So, I have a question... what does gummy worms + coffee = ?

Well, at least the beginning of one! I have to wait for daylight because I can not see what the heck I am doing, especially since the next part is black on black.
Here is what I have so far.
Here is the cut-out of the diameter of my neck, plus the back portion of the seal
Here is the template and rough cut of the front piece
Finished front piece
Finished rear
Propped (from the rear sort of). The tape I was using is horrible for holding onto the foam.
Propped from the front. These pieces will be attached with 3" wide black woven elastic so that I can get my head through it. It will need to stretch nearly 10" to clear my noggin. I will have to reinforce the craft foam piece with a couple of 1" black woven elastic to prevent it from taking the brunt of the stretching stress.
Well, I can scratch the neck seal off the to-do list! It may look a bit uncomfortable and seem like it limits my range of motion, but it is and does not! Unfortunately, after I took these photos, and removed the suit, I noticed four small tears in the back of the seal. Luckily, they did not spread and I was able to repair and reinforce them. Now you can not even tell it tore... but now I will reinforce the whole thing as a precautionary measure.
The front piece is attached by three 1" woven elastic pieces, and is "spring loaded". This keeps it tight to my neck, but also allows me to move it forward with little to no effort.
After I finish reinforcing it completely, I will take some more shots and post them. I am really happy with the way this came out. Far better than my expectations for sure
EDIT AGAIN! After comparing my neck seal to the reference picture's, I realize that the chin sticks out WAY too far. Luckily, it is easier to cut away excess than it is to add! Also, I realized I missed a couple of detail cuts on the throat plate... also, easily fixed. Now for a nap and then I will correct these minor inconsistencies.