Australian Event Calendar 2025


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello and welcome to the events megathread for 2025. I'll keep this first post updated with any dates or convention changes or new announcements as needed. Feel free to use this thread to talk about which conventions you are thinking of attending and for any meet up requests or suggestions. We will do as much panning as we can here, or on dedicated threads.

But first a few housekeeping requests:
1. Please run meetups through Regiment Staff if you are wanting to organize your own so that we can support you in running it and if we already have official things in the works, so that we can bring you into the planning for that.

2. Please keep eye catching text to a minimum in this thread so our official announcements don't get missed. We will make a big deal out of our announcement posts for maximum visibility while viewing the thread.

All known larger convention dates are as follows, if something is missing let us know and we will add to it.
The format is DATE - NAME - LOCATION

Any event that is in coloured text has an official meet up planed and the information can be found within this thread.

March 22/23 - The Game Expo (TGX) - Melbourne, Docklands
March 29/30 - Supanova - Melbourne, Showgrounds
April 5/6 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Perth, PCEC
April12/13 - Supanova - Gold Coast, Convention & Exhibition Centre
May 24/25 - Generation Games - Sydney, ICC
May 31/June 1 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Adelaide, Showgrounds
June 7/8 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Melbourne, MCEC
June 21/22 - Supanova - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)
June 20/29 - Supanova - Perth, PCEC
July 5/6 - AvCon - Adelaide Showgroud
July 12/13 - Smash! - Sydney, ICC
August 9/10 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Canberra, EPIC
September 13/14 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Brisbane, BCEC
September 20/21 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)
October ???? - PAX - Melbourne, MCEC
November 1/2 - Supanova - Adelaide, Showground
November 7/8 - Supanova - Brisbane, BCEC
December 6/7 - Oz Comic-Con XMAS - Melbourne, MCEC

Those same dates but organised by state:

March 22/23 - The Game Expo (TGX) - Melbourne, Docklands
March 29/30 - Supanova - Melbourne, Showground
June 7/8 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Melbourne, MCEC
October ???? - PAX - Melbourne, MCEC
December 6/7 - Oz Comic-Con XMAS - Melbourne, MCEC

May 24/25 - Generation Games - Sydney, ICC
June 21/22 - Supanova - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)
July 12/13 - Smash! - Sydney, ICC
September 20/21 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)

April12/13 - Supanova - Gold Coast, Convention & Exhibition Centre
September 13/14 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Brisbane, BCEC
November 7/8 - Supanova - Brisbane, BCEC

May 31/June 1 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Adelaide, Showground
July 5/6 - AvCon - Adelaide Showgroud
November 1/2 - Supanova - Adelaide, Showground

April 5/6 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Perth, PCEC
June 20/29 - Supanova - Perth, PCEC

We look forward to seeing everyone this year!
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first off, thankyou so much for this! Super good thread to have.

just want to add AvCon for SA: July 5/6 - AvCon - Adelaide Showgroud (shocker)

I'll be attending all SA cons, hopefully fully deployed! The plan is also to fly out to the GC for the April Supanova, meet some mates I've got over there, and also meet a few of you!

This is subject to change, I'd likely just try to go to one con where the most people are planning on attending. So I'm just gonna keep my eyes and ears open!
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CYNE 739 I must have missed their announcement! Will add it now, personally hoping to make it back to avcon again this year, last year was so much fun!!!

SgtSaint We will tend towards keeping things the same as in the past where we can - but we would appreciate people running things through regiment staff before setting meet up times and events just incase we have anything slightly more official set up with the convention itself.
So please standby for official meet up. Suggestions like yours absolutely welcome, but lets not jump the gun.

If we could keep the eye catching text to a minimum, so we can save it for officially announced meet ups so as not to cause confusion if information changes
SgtSaint I don't appreciate the rather rude insinuation about me and my staffs capabilities of organising meet ups.

You were not smacked, you were encourage to make suggestions like you did, but reminded that things should be run through staff before finalizing official meet ups only because we may have something big and exciting worked out for the event and not because we don't want you to do things. We want it to be collaborative, because regiment staff are doing things behind the scenes.
And over on discord you were also encouraged (along with everyone else) to reach out and be more officially involved in the organizing if you DID want to organize a meet up.

So you were not smacked, no one asked you to keep your mouth shut, you were encouraged with a reminder to just check with staff first.

If you want to help run the meetup, you just have to say so, and we can help you run it and liaise with the convention for you about getting official meet up times on the schedules etc. I work at most of these conventions Saint, I have been attending them and working them for more than 10 years, I know the staff in charge of them, the people responsible for booth space and for stage programing etc and I'm trying to use those connections to make this year even better for us.
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Saint, I've been the RMO for as long as there's been an RMO, I actually co-started the entire regiment. I have organised many many events across Australia before you even lived here - including in Queensland. I have been contactable and involved the entire time, and there are a total of 3 staff members in our regiment. Alex, was put into his role by myself and the previous RCO, and was made the point of contact for your events because he lived there just like you said. Just because you haven't had direct personal contact with me before, although we have actually interacted a few times online, even once in person, so I personally would not say that I am an unknown.

I am sorry you feel like your state has seen less interaction from Staff than others, you are however the state with the most meetups. Unfortunately we only manage to get conventions to work with us at Sydney events as they're deemed the biggest events where they can afford as a business to have us there without charging us for booth space etc. If you wanted to try and get the ball rolling on events in your state, you could contact staff and we would gladly help you set up something big and official. As someone who attends practically all of the conventions in Australia for work I too do that, and I thank you a hundred times over for your efforts in growing our community and our regiment. We are after all a community. Again, I and the other members of staff have been available and contactable the entire time, and the chain is a two way street. If you want or need help just ask, we are here to help.

You're right, I did respond to you and then add similar statements to the top of the thread so that any new readers would have also received the same fair instruction you were given without having to read down through the posts to have access to that information.
When you responded to me it seemed as though you misunderstood what I said and my intent, so I elaborated for you and tried to reafirm that you werent in trouble and that we would love to help you or anyone else run meetups more officially potentially with conventions.

I did not intend to chastise you, I simply stated that meetups should be run via staff and said to please let us know what you want to do so that we can help you. I reminded you that there are some rules in place put there by higher ranking staff than I.
Ultimately I offered help should you want it, and just asked you to make us aware of any ideas or plans you had, so that we could support you, or merge our plans together to create a really cool experience for members.

The problem with your message is that due to the visual and written formatting it came across as you saying "this is whats happening" when nothing had been finalised. The meet up location and time has been there since the first meet up I organised for that convention, and it will probably remain that way for many more years. However I simply asked you to hold off from making definitive statements, as we are actively talking with this convention, and may if we're lucky have a booth - in which case the meetup location would change.

Yes, the point of this thread is so that you can do that, theres no need for private communication. You just need to say "are we planning anything for XXXX convention?" or "I would like to do XXXX at this convention" etc. Again I think my previous point is where this has stemmed from, your message was very definitive and not collaborative. I apologise for potentially misunderstand you original intent behind the message but I hope that you can see why I asked for the formatting changes that I did.

I am trying to make this year a big year for us, and that does mean theres a lot of private conversations happening between staff and events that I cannot share with everyone until things are locked in so as not to mislead or get anyones hopes up. If you want to be involved in helping make this year big, all you need to do is @ me on this thread with your ideas and I will do everything I can to support you ideas.
SgtSaint your continuing replies to this official thread with your personal grievances in a space that is specifically for organising convention meet ups for 2025 is derailing the thread quite significantly.

I have no idea what you are referencing here and while I understand you may be frustrated by whatever you're referencing if you have issues with staff you are encouraged to - as per the rules - private message members of staff about it. Doesn't have to be me, but members of staff, privately. Additionally as per the rules, content of this nature including other responses (eg: mine) may be removed by people who outrank me and have the forum permissions to do so.

You do not need to be argumentative here, nor do you need to be aggressive. Just please keep in mind who else will be viewing or looking to participate in this thread and that you may be making it difficult for them to do so with your behavior. I have explained my intent with my requests more than once and it is not my responsibility that you are failing to understand, willfully ignoring my offers of support and help, or choosing to feel victimized by this.

Your current responses aren't appropriate in the context of this threads purpose. If you would like to air any grievances I am formally asking you to air them in another space that is not an official Regiment thread, if not privately where necessary.

I am currently in the process of locking in my convention work for the year and may or may not be available for an in person meet both during and outside of the convention due to the nature of my work. Should I find some time within my obligations, I will reach out.
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My last post:

@SgtSaint your continuing replies to this official thread with your personal grievances in a space that is specifically for organising convention meet ups for 2025 is derailing the thread quite significantly.

I give as I get. I reply in-kind. You took this up in the official public thread. I replied in the same space. Maybe with the next person you take a conversation off-thread if you want it to be-off thread. But don't get mad at someone for replying to you in the same space as you commented.

If I could delete the posts themselves I would. That's not in my power. I deleted the content. If you want to nuke the comments themselves... your own comments(?)... and sanitize the thread back to it's original content and intent, please don't let me stop you.
I am the RCO of the Australian Regiment, I responded publicly to inform and provide clarity to some of my statements to you and everyone else on how things will be proceeding officially this year. The information is relevant to members other than yourself and while its fine that you responded in the same public space, you continued to bring in unrelated grievances and furthering the argument you seemed intent on having with a Staff member and so I asked you as per the rules, to move them to private channels and put what I thought was a very definitive end to this line of conversation that you have ignored.

I deemed responding to you publicly appropriate to add closure to a public conversation and also as beneficial for other members to see that those are the protocols to be followed should this happen in the future. That there is a system for them that does or does not include me to air their grievances, and that AusReg staff are willing to support members in running their own events, and all we ask is that they let us know what they want to do before doing it. I also provided you and everyone else with some information about myself and my history with the regiment incase other people also didn't know who I was.

I am not mad at you for replying to me or for any of what has transpired on this thread, I am frustrated with your continued disregard for myself and the rest of the regiment as well, at your failure to acknowledge requests by a staff member on an official thread without arguing.

Any further dialogue regarding what you have experienced or your grievances with this conversation should be brought to my direct messages or a member of Division Staff, further instigation on this thread will be noted and action may be taken.

Upon review by Division Staff this thread will be cleaned so that it may be used for its official and intended purpose.
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Sadly Generation Games has been cancelled and will not run this year, so I will be crossing it off the list. Stay tuned for more event info soon!
Not one of the bigger shows - I've not been personally - but I recall seeing a variety of cosplays posted after last year.
Something for those not in the Brisbane / Gold Coast area.
October ???? - PAX - Melbourne, MCEC
Thought I'd send through an update here, the dates for Melbourne pax are the 10th - 12th of October.

It is also the main interstate event I am now planning on attending; Temple and CMDR Dark Light convinced me. (it didn't take alot)

And since it's in Melbourne, it'll be a simple 8 hour drive for me. Done it before a few times, excited to do it again. And to anyone else in Adelaide, feel free to hit me up if you want to tag along! We can split accommodation, fuel costs etc. (also would love to have a yap buddy, makes the trip significantly faster)
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