Can you repaint foam armour??

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Member DIN
I'm going to be participating in an upcoming trunk or treat event at my church, and I really want to do a red vs blue theme. I've got my new red and white suit that will be just dandy for red team, but that only leaves my blue team friend with my not-very-blue master chief suit. So, my question is, has anyone here had a good experience repainting their armour? If so, how many times have you repainted your armour? This is foam armour that has been sprayed with plasti dip and spray paint. I won't have to repaint the helmet because I have an identical one and I can use.

And if I decide I don't want to go through all the trouble of repainting armour for a one night event, what do you think I might do to make this green Spartan undeniably blue team? Perhaps a blue cape?
I think you'd be right to just paint straight over it! As long as you're not building up heaps of layers that start equating to a few mm in thickness I don't see it being a problem.

Turns out repainting is no trouble at all! I just sprayed the new colour right over top of the old clear coat. I did get a few very small wrinkles on some of the pieces, but I think that's more because I was doing this in a hurry and didn't give the paint enough time to cure, especially in this cold weather. But they're only noticeable if I point them out, you really can't see them at all! I printed a new chief helmet because I didn't want to paint over the Jeff Steitzer signature I have on the original helmet. Overall, I'm quite happy with the new look!

Great job and the repaint bro, awesome that you could use it to help in your church event!
Side note: for those people who never throw anything out. 3 years ago when I made my chief suit I made a second visor for the helmet. I never planned on changing it, but I kept the visor jusssst in case I made another helmet in the future. And so I did! So if you're ever wondering if you should throw something out, just think: you might need it in three years. You can thank me later for your hoarding addiction :p
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