Spartan Will 043
Wow, very good job
I can't wait for the next update ^^!
I can't wait for the next update ^^!
Looking pretty sick Calladar. Keep it up buddy!
ok got both thighs done. i left some of the detail off of the right thigh because i am going to put magnets in it and hang a gun.. so i left it so it could be flat for a gun to hang off of. i also finished the cod by the pep file and i don't really like it. missing something thinking of putting pouches on the hips or something just tooo flat or something i just can't put my mind on it. i know i still have alot of cleanup and some shaping to do but it's just missing something. but here are pics. any suggestions on the cod would help with wrapping my mind around it.
ok i was not in the mood to make any more pieces still have te shins and feet to make. i decided to start smoothing. i used the flexible spot putty to blend the seams. this stuff works great. just rough to sand. it you use anything coarser that 120 grit then it just makes it worse. but 120 grit works like a champ to take off the high spots then like 320 grit to sand it down nice and smooth. really like this stuff. goes on like glazing putty with your finger and this stuff goes along ways. does not do real well to fill in big/deep spots but for seams works great.
have to work this weekend so will be back at it on Monday.. only so many months left till dragon-con and i still have three more kits to make.