Australian Event Calendar 2025


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello and welcome to the events megathread for 2025. I'll keep this first post updated with any dates or convention changes or new announcements as needed. Feel free to use this thread to talk about which conventions you are thinking of attending and for any meet up requests or suggestions. We will do as much panning as we can here, or on dedicated threads.

But first a few housekeeping requests:
1. Please run meetups through Regiment Staff if you are wanting to organize your own so that we can support you in running it and if we already have official things in the works, so that we can bring you into the planning for that.

2. Please keep eye catching text to a minimum in this thread so our official announcements don't get missed. We will make a big deal out of our announcement posts for maximum visibility while viewing the thread.

All known larger convention dates are as follows, if something is missing let us know and we will add to it.
The format is DATE - NAME - LOCATION

Any event that is in coloured text has an official meet up planed and the information can be found within this thread.

March 22/23 - The Game Expo (TGX) - Melbourne, Docklands
March 29/30 - Supanova - Melbourne, Showgrounds
April 5/6 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Perth, PCEC
April12/13 - Supanova - Gold Coast, Convention & Exhibition Centre
May 24/25 - Generation Games - Sydney, ICC
May 31/June 1 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Adelaide, Showgrounds
June 7/8 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Melbourne, MCEC
June 21/22 - Supanova - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)
June 20/29 - Supanova - Perth, PCEC
July 5/6 - AvCon - Adelaide Showgroud
July 12/13 - Smash! - Sydney, ICC
August 9/10 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Canberra, EPIC
September 13/14 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Brisbane, BCEC
September 20/21 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)
October 10-12 - PAX - Melbourne, MCEC
November 1/2 - Supanova - Adelaide, Showground
November 7/8 - Supanova - Brisbane, BCEC
December 6/7 - Oz Comic-Con XMAS - Melbourne, MCEC

Those same dates but organised by state:

March 22/23 - The Game Expo (TGX) - Melbourne, Docklands
March 29/30 - Supanova - Melbourne, Showground
June 7/8 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Melbourne, MCEC
October 10-12 - PAX - Melbourne, MCEC
December 6/7 - Oz Comic-Con XMAS - Melbourne, MCEC

May 24/25 - Generation Games - Sydney, ICC
June 21/22 - Supanova - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)
July 12/13 - Smash! - Sydney, ICC
September 20/21 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Sydney, Showground Olympic Park (The Dome)

April12/13 - Supanova - Gold Coast, Convention & Exhibition Centre
September 13/14 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Brisbane, BCEC
November 7/8 - Supanova - Brisbane, BCEC

May 31/June 1 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Adelaide, Showground
July 5/6 - AvCon - Adelaide Showgroud
November 1/2 - Supanova - Adelaide, Showground

April 5/6 - Oz Comic-Con (OZCC) - Perth, PCEC
June 20/29 - Supanova - Perth, PCEC

We look forward to seeing everyone this year!
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first off, thankyou so much for this! Super good thread to have.

just want to add AvCon for SA: July 5/6 - AvCon - Adelaide Showgroud (shocker)

I'll be attending all SA cons, hopefully fully deployed! The plan is also to fly out to the GC for the April Supanova, meet some mates I've got over there, and also meet a few of you!

This is subject to change, I'd likely just try to go to one con where the most people are planning on attending. So I'm just gonna keep my eyes and ears open!
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CYNE 739 I must have missed their announcement! Will add it now, personally hoping to make it back to avcon again this year, last year was so much fun!!!

SgtSaint We will tend towards keeping things the same as in the past where we can - but we would appreciate people running things through regiment staff before setting meet up times and events just incase we have anything slightly more official set up with the convention itself.
So please standby for official meet up. Suggestions like yours absolutely welcome, but lets not jump the gun.

If we could keep the eye catching text to a minimum, so we can save it for officially announced meet ups so as not to cause confusion if information changes
My last post:

@SgtSaint your continuing replies to this official thread with your personal grievances in a space that is specifically for organising convention meet ups for 2025 is derailing the thread quite significantly.

I give as I get. I reply in-kind. You took this up in the official public thread. I replied in the same space. Maybe with the next person you take a conversation off-thread if you want it to be-off thread. But don't get mad at someone for replying to you in the same space as you commented.

If I could delete the posts themselves I would. That's not in my power. I deleted the content. If you want to nuke the comments themselves... your own comments(?)... and sanitize the thread back to it's original content and intent, please don't let me stop you.
Sadly Generation Games has been cancelled and will not run this year, so I will be crossing it off the list. Stay tuned for more event info soon!
Not one of the bigger shows - I've not been personally - but I recall seeing a variety of cosplays posted after last year.
Something for those not in the Brisbane / Gold Coast area.
October ???? - PAX - Melbourne, MCEC
Thought I'd send through an update here, the dates for Melbourne pax are the 10th - 12th of October.

It is also the main interstate event I am now planning on attending; Temple and CMDR Dark Light convinced me. (it didn't take alot)

And since it's in Melbourne, it'll be a simple 8 hour drive for me. Done it before a few times, excited to do it again. And to anyone else in Adelaide, feel free to hit me up if you want to tag along! We can split accommodation, fuel costs etc. (also would love to have a yap buddy, makes the trip significantly faster)
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Rollcall time!
Supanova Melbourne starts 10am tomorrow at Melbourne showgrounds, anyone attending?

We haven't planned an official meetup for this event due to estimated low Halo cosplay attendance - however we are not all knowing and would love to be proved wrong in this estimate.

With that being said - if you are attending and would like to hold your own meetup on our behalf for this event you have our blessing! Just let us know where and when so we can boost the message.

Stay tuned for announcements about OZCC Perth and Gold Coast Supanova :D

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