Viva la revolucion!
We've all been
asking for change here for ages, about time someone stood up and decided they could organize people to do something about it. So many have shouted at the sky that '
someone needs to do something about this!!!' If you guys want to decide who that someone is, or armwrestle each other for the responsibility, all the power to you. If you can build the momentum necessary to enact the changes you want.. go for it!
I've been here as a moderator for almost as long as I've been a member. I've shaken the foundations as much as I've seen them shaken. At times I've been the sole mod taking care of the place while everyone else was too busy to contribute, other times I was one of the 'too busy to contribute' guys. I've never hesitated to call people out when they weren't acting in the best interests of the group. I've encouraged and promoted far more people than I've shut out or banned. I've seen the 405th Charter come and go, swept away like so much dust. I've seen the direction of the group threatened and internal revolutions nearly overthrow the ownership of the site.. and I've watched the winds of change blow through this place like a tornado only to leave everything absolutely intact. I've shouted at the sky just as much as you guys... and I'm confident that when everything settles back down it'll pretty much be the same place it has been since the beginning, better or worse, organized or hastily thrown together. When you are all done shaking the foundations I'll still be here to serve the 405th in every single way I can. This place is as much a part of me as I am of it.
Thats a funny thing... that your postponement would push your meeting to happen on July 4th, Independance Day. Is this irony, or appropriate?
I'm honestly not sure whether I should participate in your meeting, or let you guys do what you're gonna do and just see what happens. I almost feel it may be more authentic if I stay out of it and just let this progress organically. Nobody here has called for my input, or made anything other than blanket accusations at the powers that be. Would you like me to participate? If you do, count me in. If not, best of luck and I'll be eager to see the outcome of this.
***EDIT: Oops.. just saw the personal invitation to me in one of those early posts.. I can't be expected to come running whenever my name is dropped in a thread.. if you need to get ahold of me at anytime while the PM system is still broken, you can email me at Already sent you message with my cell#. Whenever you decide that this is going to happen, please just let me know one way or another and I can be there.
Is this happening over Skype or Messenger? I haven't used Skype since the podcast, I'll try to get prepared.. please just set a date and time.