A1TD : Gears Of War 3. Re-opened.

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and models?
use -lzo and - noanim and enter in model what u want a texture, if u understand skelmech, and anothers things
and models?
use -lzo and - noanim and enter in model what u want a texture, if u understand skelmech, and anothers things

I don't mean to bother, but it would be really awesome if you could make a quick tutorial for how to do this. Please and thank You!

Ok, so I must admit, it's not really working for me. I think I'm just going to stick with what I've got, and what else is availabe in the future, because I have no idea as of now how to extract the .xxx files properly, gonna keep trying though.
I'm at a loss too, I've done everything that you've said gaarmasa. I agree with koshima07. I think you should, when you have the time, write up a tutorial on how to extract the models.
I dont mean to sound repetitive or come off as annoying but can someone please separate the greaves/boots/shin gaurds on the Marcus No Armor that gaarmasa uploaded. I don't think people understand me when I say separate. I mean like delete the whole model except for the everything from the knees down. I need the greaves right now and I would be able to unfold them for sure within the next few days.
I dont mean to sound repetitive or come off as annoying but can someone please separate the greaves/boots/shin gaurds on the Marcus No Armor that gaarmasa uploaded. I don't think people understand me when I say separate. I mean like delete the whole model except for the everything from the knees down. I need the greaves right now and I would be able to unfold them for sure within the next few days.

OH!!! Yeah I can TOTALLY do that...
I thought you meant separate as in "unfold"


So here are the files as per requested. As I have said, I can get the 3d/.obj files, but I just can't unfold them. So here they are:
Marcus Shins
Marcus Belt
Marcus Shoe Covers
So folks, I have a statement, Jakkrit spoke to me, and it will
correct models of weapons, because they get straight to paper,
have a big problem, then, as it will straighten the weapons
(the larger work), we can cut the reinforcement models
("low" poly-poly is not as low, but you will understand '-').
this will buy time until the weapons were all ready.
Seeing as these aren't included with he rest of the set, here is the rest of Anya's armor.
Anya Boots
Anya's Belt

Anya's Belt Link has been changed to a model thats now been fixed. I haven't necessarily found any problems with the Marcus model, but if their are, I'd be glad to fix them.
Not really. Still have yet to backtrack through the thread and read the other posts, but I still have the files, and I'm still trying to extract them from their respective folders.

Do have some good news. Finished cleaning up and scaling three models! Will post them tomorrow.
Keep you posted!
Not really. Still have yet to backtrack through the thread and read the other posts, but I still have the files, and I'm still trying to extract them from their respective folders.

Do have some good news. Finished cleaning up and scaling three models! Will post them tomorrow.
Keep you posted!
do you know LED are desactive, right?
i 'painting' the leds, in carmine elite,and work's,
but know i have problem if shins, its too deep,and, i dont know what i have to do.
carmine elite, prescott, anya, baird, gus, (clayton not), i dont remember the others- put texture(time less)-
if u find the file called
they have many texture works and good ^^
but carmine elite, and prescoot, i painting the leds.
do you know LED are desactive, right?
i 'painting' the leds, in carmine elite,and work's,
but know i have problem if shins, its too deep,and, i dont know what i have to do.
carmine elite, prescott, anya, baird, gus, (clayton not), i dont remember the others- put texture(time less)-
if u find the file called
they have many texture works and good ^^
but carmine elite, and prescoot, i painting the leds.

Haha... Prescoot. Nice. A douche like him (for abandoning the COG) may do with a name like that!
Hey, Gaaramasa, seeing as you might know what files are where, can you make a quick list of locations for weapons, characters, and skins?

Also took another look at Carmine's model, and I discovered something! Clay Carmine... is a caucasian Cole!!!! Seriously! If you open him up in PD3, and check the corresponding faces, you will eventually highlight Carmine's head, which is actually Cole! Just like in G2, where A. and B. Carmine were actually Minh Young Kim!

Oh, do I love finding things like that, Lol.

Will be posting FOUR models, rather than 3, soon guys.
Finished the Lancer, Retro Lancer, Sawed-Off, and Longshot!

I know, right?
Keep ya' posted!

Here's the location (if you've already DL'd the game) of the file that Gaaramasa mentioned:

Also found a couple of others:
-- nog-gow3.r03\GearGame\CookedXenon\
I located what I believe to be character files, or something like that. Here's an example:

Can someone tell me what HD, MP, SG, and SP signify?

Still looking combing through the files for more info.
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