'm giving the tutorial some much needed editing so if I post it up again, it will be better then it was.

And, for your last two points, I agree completely.
Sign me up. We need some fresh new things to happen and get this forum back in order.

Please come with ideas not complaints. We all know what the complaints are.
Im game.
Just let me know which we are using.
Better to be a part of the solution then a part of the problem.
(or at least help with the solution)
what about an email that gets sent when you register with links to the sticky's and tutorial's?
so they can always refer back to the e-mail incase they need help so they don't post threads all the time?
or maybe a section where people can find stuff like fiberglass resin, bondo and fiberglass in their own area, whatever stores sell them, just to give them alittle push, plus that video on IndyMogul really helped me visualize what I had to do to make armor, have somebody make a video tutorial to begin with?
or making all the tutorials in one seperate section highlighted, because to tell you the truth, at first I couldn't find them. 0_0
Goodness! I half expected my computer screen to start melting while I was reading this whole topic. So, after a few pages of stress, I suppose I'll add my comments too.

@23magnum: Please try not to be too angry. If I was in your position and had read this, I would have busted some capillaries, and gone absolutely beserk. Thank you for keeping your cool. Please understand that even though some people are getting angry, it's not because the mods are doing anything wrong. They're doing everything right, and are taking flak for an unknown reason.

Ok, so for my general comments I'll start here. I think this thread got a bit heated due to the original wording of the Op. Xtreme, you obviously felt strongly about making some change and posted it. And, like someone else said, everybody errors sometimes. Something I struggle with greatly is making my posts understandable by the intended audience. It's impossible to gauge how your post will be read by a hundred different people in a hundred different enviroments. It could rub somebody backwards, and somebody else forwards, and you'll never know until they post. Sometimes you've just got to post, and correct on the fly as you get feedback. ;)

Something else to note has already been said. Veterans are a backbone to this site's integrity. But Mods are the vitals, and noobs play a part too. This meeting can accomplish some great things no doubt, but we can't forget about the countless others that play a part. We are superior to no one, and always must be willing to humble ourselves for the sake of the community.

On a somewhat unrelated note, and even though it isn't that big of a deal, I am flattered that you included me on your list Xtreme. :D It's always nice to be acknowledged.

Finally, I will make plans to be in attendance of this meeting on Msn. If I'm correct, Msn is an instant messenger? If it is, I can do it, but I will be unable to do Skype due to the nature of the live streaming video. My satellite internet prevents me from doing anything streaming, but does allow instant messaging, so I will sign up for a msn account asap and plan to be in attendance.
List updated. The more opinions we have, the more informed decisions/suggestions we can make.


I believe we will very briefly address one problem at a time, and then brainstorm ideas on exactly how to fix those problems. I have been making a list of problems and solutions over the past few hours, but I will leave those for the day of our gathering.


Yes, MSN is an instant messaging system. Be sure to add me when you make your account.

Hey Xtreme, I found out that we're going to a family reunion tomorrow, and I won't be able to make it to the discussion. If I have any ideas, I'll e-mail you. Sorry. :(
I would like to attend this talk as well if you'll have me.

I have just recently attained veteran status and have not even completed my first suit yet, but i have been lurking around a lot and have noticed a lot of stuff going on. I also have some experience in forums organizing and group structuring so it may be of some help.

I love learning new things and hope that some day in the future i can be as knowledgeable as one of you older more experienced persons on this site, and i hope with this talk that new things can come to fruition and maybe i can help with that since i am somewhat of the newer generation to Halo armor/ armor making all together.

if you do allow me to attend i am a man of few words in such conversations and hope that i can come up with some ideas and such to better this community and its newer members.

Thank you all for what you do.

Hello. I know I'm new, but please tell me how can help! This site is a godsend, and I'm willing to do my part to keep it as great as it is!
Hello. I know I'm new, but please tell me how can help! This site is a godsend, and I'm willing to do my part to keep it as great as it is!

Actually some of you guys would like to help by joining the chat, but I guess it will help more if you ne an example to other noobs. Like show respect, give help, and contribute.

I bet if everybody does this, most of our ignorant/disrespectful noobs will be gone.
All we have to do is give the example, not only vets should do this.

So go help the community and be a more respectful/helpful/united member
Actually some of you guys would like to help by joining the chat, but I guess it will help more if you ne an example to other noobs. Like show respect, give help, and contribute.

I bet if everybody does this, most of our ignorant/disrespectful noobs will be gone.
All we have to do is give the example, not only vets should do this.

So go help the community and be a more respectful/helpful/united member
done and done!
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