Card Stock

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SH_Jack said:
Metric... Does it say the paper weight in grams per square metre? If so it should be 160-200 gsm, preferably on the higher end of that range.

nope all it says is 28.76 m
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Oh, well.. Then I have no idea if it matches the sort everybody else is using. Oh well, as long as it's sturdy and works well enough for you, it's awwwwight.
The best and easiest way I've found to get the cardstock nice and printed is to go to a printing place. The place I went to was REALLY cheap, just the print room at my college. They ran all nine pages it took to make the helmet, and only charged me like 35 cents. I got the highest thickness of cardstock that they had, and it was also availible in colors (if you'de like it that way) Anyone can go and print there too, not just students. As long as you pay, they don't care. Glue I borrowed from my roommate, who bought it at the dollar store, some super cheap, quick dry super glue.

PS: If the printing place happens to print it wrong, which is something that is prone to happening at home too, if you tell them you don't like it then they will reprint it until you do, and they shouldnt make you pay for it either
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