Wow Devin, I didnt think anythign could top just your Helmet, but this.....I literally fell outta my chair and started choking on a grape (damn grape ) I'm lost for words. This is incredible and the best work I have ever seen, and I know NO ONE can top your skillz (in my book anyway )
wow.... just wow....
EDIT: oh after i pulled myself back into this chair and watched you scare the hell outta your wife's cat, I nearly fell backwards laughin hahahaha, at least I wasnt eating another grape
don't wana sound like a jerk to the rest of the forum but that is the best damn MC armor around. the fact that the details work perfectly with the h3 model is stunning. love it. only the boobys look a little to big but that could just be me
It's snakes now, I just put a down payment on a cute little male Coral Albino RTB (possible Paradox) ....hahaha as if you knew what that meant lol. Ok back to ooglin over BlueRealms armor
BlueRealms Armor=Secks
EDIT:....OMG I DONT THINK I CAN TAKE ALL THIS AWESOMENESS ALL AT ONCE! That underarmor looks PERFECT!.....My head is spinning... I gotta go lay down....