Re: Burt's MJOLNIR Mark VI LD Build

Here's my finished MJOLNIR Mark VI suit. I started this on June 22, 2015 and finished on July 18, 2015. A little less than a month of work. I did between 4-8 hours of work on this every day.
Some facts:
I used 1.25 gallons of Fiberglass Resin. (One Gallon & One Quart - I should have used 2 gallons but thats a lesson learned for next suit.)
I went through 2 pairs of respirator cartridges.
I used around 40 50cent paintbrushes.
I used around 100 latex gloves
3 cans of Spruce green Satin Rustoleum spray paint. 2 cans of gray primer. 2 cans of black satin rustoleum spray paint. 1 can of chrome paint. 1 can of hammered black
Only used medium sand paper, and did all of it by hand, got most of the big drips and mistakes with the dremel. Lesson for next suit is to get a palm sander and a lot more sand paper.
Its HOT! I wore this around my house and heat up pretty quickly. I only have one small fan in the helmet (I didn't realize how tiny the Mini fan was... ordered a second one today) so two should be perfect.
My mobility is horrid. I can't touch my toes, I can kind of sit down, and I can't see my feet. I can move around pretty easily, its just certain moves are inhibited by armor haha.
Overall, I'm really happy with how it turned out. I LOVE my suit! This is my first cosplay, and it was a really fun project. There's still a few tweaks I need to do, and keep working on fitting, and possibly make it easier to get into.
I want to make a detailed undersuit and possibly add lights to more pieces. I'm going to get some good photos here as well with a friend.
Thanks for checking out my thread, and hope you like my suit!

Here's my finished MJOLNIR Mark VI suit. I started this on June 22, 2015 and finished on July 18, 2015. A little less than a month of work. I did between 4-8 hours of work on this every day.
Some facts:
I used 1.25 gallons of Fiberglass Resin. (One Gallon & One Quart - I should have used 2 gallons but thats a lesson learned for next suit.)
I went through 2 pairs of respirator cartridges.
I used around 40 50cent paintbrushes.
I used around 100 latex gloves
3 cans of Spruce green Satin Rustoleum spray paint. 2 cans of gray primer. 2 cans of black satin rustoleum spray paint. 1 can of chrome paint. 1 can of hammered black
Only used medium sand paper, and did all of it by hand, got most of the big drips and mistakes with the dremel. Lesson for next suit is to get a palm sander and a lot more sand paper.
Its HOT! I wore this around my house and heat up pretty quickly. I only have one small fan in the helmet (I didn't realize how tiny the Mini fan was... ordered a second one today) so two should be perfect.
My mobility is horrid. I can't touch my toes, I can kind of sit down, and I can't see my feet. I can move around pretty easily, its just certain moves are inhibited by armor haha.
Overall, I'm really happy with how it turned out. I LOVE my suit! This is my first cosplay, and it was a really fun project. There's still a few tweaks I need to do, and keep working on fitting, and possibly make it easier to get into.
I want to make a detailed undersuit and possibly add lights to more pieces. I'm going to get some good photos here as well with a friend.
Thanks for checking out my thread, and hope you like my suit!