Assassins creed vs Call of Duty 4

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Well the both look like great games, but if i were you id get COD4 because the multiplayer will give it a longer gamplay value and you wont get bored as easily. Plus here are some of the cool features theve added.

You can shoot through most walls depending on the thickness and your weapon ect.

You can cut the grass with your knife to get a clearer shot.

You can pick up an enemy grenade after its been thrown and throw it back.

Now you can create custom classes.

If you criticaly wounded you can use a side-arm while your dying on the floor to kill people.

You can unlock new attatchments for you weapons, and you can unlock lots of guns.

Well thats some of the good pointer's for COD4, thats where my $$$ goes. Or you could always wait till they come down in price.

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