- Member DIN
- S2424
I would be most appreciative!!!!! Thank you SGSRTcameron!!!!!
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Thanks PerniciousDuke.... Now to find the right hinges and locking clasps.
No problem. Hopefully someone who's done a hinge helmet can chime in because they are out there, but probably hard to find without combing through a lot of threads. I did a hinge on my Pipboy (linked in my signature). I just used regular tiny cabinet hinges I found at a bigger hardware store. Something you'd use on like a jewelry box. and I literally just screwed them into the fiberglass. Not the greatest idea, but it worked. I also used superglue (or locktite) on the threads and the underside of the head to keep it in. And I hot glued the threads so the screws didn't poke me. I'm pretty sure I took some good photos of it for that thread. (post #23) The latches were a bit trickier for me, and I think I just got lucky.
Glad to hear you're at Dirtdives' normality.I got my last bike on craiglist. It was older, in great condition, and like 1/10th of the price new. Also when I got there, the lady was like, oh do you need a helmet, here, do you need a bike pump, here, do you need and extra tire tube and a bike lock! Lol. Sadly she was quitting biking, but it worked out for me.
Nice pep work ya got there. I had to cut open the neck areas on all 3 helmets I've done just like Pernicious Duke said. The files are ripped from the game where the world of physics doesn't apply. By enlarging the neck opening I didn't feel much was lost in the overall look.
Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh........I'm in NY. We don't have people out this way giving stuff away for free........We're lucky if it doesn't get stolen from us on the way home......out of the car....while we're still in it!!!
Ok I have another question. The arms for the Centurion are on the same PDO file, hand plate, forearm and bicep/shoulder. For my measurement should I be going from fingertip to top of shoulder or wrist to top of shoulder or to the armpit?