Soft Parts Bodysuit armor


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As somebody who's printed some undersuit pieces in TPU, I don't recommend it for the whole thing (at least, not without some modification).

TPU, even at a low shore hardness rating, is still fairly rigid. It's not like cloth or silicone where it can bunch and stretch where needed.

You can get away with using it for the collar/neck seal, and maybe even the abs. Around critical joints like shoulders, elbows, and knees you'll find it to be incredibly stiff. You'd be pretty uncomfortable around the hips/thighs, too.

What I'm doing is I printed the ab wrap and shoulders out of TPU, but I'm going to cut them up into segments along the pre-existing lines and attaching them using stretch fabric so they can still deform and shift where they need to.
As somebody who's printed some undersuit pieces in TPU, I don't recommend it for the whole thing (at least, not without some modification).

TPU, even at a low shore hardness rating, is still fairly rigid. It's not like cloth or silicone where it can bunch and stretch where needed.

You can get away with using it for the collar/neck seal, and maybe even the abs. Around critical joints like shoulders, elbows, and knees you'll find it to be incredibly stiff. You'd be pretty uncomfortable around the hips/thighs, too.

What I'm doing is I printed the ab wrap and shoulders out of TPU, but I'm going to cut them up into segments along the pre-existing lines and attaching them using stretch fabric so they can still deform and shift where they need to.
Mobility was something I thought about. Also cutting it into segments and attaching some fabric crossed my mind, but I wasn't sure how much work I'd be getting into.
Mobility was something I thought about. Also cutting it into segments and attaching some fabric crossed my mind, but I wasn't sure how much work I'd be getting into.
It'd just take some patience, but won't be difficult to do as long as you're careful about making sure your pieces are aligned properly. You'll likely have to find a way to add some way to be able open it, like a zipper or some velcro along the back. It might not be easy to just slip on and off without damaging the seams.
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