Anyway, i sorry to ask this and sound super annoying, but i need was wondering if you could tell me were to get those sniper pepp file, and dude, ive check all 14 pages of this forum. Do you have a direct link or something, did i miss something? also, like you, i enjoy building cool things with pep. I've even got a huge Halo1 tank ready to build. and thank you so much for the cardboard tip. i always had problems closing the weapon up. but it seems that the cardboard trick helps. but it was too late for my poor SMG T-T. oh and do you know a good pep SMG?! this one was origonaly crappy, but it was the best i could find......<.< sorry if you feel lm nagging you. its just your the only person right now i think has the solution to my problem right now, and thats not being able to make a descent pepp weapon. Thx if you actual took ur time to read this and actual respond. thx n_n
(ruined SMG)