Agent Locke Helmet

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Its all good. Some things take time to get it right. Sucks that I put all that time into the Unfold, but it's no biggy. As long as it done right, that's what counts.
Would you mind if I took a look at the high resolution obj for 3d printing? I'd like to print this up but as you've seen the low poly pep obj
doesn't look great for direct printing. I have a good bit of experience with 3d modeling and 3d printing. I checked your earlier links
but the files have been moved/deleted.

Would you mind if I took a look at the high resolution obj for 3d printing? I'd like to print this up but as you've seen the low poly pep obj
doesn't look great for direct printing. I have a good bit of experience with 3d modeling and 3d printing. I checked your earlier links
but the files have been moved/deleted.


A high-res model doesn't exist. At least not from me. The .obj file is in the halo 5 archive. The only one I had available anyways.
A high-res model doesn't exist. At least not from me. The .obj file is in the halo 5 archive. The only one I had available anyways.

Ah, I see it now. I missed the post that you got someone to do a new low poly model. I thought you had gotten the zbrush model finished and decimated it.
Do you mind if I subdivide this to make a better 3d print file? I'd probably post the results to Thingiverse if that is alright.
Ah, I see it now. I missed the post that you got someone to do a new low poly model. I thought you had gotten the zbrush model finished and decimated it.
Do you mind if I subdivide this to make a better 3d print file? I'd probably post the results to Thingiverse if that is alright.

That's perfectly fine with me. Just be careful cause you'll lose a lot of detail when you subdivide it (if you use blender). So (if you're using blender) you'll have to fix everything. But if you do it, please be sure to post it here as well. Either here in this thread or upload it to the archive.
That's perfectly fine with me. Just be careful cause you'll lose a lot of detail when you subdivide it (if you use blender). So (if you're using blender) you'll have to fix everything. But if you do it, please be sure to post it here as well. Either here in this thread or upload it to the archive.

I know. I'm going to pick edges that need to stay sharp and max out their crease weight, so subdividing doesn't lose the details. I was already planning on doing this and fixing the intersection errors I just figured you would have modeled it is zbrush so there would already be a higher resolution model to work from.

I know. I'm going to pick edges that need to stay sharp and max out their crease weight, so subdividing doesn't lose the details. I was already planning on doing this and fixing the intersection errors I just figured you would have modeled it is zbrush so there would already be a higher resolution model to work from.


Any updates?
Hey Guys. I created a .pdo file ready for printing. I scaled it as 200mm height, but you can always change the settings and readjust the parts.

Now this is like my first Pep I've created from a .obj so it's not perfect. To be quite honest, I don't know if I did everything correctly.

I basically made the biggest pieces I could and fit it all onto 8 pages. I just noticed that some pieces have a bunch of lines that looks like it may be hard to cut or fold.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I'm going to try to print and build this within the next week or 2.

Download .pdo here:

Hey Guys. I created a .pdo file ready for printing. I scaled it as 200mm height, but you can always change the settings and readjust the parts.

Now this is like my first Pep I've created from a .obj so it's not perfect. To be quite honest, I don't know if I did everything correctly.

I basically made the biggest pieces I could and fit it all onto 8 pages. I just noticed that some pieces have a bunch of lines that looks like it may be hard to cut or fold.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I'm going to try to print and build this within the next week or 2.

Download .pdo here:

View attachment 13399


I know I had said that I wasn't going to release the unfold, because of the geometry issues. Would of hated to see you struggle with assembling your unfold. Even though mine has a butt load of more pieces to assemble, in the end it will be easier for you to put together. Saving you time, and saving yourself from pulling out all your hair off your head. Trust me on this one. I will say this. I believe the best approach to assembling this helm, would be to pep the area below the visor down to the end of the chin first. Then the cheek areas where the other geometry issues were. Those were my concerns to pepping the file. If you can pep those areas, then the rest of the helm should be good to go. Sorry, for not organizing the parts to fit the pages for printing. Would of been pointless to do so, at least until we know for sure the problem areas can be pepped. Hope all this helps.


  • HUNTED_zps3ldgbrwb.png
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I know I had said that I wasn't going to release the unfold, because of the geometry issues. Would of hated to see you struggle with assembling your unfold. Even though mine has a butt load of more pieces to assemble, in the end it will be easier for you to put together. Saving you time, and saving yourself from pulling out all your hair off your head. Trust me on this one. I will say this. I believe the best approach to assembling this helm, would be to pep the area below the visor down to the end of the chin first. Then the cheek areas where the other geometry issues were. Those were my concerns to pepping the file. If you can pep those areas, then the rest of the helm should be good to go. Sorry, for not organizing the parts to fit the pages for printing. Would of been pointless to do so, at least until we know for sure the problem areas can be pepped. Hope all this helps.

Thank you! I knew I a lot wrong but just thought it would be fun to try. Your's is much better and will be better looking in the end!
Im having an issue printing the 2d file. The paper is coming out black and you cant see the lines at all. Do you have any clue on how to fix this? (Ive used pep. programs before and never had this problem) An btw, GREAT model!!!!
Im having an issue printing the 2d file. The paper is coming out black and you cant see the lines at all. Do you have any clue on how to fix this? (Ive used pep. programs before and never had this problem) An btw, GREAT model!!!!

This actually happened to me last time I tried to print a .pdo. Ended up having to go to my brothers house to print the file
This happened to me three days ago. I ended up going into my device settings for the printer spooler. Turn it off then back on. Cancel all print jobs and reset pepakura to default settings. I dont know which of the two solved it, but i was able to print out a file just fine. My experience only.
Reviving the thread. I finally finished the unfold that savedbygrace made. I changed it up a bit. Check it out:

View attachment 15392 Hunter Helmet FINAL.pdo?dl=0

Man, can't believe that I didn't see this before, awesome work man! I knew it would be possible to pep this file regardless of the geometry issues. Got a message from fullmetal tonight about doing another unfold of the helm. He said everything is fixed, so whenever he gets around to sending it to me, I'll be taking a look at it.
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Man, can't believe that I didn't see this before, awesome work man! I knew it would be possible to pep this file regardless of the geometry issues. Got a message from fullmetal tonight about doing another unfold of the helm. He said everything is fixed, so whenever he gets around to sending it to me, I'll be taking a look at it.

Hey, letting you know your message box is full. But anyways, the new version is up in the archive ready for you to look at. The area you specifically pointed out is fixed. But like I said before, there are probably still quite a few micro folds. I did my best to get it worked out. Just let me know if you find any more issues and I'll fix them and re-upload again.
Just wanted to let everyone know, when nerdtron99 gets finished 3D printing the new high-res model and gives me feedback I'll upload that model to the archive as well.
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