How do you find such time to do the astonishing, over the top builds? You make my small builds look like child’s play. Amazing job so far this thing looks like it could dam well fly.
That's just it mate. Time. Time is everything. Without time, nothing exists. Without time, there is no start, no journey and no finish.
If I had the power over time, these builds would be done in a month. Most of my builds have historically taken years. As it is, once i have completed my day job and my responsibilities as a father, I get very little of this precious time to work on projects. It becomes a time management issue. With practice, the art of time management goes hand in hand with the actual art you are practicing.
If I get a day off, I use a lot of it for the noisy stuff with power tools etc. If I get a half hour free at the end of the working day, same same.
At night, after the kids are all in bed and the kitchen is clean, I go into the shed and do the quiet stuff like electronics and cutting stuff with blades, etc, but no hammering or power tools. The drill press and the lathe are the only two I can use that are quiet enough not to annoy the neighbours.
Failing that, nights are spent drawing and planning, researching the craft and setting up for the next phase.
All the while, life gets in the way and CONSTANTLY interrupts the plan, especially when I'm on a roll. Frustrating, but another couple of big skills that have to be learned, practiced and developed are patience and determination.