Builds By Baz - Full scale MKII Colonial Viper

I've been researching the instrumentation inside the cockpit, drawing from several sources around the internet. Mostly I'm trying to keep it as accurate as I can, and I really like the cockpit layout in the life size MK II that went up for auction a few years back.

Many of the instruments are everyday items in modern aviation, along with a few consumer bits of tech for the last 40 years or so.

Some of the instruments I can source on ebay and the like, others I just have to scratch build. All I needed was a known dimension so that I could scale the rest, using educated guesswork and a Vernier caliper.

I have an altimeter being sent to me, but these other two instruments I have built from scratch, using the Perspex from a refrigerator crisper drawer, a discarded McDonalds food tray and some printed reference photos hot off the internet.



More stealthy work after dark. Everything measured and marked for cutting. Next daylight session- just cut!



Got the spar for the second module ready to go.

Finished up on the stringers on module 2 at the back. Bolted in a top reinforcing longeron on module 2, some strengthening brackets on module 1. Happy that module 1 is going to support itself on the end of module 2, so it's now onto skinning it with some foam and beginning to sculpt.

Also, the port side switch for the cockpit arrived in the mail. A rare find and thanks to another Overclockers member for helping me with that.


A good OCAU citizen just sent me this. Port side cockpit control. Awesome!!!

You should have seen the markings he put on the box. Pissed myself laughing when I received it! I'll get a photo of it later.


Tonight's work on the front intake.

I've used ply as a face, pine timber as a frame, plastic bread crate as filter and aluminium angle and flat bar as the grille and louvres. Still got to get a stack of flat bar to finish the louvres.





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