Build 2 - MK-VI gen-3. With some silver timeline influence

12 build days to the convention. I'm not targeting Halloween tonight or anything. Still just aiming at Supernova-Brisbane.
Today worked a lot on 'wearability'. Improving the self-dressing experience. Comfort. Range of motion. Fit and continued work on the Silver timeline undersuit elements.
Is there anything worse than a selfie shot in a mirror?


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12 build days to the convention. I'm not targeting Halloween tonight or anything. Still just aiming at Supernova-Brisbane.
Today worked a lot on 'wearability'. Improving the self-dressing experience. Comfort. Range of motion. Fit and continued work on the Silver timeline undersuit elements.
Is there anything worse than a selfie shot in a mirror?
View attachment 337848
just bad a@@ i love the way this is comming out i guess you are going to make me build another suit lol. but for real man this is a awesome build..
Love all the details your going to on the under suit bro! Really gives me inspiration to get back into doing my masterchief suit.
Holy moley it's beautiful! Amazing work as always!
You are always incredibly generous with the kind words. Thank you!
On to the distressing - because clean armor is for parade detail and raw recruits.
I haven't decided how far I want to go... Just dirt and grime and historical abuse... or are we talking fresh blood bath? Hmmm...
Does anyone mind if I leave this here for a bit, so it doesn't get dirty while I clean up the workshop so I can airbrush, weather and and distress this?

View attachment 338120
I know you're going to weather this, but there's also something that looks SO good with it in "like-new" quality. Like you just got back from the repair bay, or it's a new suit right off the production line.
I know you're going to weather this, but there's also something that looks SO good with it in "like-new" quality. Like you just got back from the repair bay, or it's a new suit right off the production line.
True. But sadly **I** don't look factory new anymore, at my age.

So I need to make the armor look as old and haggard as I am. hahaha :lol:
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