Build 2 - MK-VI gen-3. With some silver timeline influence

That does look slick! And essential to take a breather without having to take off the whole helmet.
New profile Pic!
That does look slick! And essential to take a breather without having to take off the whole helmet.
It breathes pretty well. But nice to pop the face plate to take a drink or have some food. Or try to negotiate with a vendor at the convention.
Fair enough. I was just thinking the same thing. Real life has been getting in the way of what is supposed to be "slow but steady work to avoid 'con crunch' in the last week." It's just so easy to look at the countdown and think...
> I've got so much time, I can skip a day and focus on other things like earning a living.
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The next thing you know an entire week has slipped with no progress. 4 months to the next convention are going to go by in a snap.

The Spartan inside the armor.
I've been pretty good about hitting the gym regularly. I've stayed on weight at 92kg but dropped 3% body fat. So that's progress in the right direction.

Under suit
Finally cleared out and setup a dedicated sewing room. Ran some experiments for various bits and techniques to make a silver timeline under suit. Gathered pretty much all the materials I think I'll need. Now I just need to actually do the work.
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The Armor itself
Boots, shins, thighs, helmet, belt/cod/butt - all printed.
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Then when it came to the chest & back... well... I just couldn't find a scaling that I was in love with. I'm pretty barrel-rib-cage. So every time I would widen out the torso enough to get on, the over-the-shoulder width was just so wide it severely limited range of motion. Maybe I'm dreaming but I'd like to be able to reach my own rifle slung on the back.
Then I came learn that Armorsmith does distortion as well as just scaling. I had never known this. In all the posts I had never seen this and the program doesn't have any kind of 1 week free trial so you can learn some things hands-on. If it weren't for a YouTube by 'Frankly Built' I don't think I ever would have found out. Armed with that new information I bought the program and have immersed myself in learning it. I was able to take the torso parts and tweak them in a trapezoidal way where the shoulders stayed closer to the neck but I pulled the ribs wider /[]\
Another few days on the printer for the {next} new chest and I love it. Now the back is on a printer for the next 17 days. Yes, 17 days to print the back as a single part, no seams. Yeah it seems like a while, but to me, just one guy's opinion, I like it better than 8 parts, 2 days each for the same amount of printer time and then I'd have to glue & seam it all. And then trust that I don't bust it at a seam some time showing off, playing combat photo shot at a convention or something silly like that.
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Then comes the daughter
When your 28y.o. princess comes to you and asks... "Do you think you could make me a Bo Katan Kryze so we could go to the convention together?" What are you going to do? You tell her that you'll print it and teach her to do all the sanding, painting, sewing etc. And it was a good way to get better with Armorsmith. Nothing like father-daughter bonding time, over power sanders.
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I have got to get in there and start sanding, painting & sewing.
My wife did the same thing to me last year when I was about 85% done with my Mandalorian except that I got to build the entire outfit, she just put it on ... lol


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Helmet update:
Fans are in. LEDs are in but deliberately dim-ish so they are seen but don't throw off cameras pointed at the face.
External USB battery banks (no room inside), that matched enough of the cylindrical helmet cam profile. Its not a HUL, but I think it looks in-universe.


Magnetic USB to the helmet cam makes for an easy turn on/off. Just dumb luck the camera does that behavior when power is applied/removed without having to hit any buttons.

Helmet update:
Fans are in. LEDs are in but deliberately dim-ish so they are seen but don't throw off cameras pointed at the face.
External USB battery banks (no room inside), that matched enough of the cylindrical helmet cam profile. Its not a HUL, but I think it looks in-universe.
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Magnetic USB to the helmet cam makes for an easy turn on/off. Just dumb luck the camera does that behavior when power is applied/removed without having to hit any buttons.
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The external battery packs are so clever!
Re-organized my sanding station a bit. Moved all the sanding tools and supplies to a 'stack'. Top box is two layers of sand paper for the machines. Boxes in between are Dremels, files, hand sanding tools etc. Bottom box is various sanders.
Moving to a new 2024 build - closing off this thread.
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