Armorsmith designer doesn't want to open


New Member
Hello everyone

To explain everything quick i just paid armorsmith but right after installation, it just refuses to open and launch. I rebooted my pc but it didn't work.

Can anyone help me ?
Armorsmith has been experiencing some bugs recently. As of right now the web domain for the armored garage seems to have expired leaving the only way to obtain the program to be the gumroad domain. Seeing as the main domain has not been renewed, and there has not been an announcement as to why (as far as I'm aware), the program may not be supported anymore. Ideally you would be able to contact The Armored Garage and have them assess the issue.

There are still a few things you can try, however.

1. Check system requirements. The system requirements page is unfortunately unavailable from The Armored Garage, but an archived version can be found HERE. I've copied the system requirements below for your convenience:
Windows 10 or higher (NO MAC SUPPORT)
64-bit capable CPU
DirectX 11 capable GPU
Minimum 2GB of RAM

2. If you get a DLL error, this means there was an issue with the installation process, either the DirectX or Visual C Runtime dll's were not installed. According to the FAQ linked above you can try to fix this error by running the following:
C:\Program Files\Armorsmith Designer\System\VC_redist_x64_2022.exe

3. Run the program as administrator. Right click and hit run as administrator. This can resolve permission issues.

4. Reinstall Armorsmith and Reboot the computer. I know you've already rebooted the machine, but might as well do both just to be sure. Use a fresh download.

5. Hope you can contact support. The email is but like I mentioned earlier, many folks have tried to contact support about the domain being down with no response. Best of luck

I've done a bit more looking around on the wayback machine and have found another FAQ that deals with issues more specific to installation. You may find it quite useful. I'll like it HERE and I'll also copy it below.

Common Armorsmith Installation Issues​

Hey Armorsmithers, this week I'm going to tackle how to fix some of the common installation issues you might run into with Armorsmith Designer.


This error means something went wrong with the automatic DirectX installation that occurs during the installation process. The first thing to try is to run DXWebSetup. This can be found under:

C:\Program Files\Armorsmith Designer\System\DXWebSetup.exe

If this fails to run it could be because Microsoft has the DirectX servers down for maintenance. There's another option though, Armorsmith also has the full redistributable bundled with it so the next thing to try would be to run that. This can be found under:

C:\Program Files\Armorsmith Designer\System\Redist\DXSetup.exe


This error means that something went wrong with the Visual C++ Redistributable installation. This can be easily remedied by running the necessary Redistributables manually. Run the following four items to make sure everything is installed correctly. Right-Click the following and choose Run As Administrator.

C:\Program Files\Armorsmith Designer\System\vcredist_x64_2010.exe

C:\Program Files\Armorsmith Designer\System\vcredist_x64_2013.exe

C:\Program Files\Armorsmith Designer\System\vcredist_x86_2010.exe

C:\Program Files\Armorsmith Designer\System\vcredist_x86_2013.exe


Usually if Armorsmith doesn't seem to open it's because DirectX failed to initialize. The reason for this is usually because your graphics drivers aren't update. To remedy this, try updating your graphics card drivers. Refer to online documentation for how to do this for your brand of GPU.


This one is not very common, it's an error that indicates something is not installed correctly in your Windows installation folder. It could be something that was already installed or one of the prerequisite installers that runs for Armorsmith.

The first thing to try is to make sure that you have all of the latest Windows updates installed. Next try rebooting your computer. Once your computer has rebooted try running the first two installation fixes mentioned in this article. Once those have all finished installing try opening Armorsmith again.

If it's still refusing to run that means there's something wrong with your Windows installation. I can't offer much advice here besides following some of the suggestions that come up under Google for this error message.


Sometimes after an update there are items in the settings from previous installations that might conflict with the current update, or the settings file might be corrupt. We try to be diligent to check for all of those but sometimes things can be missed. The first thing to try is deleting your settings file. This can be found by opening windows explorer by pressing the Windows Key+E. Then click


Delete the DefaultSettings.xml file and try running Armorsmith again. If this fails, it might be a conflict with your saved Avatar or the Avatar itself might be corrupt. So try deleting the following file:


Now try running Armorsmith again, if that still doesn't work, try nuking the whole ArmorsmithDesigner folder here in your Documents and that will essentially treat Armorsmith as a brand new install.

If you run into any installation issues which aren't mentioned here don't hesitate to reach out to or contact us on the Facebook Group where there's lots of members willing to lend a hand figuring out the issue.
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Thank you for your response, i just tried the reinstallation stategy to no avail.

Armorsmith doesn't want to show himself, it just appears on my task manager as a back process.

Edit : My pc runs on direct X12, could this be a part of the issue ?
My pc runs on direct X12, could this be a part of the issue ?
Unfortunately I do not know. I’m only going off what the website said, I’m not actually familiar with troubleshooting the program. I wish I could be of more help :(
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