So for the past 1/2 month or so I have been semi-working on my really isn't an update when I say "I painted then sanded" and then a few days later again "I painted and sanded" so I had to wait till I had something more here is my update:
So I painted and sanded my helmet a few times.......

.....and made the opening a bit wider so my monstrous noggin can fit through. Then I had a great idea about the inside padding. None what so ever. The last helmet I built for my son the entire thing had padding inside it and it acted like the portable cone of silence (Get Smart reference for all you youngsters) but for a single person. So I wanted to avoid that. I took the insert out of my old Samurai helmet, which was an old construction helmet, and wanted to somehow attach that to the inside.

After a few aborted attempts, I though the only way to get it to work is if I shoved the whole thing inside my Centurion helmet.........which obviously didn't fit.......but what if I only needed the section that the insert attaches to? like this:

and sure enough it fits right in....
So now when I wear it, I have plenty of space around my head for any fans and/or lights that I want to install and the best of all, the brim is adjustable and sits on my head centrally so my head isn't over-weighted on any one side. I can rotate my head w/ no issues and it sits high enough that it doesn't interfere w/ the chest piece.
Now on to the visor, the details, the fan (lights later), and touch-ups on the suits straps and paint, and I'm done. Oh wait....I still have my son's ODST to finish.......

Oh and as an added touch, I have my call-sign in Vinyl ready for install around the collar of the chest piece: