this is super off topic (on my part) but to john 117 u seem way to optimistic about everything :mrgreen: not that thats bad. just kinda noticed. hittin the prozak a bit hard lately aye? :mrgreen: srry if that offended you i just found it interesting :]
this is super off topic (on my part) but to john 117 u seem way to optimistic about everything :mrgreen: not that thats bad. just kinda noticed. hittin the prozak a bit hard lately aye? :mrgreen: srry if that offended you i just found it interesting :]
really? that was hard to understand (crap i must sound like an idiot to peeple) :mrgreen: well "hittin the prozak a bit hard lately" means using it too much or to heavily. :]
really? that was hard to understand (crap i must sound like an idiot to peeple) :mrgreen: well "hittin the prozak a bit hard lately" means using it too much or to heavily. :]
not to be mean to everyone but we should probably just focus on makeing our own armor and only post update about the licenced or use it in conjunction with pics of our own armor to compare/contrast the dif. As for the rest of the neg. comments...... we all know what we as a large group of hard core fans think about most all licenced costumes (not just this one) and we can leave it at that. 2 threads of at least 5 pages eachis way to much to flame something.(this is almost as bad as that plasma pistol flame)
really? that was hard to understand (crap i must sound like an idiot to peeple) :mrgreen: well "hittin the prozak a bit hard lately" means using it too much or to heavily. :]
Besides, humor makes the room a lot more relaxed. Not all the time I am happy, but when I am, It glows. :mrgreen:
Anyhoo, back to the topic: (it is dieing I think) I think the armor is not much of a biggy, because folks when see Adams armor, and say: "I want that instead." Plus, all the folks who buy this armor, will come here, and might be tempted to upgrade there armor. So either way, its a win win deal for this website.