Calladar's Kat WIP

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Jeez I go away for a bit and you're all done???!!!
As always excellent work friend. I feel very happy for you. After a bunch of false starts on my own armor I have to say I feel an odd sense of completion with the end of this build. Your Kat looks like a million bucks!!!!
started working on a tutorial of how i work with the foam. little more intense than i am use to. usually i get into a gruve and just run with it. i am having to tell myself to stop. take pics of how i am doing things. lol. learning experience for me as well. about half way through the part and began work on a video of how i unfold pep for foam. first attempt of video was little over 10 min. tooo long in my opinion so going to try and streamline it. getting tired and have to work the next two nights so calling it a night and going to be back on it on Friday. should have something up in the next few days.
started working on a tutorial of how i work with the foam.

thats awesome! im really interested in how you know what shapes to cut out and how they piece together so nicely. im pretty good with pepakura but cutting and glueing just sucks, did i mention the cutting sucks too.

and awesome job on the kat suit!!!!
started working on a tutorial of how i work with the foam. little more intense than i am use to. usually i get into a gruve and just run with it. i am having to tell myself to stop. take pics of how i am doing things. lol. learning experience for me as well. about half way through the part and began work on a video of how i unfold pep for foam. first attempt of video was little over 10 min. tooo long in my opinion so going to try and streamline it. getting tired and have to work the next two nights so calling it a night and going to be back on it on Friday. should have something up in the next few days.

I was actually starting to put together a tutorial for foam building. :p After I finish up my build, I will start to put more work into it and once I got a lot and enough information, I was going to to post it.
You're suit came out looking great. Love the paint job. Thank you posting the latest pic's, it give the rest of us a very good idea on what this should look like.
ok, time to put on my buzz killington hat.
are you going to make the spine? and the boots look a bit odd, though getting the right shape for the boots will be tricky.
other than that, its looks aweosme, especialy for a foam build. the paint job is perfect
I was actually starting to put together a tutorial for foam building. :p After I finish up my build, I will start to put more work into it and once I got a lot and enough information, I was going to to post it.

maybe we could work together on one to be able to put up both of our techniques? just an idea

You're suit came out looking great. Love the paint job. Thank you posting the latest pic's, it give the rest of us a very good idea on what this should look like.

thanks. still workin some things out and some pieces i may remake once i have the other kits done.

ok, time to put on my buzz killington hat.
are you going to make the spine? and the boots look a bit odd, though getting the right shape for the boots will be tricky.
other than that, its looks aweosme, especialy for a foam build. the paint job is perfect

yea the boots i am not too happy with. that is something i may remake later. but it was a one night build from scratch and the reference pics i had sucked.. i now have alot better reference pics so like i said earlier. once i have the other kits made going to revisit and probably rebuild. want to get as much done as possible before dragon con then once done if time will remake / tweak the kits.

yes i am going to do the spine. i am waiting on wife to get her under suit which is on order and then once it is in i am going to make the spine pieces and then probably use Velcro to attach them to the under suit.
ok didn't do much with kat because i went and picked up some syntra today. have seen alot of people working with it and i wanted to see what it could do. I figured a basic start so i decided to build my knife for my carter build. liked working with the stuff.. real similar to working with balsa just a little harder. it was not as stiff as i thought it was going to be. a little more flexible than i thought. so this was the first attempt.


note: i have been working on the tut. i was originally going to use the gauntlet for the tut but once i got into it the pieces were just too small and the detail to the piece did not lend well to explaining the process that i use. so starting a thigh (larger) piece to show the process.


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Man, that comat knife looks awesome. Great job. Where do you get syntra? Is it found at local hardware stores, or do you typically have to order this stuff online? Keep up the good work.

P.S. your Kat build is inspirational my man.
Man, that comat knife looks awesome. Great job. Where do you get syntra? Is it found at local hardware stores, or do you typically have to order this stuff online? Keep up the good work.

P.S. your Kat build is inspirational my man.

i have a friend who does vinyl signs and i asked her about it, because it is used alot for the vinyl signs, and she checked with her local supplier and they had 3mm and thicker in stock. it cost me $22.50 for a 4/8 sheet of 3mm. she went and picked it up for me when she went to get some more vinyl. online i could not find it any where near that cheap. soo check with you local vinyl guys and make friends and see what they can do for you.
i have a friend who does vinyl signs and i asked her about it, because it is used alot for the vinyl signs, and she checked with her local supplier and they had 3mm and thicker in stock. it cost me $22.50 for a 4/8 sheet of 3mm. she went and picked it up for me when she went to get some more vinyl. online i could not find it any where near that cheap. soo check with you local vinyl guys and make friends and see what they can do for you.

Thanks Calladar for responding, I'll check this out. I'm always looking for new ways/methods to this craft. Be good buddy and keep up the great work.

Halo reference in Duke Nukem Forevor... Freakin sweat!!!



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Amazon still hasn't shipped my BoS edition, says it will get here the 21st. probably should of paid the shipping to get it the day of release.
Amazon still hasn't shipped my BoS edition, says it will get here the 21st. probably should of paid the shipping to get it the day of release.

that sucks. just had a reference to dead space but happened so fast i couldn't take pic.. lmao.. playing this game.. been too long of a wait.
sorry for no updates i have been working on my carter suit since the kat is most of the way done. i have finished the knees...

and after finishing my boots for my carter build and scratch building them instead of using a file i like them allot more than the ones i made my wife and a few have pointed out that mine look better than my wife's soooo.. tonight i am going to make these.

look like these..

i will document how i do this with the foam since allot of people have asked about how i made the boots out of foam. hopefully i will have some progress pics up before the night is over.


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