A little help reading ODST template


New Member
Hey guys! I've decided to start work on a costume for a convention my friends are going to in a couple of months, and having already having printed out a M7S SMG, I just decided to go for the whole thing with an ODST costume! I downloaded the armory forge files, opened them in pepakura, and I'm nearly all ready to start work on the actual construction. I've decided to go for the helmet first, as I think if I can do the helmet, I can definitely do everything else. I do have some questions I would like to doublecheck before I start work, though.

1. Dumb question I'm sure haha, but how do I go about these cuts? On the paper its straight line, but in the preview theyre a little open. I'm guessing these are to help the foam bend a little better, and the gaps will be filled in later. Am I correct?

2. What's the difference between the dashed lines and the solid ones? I see that on the preview the angles are very sharp instead of rounded, so I'm thinking the dashed lines are where you should score (slice into but not completely cut, I hope I'm explaining this right lol) the foam to allow for a more sharp edge instead of the roundedness you'd normally get from just bending. Is this right, or is there any difference?

Any help is appreciated! This forum looks great from the previous threads I've looked at, and I hope to give y'all some updates as I work on the costume!
What's the difference between the dashed lines and the solid ones?
You are correct in assuming the dashed ones are folds and the solid ones are cuts. You kinda gotta make a V-shaped channel to allow the foam to fold on itself.

how do I go about these cuts?
I haven't made this file before, but if I came across something like this I would just cut small triangles out where the lines are and glue it together. At the end of the day you're just looking to achieve a curve. It doesn't really matter how you get there. You don't have to follow the files exactly, just do what looks right. You might even be able to bend the foam with heat and not have to worry about cutting it at all!
You are correct in assuming the dashed ones are folds and the solid ones are cuts. You kinda gotta make a V-shaped channel to allow the foam to fold on itself.

I haven't made this file before, but if I came across something like this I would just cut small triangles out where the lines are and glue it together. At the end of the day you're just looking to achieve a curve. It doesn't really matter how you get there. You don't have to follow the files exactly, just do what looks right. You might even be able to bend the foam with heat and not have to worry about cutting it at all!
Awesome advice, thank you! I'll experiment a bit with getting the cuts right and see what I can do once I get my printer fixed. I'm much more of a hands-on learner versus just staring at a template for hours lol. Thanks again!
I'd actually wager that when it came to all the little cuts on that strip, you don't need to cut them out - thankfully, foam is pretty forgiving! I would heat form that part into shape with a heat gun, and if you also need to bend it a little width-wise, take a look into making yourself a foam anvil (which are surprisingly handy to round out foam pieces).
I'd actually wager that when it came to all the little cuts on that strip, you don't need to cut them out - thankfully, foam is pretty forgiving! I would heat form that part into shape with a heat gun, and if you also need to bend it a little width-wise, take a look into making yourself a foam anvil (which are surprisingly handy to round out foam pieces).
By a foam anvil, do you mean something like this?
If you think it'd be handy in constructing an entire ODST suit, I'll definitely pick up a few basic supplies when I hit Walmart for my printer ink! Anywho, I'm pretty excited to finally start on the suit. I'm wondering if the helmet is the right choice, though. Maybe I should start with something a little more forgiving, such as the chest piece. What are your guys' thoughts?
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