That's "hey chicka bump bump" kinda sexy!!!
That is starting to shape up sexy Dave.
Masterfull work as usual.
It's amazing how a quick coat of primer makes of all your hard work just POP!! I know I'm not alone when I say thanks for sharing your hard work and methods with all of us. This continues to amaze....keep up the great work sir!!
Damn it Dave! Why do you do such amazing work? The back looks SO GOOD! This Mk VI puts all others to shame. (no offense to all others lol)
I'm very eager to see the arms and legs and cod and boots turn out just as good. Keep it up Dave!
As always, awesome update! Those lower center details are a very nice touch. Having smaller areas with fine detail like that really compliments the bigger, smooth expanses. I'm sure whoever did the armor design for the Mk VI would totally dork out if they saw this. Love it!
As usual youve exceeded all of our expectations and youve raised the bar. This is definately shaping up to be a higher quality then even the fabled adam or bluerealm suits. Definately jaw dropping. I wish i could see this in person.
Slightly off topic, one shot shows your toolbox setup and i thought that that alone was an impressive feet. Cannot wait for the next update, makes me want to get off the train, run the three kilometers home and finish my helmet. Kudos for inspiring us all to reach for a new level
Oh my god man! That is truly amazing! I hope I'll be able to see the suit in the end in person eventually!
It's starting to look like a "Epic work of art.":cool
This is all looking rediculously amazing! I can only hope to end up with something half as epic as this!
That's "hey chicka bump bump" kinda sexy!!!
That looks amazing! The inside of that mold looks so smooth. I want to crawl inside of it and live there!! Haha
Now the casting assembly line can start!lol
Cereal Killer is the Old Spice man of the Halo world.
Great attention to detail and quality!
Terry Crews or Isaiah Mustafa?
*Grabs the tent, coffee maker, and sleeping bag and runs to be the first one in line* That looks great! I really like how it came out. Do you have any idea on how much the price of a cast would be? I've already started saving for one of these bad boys.
I probably sound like a fangirling little boy right now, which isn't far from the truth.
If I didn't already have a helmet, I'd probably go for one of these.. but then I'd have to upgrade EVERYTHING on my suit to match the quality![/QUOTE
Thanks man! Well if you ever change you're mind, you know where to find me!
Cereal Killer is the Old Spice man of the Halo world.
Great attention to detail and quality!
Terry Crews or Isaiah Mustafa?
Naw, I'm just kidding, I meant Isaiah Mustafa.
You guys freaking kill me!
... And its Isaiah Mustafa fo sho!
Glad to hear it went well. How many layers did you end up putting on? And you just let me know what it's going to take to get my hands on one of those bad boys.
Its so pretty... *wipes a tear from face* lol
Great job dave![]()