C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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whoever made the map for the convention needs to be informed that the direction north is a thing and if you're not going to make north the towards to top of the map, at the very least they should indicate which direction is north. What is this smh XD


Building Overview (East is Up)

Show Floor (South is up)​
Just want to give you all a very big THANK YOU for the absolutely amazing weekend I had with you guys! You are all so much fun to hang out with, take pictures with, make reels with, and be friends with. All of your suits looked so great! I only wish I was able to spend even more time with you guys.

An Extra special thank you to all of the Staff that made this booth possible. I know you guys do a metric butt ton of work behind the scenes and we are all so thankful for the work you guys do to make cons like this as awesome as possible! Thank you to all the folks who were in talks with the convention to get us a booth, all the folks who came early to set up the booth, everyone that helped plan and organize, the panel people, and our photographers. You guys are the ones that made this con so enjoyable for someone like me! Thank you so much!

I'll see you all next year for C2E2 2025!!

Lots of love <3
It was SO AMAZING to finally meet most of you in person! Y'all were so welcoming and I had the best con experience I've had in a loooong time.

Shout outs to:
- All our staff there, you guys were absolute legends at keeping things running smoothly and making sure we didn't get too crazy.
- Everyone that helped with booth setup and cleanup for making the booth look :love: FABULOUS the whole weekend.
- Everyone that volunteered their time to do outreach for the 405th at the booth.
- Everyone that picked up that hardlight coil and treated it like a football :lol:
- People that shuttled humans, spartans, creatures and props to and from the con floor, Monker's house, and the hotel
- Monker for putting up with us shipping a pallet's worth of boxes to his place
- All of our international travelers for coming out to see us 'mericans!
- All the amazing wacky snacks and drinks shared during the con (that corn soda was killer and the Mexican candy ODCA brought was awesome!)
- Everyone in costume that is probably STILL sore from Saturday morning's shoot and walk
- All of your dope looking suits for prom. dapper lookin' spartans, y'all!

You guys are the BEST group I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with, and as Monker mentioned, 100 PEOPLE FOR C2E2 2025 LETS GOOOOOOOO!
If all goes well I might be able to volunteer my home for storage of supplies since I live close to the con.
It was so awesome to meet folks at C2E2! We came to the con to just shop some art and see Brandon Sanderson in person, and walked away with an awesome community to hang out with, and so welcoming to even folks who don't know Halo from a hole in the ground.

I guess the only thing I'm upset about is now I'm gonna buy an XBox :lol:
It was so awesome to meet folks at C2E2! We came to the con to just shop some art and see Brandon Sanderson in person, and walked away with an awesome community to hang out with, and so welcoming to even folks who don't know Halo from a hole in the ground.

I guess the only thing I'm upset about is now I'm gonna buy an XBox :lol:
Welcome to the crew. It only gets crazier from here.
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