- Member DIN
- S2424
Awesome work there. Making me want to do a Pep build now.![]()
Way to go Dirtdives! The armor looked great at sci-fi to begin with and now the helmet sells it!. warning Krissy will point out the bare neck showing. She did it to me as well. Way to go Spartan!
Guys, you have no idea how incredible you guys are and were for the last 2 YEARS!!!!!! Well, 1 month shy of 2 years since I joined the 405th to be exact. And now my suit is finished and I have taken it out on its premier showing and man-o-man was it a great feeling to walk in to NYCC wearing it......until the first person looked at me and said......"Pacific Rim right?".........uuuuhhhhhhhhh.......Then it went even further south......"So which Transformer are you?"...........And of course, it was inevitable, 90% of the time I was being addressed as Master Chief. Now I know the H5 isn't the newest game on the block, but come on people!!!! That 10% though, more than made up the difference in how I felt. It got better from there though.....much better, to the delight, dismay and exasperation of my kids. I don't usually overshadow their costumes, but I couldn't get 2 feet w/o getting stopped for a photo op. Everyone wanted to stop me and take a pic w/ me or of me.
I'm not a vain person but it felt so gratifying that everywhere we went, I got stopped or got the thumbs up or the oggoling stare of amazement. My daughter is sifting through the 300+ picks that she took so I'll have those ASAP but here area few to wet your appetites:
I thought this was a mistake on the part of the camera...then I realized that it was because of my suits color...It kind of matched the backdrop of the "Green" screen and blended the overlay into my suit. Very cool. Looking forward to the new Stargate Command show!!!
I got to try out a Covie Plasma Rifle. I should have angled it a bit more to show it off. It was a heavy piece of work!!! At least 10 lbs. I would have left something like this at home instead of carrying it around.
And this was the parting group selfie as we left.
As I said, I''ll have the rest of the pics up soon. Also, I'll have a damage report and points I think that need improvement as well and before any one says it.......NECK SEAL....I know. But dam...this was fun as hell!!!!