Big Props to Bluerealm for helping me get the new mold taken care of for the Assault Rifle made. Finally the two halves fit together in a glorious harmony of awesomeness.
sweet! the pulls look perfect. very smooth. ((if you make too many i could take one off your hands.))
the molds look even better than your old ones (at least from the ones in the video). clean....that's the word i'm looking for.
now you can create a video where you have a wall the AR's and stud walk beside them, and pull one out for battle! (that's sounds really nerdy)
Damn, dude! That's awesome! That mold looks great; very clean casting there. You should be able to get a good number of pulls out of that, heh.
I seriously hope to be able to get one of your way-kewl AR's in the near future.
Btw... regarding that other matter we'd been discussing via PM's... haven't heard back from you, so please let me know about that when you have a moment, buddy...