Calladar's Kat WIP

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thanks. getting there. Ok i now have the robo arm about done. have some trimming to do and some clean up. was able to tie the wife down for about 30 min to take some mesurements and cut a pattern out of paper real quick and get to work and about 4 hours later i have the arm almost done.

still waiting for the putty and flexable primer but should be here in the next few days. for now here are some pics of the robo arm.








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Looking pretty sick Calladar. Keep it up buddy!

Thanks. starting to get the hang of the foam and i must say i am enjoying it more than the paper pep. can actually see progress while doing it and the foam is a little forgiving if the cut isn't right on. also it is easier to get creative and make your own parts to fix a part that you either don't like or just want to alter slightly.

Also when i was making the other forearm for my wife ,she could not fit her hand through the wrist part and all the way through. two little cuts with an exacto knife... cut a wedge (thin triangle piece).. spread the foam apart and put the triangle wedge in place and open the hole a little bit more and.... wife can now get her hand all the way through the piece. YAY!!! i didn't have to make a new one... OK here are pics of the other forearm (non robotic)..





done for a little bit. go back to work tomorrow night.. ugg working on new years eve. this should be fun.. also i am still waiting on the putty to get in so i can try that out. next post should be after i get the putty in and have a chance to experiment.


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Ok got in the putty and flexible primer.. I have tried it out and the first attempt was not too promising. the putty is flexible as advertised but it seems to be more like bondo glazing putty.. works but only for small imperfections. another problem i ran into.. does not bond real well to hot glue. also the foam seems to soak it up. sands relatively easily so that cleanup was easy. I am going to try and prime the piece first and then put on the putty and see if that helps a little. it's a start just not the Finnish that i wanted. one more try and then on to something else if it doesn't work the way i hoped.
wow! very nice work, you are pretty good with the foam as i can see, great job so far and keep up the very great work :)
thanks road kill..

one word well i don't know if it is a word or not but i am running with it..... ARRRGGGGGGG@!#$%^$#@%...... my freakin hot knife broke. get what you pay for. bought a cheap one and it lasted about a week before it literally snapped. piece of junk. just ordered a little better quality knife. should be here tomorrow and then i will be back at it

not much new other than i made the left shoulder and it was too big. didn't really like the way i made it and i am going to start over and scratch build it. i think i can get it to look the way i want it.. using a pep file for the template didn't really work the way i wanted it to. needless to say my son grabbed it and laid claim to the shoulder piece for his build. hopefully some more in a couple of days.
Thanks bradinator.. not done with the robot arm.. i am going to make it look like there is a hydraulic piston in the gap on the side and going to add some wiring and el wire.

i had to take a small break from the kat suit while i evaluated my game plan. was talking with my daughter this morning and long story short she wanted me to make her a grunt. soo i started playing wit that idea today. started making the head out of foam from scratch. i will going back and forth between the suits so may be slow going on this WIP but i will get there. Dragon-con bound..

check out the Grunt Wip:

thanks for all the support.
I was actually gonna use the bionic arm on my reach multiplayer build, my design is simple, and really realistic, but it probably only works for people as thin as me.
I Love Foam. I have been getting better with it and once i have learned from trial and error (mostly error) i like it alot more than the pep / harden / fiberglass... but at any rate... i have not worked alot on the kat suit.. i have been working on my daughter's grunt and it is coming along. i did get the cod done but i don't know if i like it. needs alot of detail work and seems to just be missing something... i am going to be working on the thigh pieces tonight so i should have some pics up here in the morning.

thanks for all the comments and support.
ok got both thighs done. i left some of the detail off of the right thigh because i am going to put magnets in it and hang a gun.. so i left it so it could be flat for a gun to hang off of. i also finished the cod by the pep file and i don't really like it. missing something thinking of putting pouches on the hips or something just tooo flat or something i just can't put my mind on it. i know i still have alot of cleanup and some shaping to do but it's just missing something. but here are pics. any suggestions on the cod would help with wrapping my mind around it.




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ok got both thighs done. i left some of the detail off of the right thigh because i am going to put magnets in it and hang a gun.. so i left it so it could be flat for a gun to hang off of. i also finished the cod by the pep file and i don't really like it. missing something thinking of putting pouches on the hips or something just tooo flat or something i just can't put my mind on it. i know i still have alot of cleanup and some shaping to do but it's just missing something. but here are pics. any suggestions on the cod would help with wrapping my mind around it.

Looking Great!
I made the cod too, and had the same thoughts! BUT I figured it out, on either side or the front there are two details, like two rectangular depressions, heres it on cheif, look to the left of the two circles on the side of his cod.....


Its in reach too, Hope this helps!

sowwy for massive pic.....:)


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that's the same thing i was thinking. Wife wants me to put pouches on the side for her phone and a camera. so that should add some too it. and then add some detail..

I have had one hell of a week. my Wife ended up with pneumonia and in the hospital so been rough around my house. she is home and resting and on the mend. have to go back to work this weekend and then back at it on Monday.. thanks for all the comments and i will have more up here shortly.
ok i was not in the mood to make any more pieces still have te shins and feet to make. i decided to start smoothing. i used the flexible spot putty to blend the seams. this stuff works great. just rough to sand. it you use anything coarser that 120 grit then it just makes it worse. but 120 grit works like a champ to take off the high spots then like 320 grit to sand it down nice and smooth. really like this stuff. goes on like glazing putty with your finger and this stuff goes along ways. does not do real well to fill in big/deep spots but for seams works great. here is what i have been doing.



i also decided to play with a sliced weapon build...




have to work this weekend so will be back at it on Monday.. only so many months left till dragon-con and i still have three more kits to make.


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ok i was not in the mood to make any more pieces still have te shins and feet to make. i decided to start smoothing. i used the flexible spot putty to blend the seams. this stuff works great. just rough to sand. it you use anything coarser that 120 grit then it just makes it worse. but 120 grit works like a champ to take off the high spots then like 320 grit to sand it down nice and smooth. really like this stuff. goes on like glazing putty with your finger and this stuff goes along ways. does not do real well to fill in big/deep spots but for seams works great.

Nice, I've been looking for something to hide my, um, crappy work. Did you buy this stuff online? And if so where?

have to work this weekend so will be back at it on Monday.. only so many months left till dragon-con and i still have three more kits to make.

Big project, don't forget to chew between bites
Nice work btw
i got the flexible spot putty from amazon for $8.95.

word of advise. it does not stick really well to hot glue.. so if you have hot glue exposed where you want to use it there might be an issue. what i found works well with it is to spray the foam with plasti-dip and then apply the flexible putty and there will be no issues. afterwords you could if you want put on another layer of plasti-dip for final smoothing or just go on with paint. after sanding i have been spraying a layer of flexible primer / filler to smooth everything out the rest of the way and then sanding that lightly and have been able to get decent results. Does not compare to the old and true method of resin and bondo for details but decent results.
Looking great, can't wait to see this one finished. I may end up doing one too for my wife, ya never know.
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