Advice On Hdtv's

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Wow... lol. Listen to LastSpartan and DogWizard. But I assume since you're already in the market, you probably know all that.

As for the size, I'd need to see your living room. My buddy has a 42" and it's more than fine from 8-10 feet away, but it definitely IS the focus of the room. 52" is a pretty big leap from that, so I'd say (and again this is without seeing your living room) go with the 47".

EDIT: Also, with the "p" vs. "i" thing, it's like, undetectable by the human eye, so I wouldn't worry about that.
Mmm lots of good technical info, :D

I had heard similar things about the 'out of the box' settings being undesirable. I will definitely take the time to properly calibrate the screen. I went to Best Buy the other day and really dug through the menus on their TV's. All of them had brightness and contrast jacked waaaaay high. They looked perturbed when I was standing on the shelves trying to play with the settings haha. I wanted to know what I was getting though lol.

I definitely say amen to the surround sound...what a difference. His Christmas present for last year was a 5.1 system...boy that's now the TV will be the last piece to the puzzle :)

The room right the TV would go into now is it's pretty average. However we are buying a new house together in September so I suspect our next place will have a larger living room. In fact, I will probably insist on it when we go house hunting!

Uh oh...I hear him coming upstairs...I must hide the evidence of this present!

I'll update again tomorrow hehe.
I just got a great deal... My mom is a purchaser for Circuit City, and she said to look at the store for one of two things...
One OOB (out of Box) plasma TV's which usually sell for 45% less than new in the box... or off plan tv's which have the same deal.
Second Last years Hitachi's the HDTV Plasma 42" is on sale for Approx $860.00, and the 50" is Approx $1050, for the next couple of weeks... Mod p50h401
check em' out...
I got the 50", and it is awesome....

I also just got my hands on a full upright store Demo of the Halo 2 in store Console... The rolling case, tv, and xbox console, fully lit, and speakers.
My advice would be, dont go spending squillions on an HD set. OLED screens will be here in under 10 years, they'll be bigger brighter, crisper, last longer etc etc, when I got my HD set I got the largest and cheapest thing I could basically because I know I'll have to replace it in a few years. My screen cant do 1080p (1080i is the highest it goes) but, honestly it doesn't matter, there is very little hardware out there that outputs a 1080p yet anyway. Its also a totally bollocks argument, because I doubt many people could even tell the difference (except finish of course.)
theres plenty out there that plays 1080p. i got my middle of the range 46" plasma about 8 months ago so thered be plenty around now. as for size id have to say get the biggest, im in a TINY pathetic little town house im about 6 feet from my tv and i dont have any problems from being to close. plus when you move to a bigger house you dont want it to be too small. that and its great to show off how much better your stuff is then your friends, i do ;)
All key points are bold.

First of all, I would recomend getting a LCD or PLASMA screen TV because they are very high quality and usually have the best VIEWING ANGLE.

Second, is that the best size in my opinion is anywhere between 45"-60", and 1080p seems to be the best RESOLUTION.

Third is that the higher the CONTRAST RATIO is, the better (ex. 1 to 100,000 > 1 to 1,000). This ratio is the difference between the brightest and the darkest color.

Fourth is that the lower the RESPONSE TIME, the smoother the image will be. From what I've seen, 2ms is about as good as you can get.

Most important!: No matter what TV you get, make sure it is 120Hz (not 60Hz). 60Hz will look absolutely terribly when theres action or anything fast (like in football or video games).
I upgraded from a 27" SDTV to a 20" HD viewsonic monitor.. Sure I lost a load of viewing area, but at least now I can read people's names in the matchmaking lobby.. I just sit a bit closer and it grows.
I are not rich, nor have I a significant other, so I can't but a real TV
Scooterkid said:
All key points are bold.

First of all, I would recomend getting a LCD or PLASMA screen TV because they are very high quality and usually have the best VIEWING ANGLE.

Second, is that the best size in my opinion is anywhere between 45"-60", and 1080p seems to be the best RESOLUTION.

Third is that the higher the CONTRAST RATIO is, the better (ex. 1 to 100,000 > 1 to 1,000). This ratio is the difference between the brightest and the darkest color.

Fourth is that the lower the RESPONSE TIME, the smoother the image will be. From what I've seen, 2ms is about as good as you can get.

Most important!: No matter what TV you get, make sure it is 120Hz (not 60Hz). 60Hz will look absolutely terribly when theres action or anything fast (like in football or video games).
Plasmas are not good for gaming. The images get burned into the TV too easily. So, if her husband likes to play video games then he'd be screwed.
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abandonship said:
Plasmas are not good for gaming. The images get burned into the TV too easily. So, if her husband likes to play video games then he'd be screwed.

I use a plasma screen for my computer and I do a lot of gaming. So far I haven't noticed anything getting burned into the screen. A lot of my friends use plasma screen TVs as well, and they haven't noticed any problems. You must be thinking of the really really old versions.
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Wow... so much technical info....
Personally I like Samsung, I just find that most of there products are really reliable.
Our house is still full of old CRT's, we have a 81cm one that probably weights more than my small car...
I have my crappy old 17"LCD for my PC (soon to be replaced by a nice new 24" Dell)
If I get a new LCD TV in the next few years i wont be spending more than $1000, so whatever I get probably wont be that good or big (32" would be fine for me)
For 360 gaming I use a Benq w100 projector, its pretty good for watching movies too, just don’t try to play PC games on it.
If you have the cash I would go for a 47" Samsung LCD, cant go wrong there.
@NZ-TK, I just read up about the OLED TV's a million to one contrast ratio... that’s sounds a bit overkill, but they sound pretty cool anyway.
p0rtalman said:
Wow... so much technical info....
Personally I like Samsung, I just find that most of there products are really reliable.
Our house is still full of old CRT's, we have a 81cm one that probably weights more than my small car...
I have my crappy old 17"LCD for my PC (soon to be replaced by a nice new 24" Dell)
If I get a new LCD TV in the next few years i wont be spending more than $1000, so whatever I get probably wont be that good or big (32" would be fine for me)
For 360 gaming I use a Benq w100 projector, its pretty good for watching movies too, just don’t try to play PC games on it.
If you have the cash I would go for a 47" Samsung LCD, cant go wrong there.
@NZ-TK, I just read up about the OLED TV's a million to one contrast ratio... that’s sounds a bit overkill, but they sound pretty cool anyway.
OLED tvs costs 2500$, for a 11" monitor.

So yeah, wait 10 years ^^
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@Newspartancreator- My friend got a really good deal at circuit city buying a screen for his mom :) I actually bought my last computer monitor there too.

@NZ-TK- Yeah I've heard that the difference between 1080i and 1080p isn't noticeable with most media, like the XBOX 360 and the more standard HD channels, since they are made for interlaced scans. The reason I started looking at 1080p's really was because I was thinking of throwing in a PS3 with a Blu-Ray to sweeten the birthday pot hehe. If only for movies and those games, it might be kinda nice.

I think the screen life on these LCD's will be about 10 years (60k hours), so we will probably look at the OLED's down the road when this one begins to lose it's display. I totally agree in that it's good to plan significant purchases ahead of time. Wouldn't want to go buying new tech unless it's going to be a good addition for a few years. :)

@Portalman- Yes I am a big fan of Samsung too. I bought my fiance' a 22" LCD monitor of that brand for his computer, and the contrast and response time are gorgeous. The first thing I notice about monitors are vivid color, and theirs always catch my eye.

@Nugget & Abandonship- I've heard a bit about burn-in with the Plasmas. Most people say that it's a lot less common nowadays but that news tickers and ui's can still be kind of hard on the screen. My other half (and I'm guilty of this too :D) will play games for many hours at a time, so it may be wise to err on the side of caution :)

@hognoshal- Yeah our house right now doesn't have a huge living room, it's pretty average. I think the 46" and the 52" will probably be the focal point either way right now hehe. But, I am fairly certain that when we buy our new house, that we are going to be moving into a slightly larger space, and so like you said, I kinda need to plan on that :)



Ok! So I asked my fiance' and his friends some rather innocuous questions last night to try and gauge what kind of TV's and tech toys they like. He said how he really liked his friend's HDTV and Blu-Ray and how he'd really love one some day. He mentioned how nice it would be to have a collection of his favorite movies in that format, and how when he saw 'Planet Earth' for the first time in HDTV that it made his jaw drop.
So, that kind of told me that 1080p is probably what he is wanting.

I slept on it, and thought of all the things ya'll have said about the size of screen. Everyone here had very good arguments for both ends of the spectrum!

I personally lean towards the smaller televisions. I just watch HGTV and play the 360 so I like the 36-46" kind of TV's. It seems like plenty to watch with to me hehe.
But, I will say, in the 4 years I've known my other half, he has exhibited 'Tim the Tool Man Taylor' tendencies lol. He likes things that are over the top... things he can really enjoy and show off with his friends. I think he's like some of you who would go for the bigger TV if given the chance. And like you all said, this is a purchase one should really make every 5-10 years.

In the end the gift is for him, so this morning I conceded, and placed the order for the 52". It scares me a little bit to think about it but I think it will strike a chord with his Y Chromosome. Maybe for my birthday I will ask for a 54" Armoire so I can hide the damn thing haha :)

I'll let you know what he thinks of it.

Thanks again everyone :D
Well I figured I would bump this with an update for anyone who was curious how my fiance's birthday went.

I kicked my darling out of the house (in a nice way) last Saturday around noon to give me time to set up his new TV and other toys in secret. All told, it took about 6 hours to get the furniture moved around, devices hooked up, and everything calibrated.

I met him in town for dinner and when we got back to the house, I blindfolded him and lead him into the living room where his present was. All his friends were in the room waiting so it was so funny to watch his reaction when we took the blindfold off!

Here's some pictures of his new setup:


I think we were watching the new Diablo III trailer in this one, but the flash kinda mucked it up. The computer is hidden in that cabinet under the smaller monitor on the left.



And the Xbox, Wii, PS3, printer, hd box, and 6 disc changer all live under the TV now. This picture was before I tidied the cables but oh well...

He was very, very happy with his present! Thank you all again for your advice. He thinks it is perfect!

Hooray (>-.-)>
Vexona said:
Well I figured I would bump this with an update for anyone who was curious how my fiance's birthday went.

I kicked my darling out of the house (in a nice way) last Saturday around noon to give me time to set up his new TV and other toys in secret. All told, it took about 6 hours to get the furniture moved around, devices hooked up, and everything calibrated.

I met him in town for dinner and when we got back to the house, I blindfolded him and lead him into the living room where his present was. All his friends were in the room waiting so it was so funny to watch his reaction when we took the blindfold off!

Here's some pictures of his new setup:


I think we were watching the new Diablo III trailer in this one, but the flash kinda mucked it up. The computer is hidden in that cabinet under the smaller monitor on the left.



And the Xbox, Wii, PS3, printer, hd box, and 6 disc changer all live under the TV now. This picture was before I tidied the cables but oh well...

He was very, very happy with his present! Thank you all again for your advice. He thinks it is perfect!

Hooray (>-.-)>
That is one very lucky man...
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@ Abandonship & Last Spartan- Thankya :)

@ 23Magnum- After about 2 or 3 minutes he said, "Wow, I need to change my pants!" and everybody laughed. XD

@ The Rob- Thanks! I opted for the 52" Samsung. It fits better in the room than I anticipated. The old CRT, even though it was like a 36" sadly took up more space and was waaay heavier 0_0. It kind of opened the room up getting that old bugger out of there :)
O.O It's been three minutes since I first saw it, I think I need to go change my pants, too! Lol, that is awesome, I'm sure you two will be together forever, just so he can get presents like that every year, lol :p
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