Aztlan's Halo 4 Rogue + Binary Rifle + M6H + Exo-suit WIP, PIC HEAVY!

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Well, this is it! (or at least it better be, or I am going to go crazy!!!)

I am now coming up on 100 hours into this grenade, and it is finally starting to take shape. I have 4 of the 6 sides done, 6 of the 20 LEDs installed, and have test fitted the corner spikes. All is progressing nicely, and hopefully I will have a completed project here soon so I can get back to the Needle Rifle :)


Test fitting one of the spikes


Some of the internal wiring and LEDs



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Looking great! What is it that you used to hole the pieces together?

Thanks! So far, everything is being held together with two part epoxy putty, J-B Kwik weld steel, and Gorilla Glue brand two part quick set epoxy. I may shore it up with some form of internal bracket if needed, but so far, it does not look that way.

I also forgot to mention that I had to rewire all the LEDs due to the fact I had used solid core wire and it kept breaking when I moved it too much. Luckily, I am getting better with the soldering iron and finally purchased a soldering "helping hands". Not only do I love the idea of the alligator clips to hold my projects, but also the soldering iron holder because I am sick and tired of burning things on my work desk! So far my victims have been the work desk itself and my laptop (on a good note, only superficial damage!).
Cool, thanks for the info. Looks as if it was rather easy to shape the stuff. hope that was the case.
Cant wait to see this baby lite up :)
You make this look way to easy. What is the name for the clear plastic you used for the needles and spikes? The stuff I bought from my local art store was a little yellowish when it dried.
Yep, Arcanine got it right :)

Quick update.. sort of... I have taken a few days "rest" and am just sorting out the few remaining steps for the grenade in my mind before proceeding.

In addition, I picked up my honeycomb pattern custom cut painter's tape 28"x28". I told them I would "pick" it myself. This means I am going to take all the centers of the honeycomb out manually. I like it because I may be able to use them later, but holy cow there are a metric ton of them to pick!

Also, my major purchase for this month was a Xbox 360 and HALO 1-4. Having the load issues with 4 though... which really peeves me off since that was the main reason why I got it... for reference! I am currently trying different solutions to try and fix it.
thats too bad about halo 4, im trying to find good quality reference pics, but the ones i find arent what im looking for:( hope the painters tape was worth the cost, im going to try and atually make the hexagon texture 3dimentionally with a plaster mold then pouring latex. i always have a problem with assembling closed forms...
Hope you have better luck than I :D
Really late on this, but having disappeared for 3 months I was finally able to get caught up with... half your thread! Minus the videos I've yet to watch those, but boy. This is by far my favorite thread on the site and most informative. Your foam-work on that exo-suit, just so beautiful. Truly inspirational, gettin' me all fired up to dig my hands into some foam for my own suit in, hopefully, a few weeks. Glad to be back and up-to-date with your work. I still can't believe I missed a livestream! Ugh, breaks the heart.
Thanks 214 :)

So, I got Halo 4 to work finally... at the cost of a new 360... I went way over my budget for this month... which brings me to what I am doing to make up for it.

I have to put my projects on a slight holding pattern for daytime builds and only will be able to work on them in the evening for the next couple of weeks. Reason? I have finally agreed to take on a paying project. Now, this is not Halo related, nor is it armor, but it is still pretty cool. I have a client that wants me to take the rear end of his car that was in an accident, and chop it in half and make a trailer out of it. The cool part is, he has an identical car which will tow it. It is a Geo Metro LSI, which have a pretty cool body style (newer one that is). I have already done a ton of work on the replacement car, like swapping out the interior from the wrecked one, installing a new stereo/amp/speakers, repairing the hood, and getting ready to rebuild the engine as well. I will try and keep up you all up to speed with my builds in the meantime too. The grenade is still progressing, but very slowly since I am really trying to make sure it comes out "just right" and the LED wiring is in a current state of "rat's nest"!
I actually got some work done today!!!!

I soldered up the main circuit board in two separate lines; one for the sides (resistor added) and one for the corner spikes (resistors already in place on their individual circuit boards). All in all, this will have 15 circuit boards and 20 orange LEDs. All that is left now is to add the last four spikes, attach the last side (will be held in place by magnets), and then paint :)

Here is my wiring rat's nest so far


Lit up on my work bench


Lit up in a bit darker environment, with me holding it for scale


It will look so much better when I finally get some paint over that nasty pinkish Rondo mix!!!


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How do you plan on mounting it to your armor? Looks great so far. Have you progressed any on the chest and grape bucket (helmet for all you non military types).
Nice work on the grenade, Spartan. I'm impressed to see how well this little project has taken off.
Your knife is so sick! And the grenade is some high grade craftsmanship. Will be checking back in on this project often for sure. I'm sure some more amazing stuff will be coming. Keep up the great work!
How do you plan on mounting it to your armor? Looks great so far. Have you progressed any on the chest and grape bucket (helmet for all you non military types).

Thank you :) I am thinking I will be using 1" wide nylon straps in a cross shape on the beltline with Velcro to allow it to be removed. The chest and melon protection unit are coming along slowly since I only work on them when I get stuck on my other projects. Now that I will be finishing this one tomorrow, I will focus more on the armor and work on the Needle Rifle when I get stuck on those :)

Looking amazing, cant wait to see it done :) Maybe mounting with magnets or a pouch?

Thanks again! The idea I stated above is similar to a pouch, but will allow it to be more visible when worn. It is too heavy for magnets though!

Nice work on the grenade, Spartan. I'm impressed to see how well this little project has taken off.

Thanks to you since you are the one that got me motivated to do it!!! :rolleyes

Your knife is so sick! And the grenade is some high grade craftsmanship. Will be checking back in on this project often for sure. I'm sure some more amazing stuff will be coming. Keep up the great work!

Wow! A blast from the "past"! Thanks for the compliment on the knife... it is one of my victories that seemed to get overshadowed by the rest of my builds and also the only one that I never once ran into any hiccups on!

Sadly, (NOT!!!) the grenade will be off my workbench tomorrow and placed on a high shelf which is far away from little hands that occupy my house until a later time when it can be displayed with a full suit of armor :) All that is left to do now is to paint. This project was a serious challenge for me, but I am so glad I took it on and am very happy with the results.

Here is where I am, just before painting. A night shot to really show the lights.


An indoor shot with flash to better show the details


And lastly, the wiring fiasco and countersunk magnets I used to make access to the inside. Two of the spikes on the top are attached to the lid, and the other two are attached to the body. This allows the lid to lock in place.


I will update tomorrow after the paint has dried :) :)


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Evakura bends down to pick up pogey bait(cookies, all Spartans love cookies), Crimmson pushes him and runs away with the grenade. stops and stares at cookies, Evakura runs away with grenade while Crimmson eats remaining cookies


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Extremely impressive work there, Spartan! I can't wait to see how you pull off the gloss black paint.
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